Our "d'town d&d" game Session 5: Scalpels and Sledgehammers
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Session 5: Scalpels and Sledgehammers

4/6 15:00
5/6 10:00

An encounter with a hag, a meeting with the mayor, and an unexpected dusk.

Mary's Little Lambs

With time to spare on the day of their arrival to Mudwater after shopping, the party (via Vita's insistence) decided to investigate the crying from outside of town, where they happened upon a hag named Mary that appeared to have been kidnapping townsfolk. Unable to kill her, but able to save the two captors, the party returned to town for a night of rest.  

A Dance of Diplomacy

After a bit of intra-party friction, and a navigational tool from Xenk, everyone awoke the next day to Bulgey's request for company on his meeting with the mayor. He was unable to convince anyone to join him in his sham, however Fork tagged along at a distance, feeling guilty about his actions the night before. Bulgey, successfully keeping himself from getting cornered in a lie, was regrettably unable to secure much more than passage to Riverbell in the meeting.  

Sun Fall

Returning to the inn with Fork, they witnessed the sun unexpectedly dropping from the sky to the southeast, triggering panic in the population and shockwaves of various sorts to shake the town. Regrouping with the others, after watching Tilly's magic nearly wipe the party, their presence is requested by Commander Alban Cobcastle, who tasks them with clearing the southern road, ahead of the mass of evacuees he expects will be following in a day or two. Paid up front for the job, and healed up at Vera's Cathedral, the party makes final preparations to leave down the darkened road.

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