Our "d'town d&d" game Session 9: Of Gambles and Gods
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Session 9: Of Gambles and Gods

6/6 10:00
6/6 11:00

The party interrogates their prisoner, contemplates their next move, and makes it.

Details of the conversations can be found in the links within their summaries in order to keep this palatable.   The detailed account of this session can be found here.   As the party collects themselves after the ambush, Wick sends his familiar to track where the fleeing members went, while Fork rifles through the elf's things. Brian, Tilly, and Vita awaken their captive in search for answers.   Their captive, a rather pliable young man named Noggie, explains his (albeit limited) role as a new recruit within the Cult of Bastimaar . Unable to answer the party's more targeted questions , the party takes a moment to gather their thoughts, distribute money and items found on the other cultists, and their leader Haris, before picking up her golden idol to speak with the leader of the group, Dharrakir   A lengthy conversation revealed much to the party, but at the same time seemed to lead to even more questions. Ultimately, the party decided that the hag, Mary was the target most worthy of pursuing. Bulgey agrees to undergo Bastimaar's Trial if it would mean Dharrakir's assistance in tracking her down. Still unsure about the best path forward, Brian takes out the Seeker's Compass, and the party witnesses that it points east, while the road would continue south. And so they decide to make their way to the camp, in search of both answers, and Mary.   A close encounter with one of the eye creatures that Dharrakir had described as "Mary's Little Lambs" , they track its footprints through the snow to a wooden barricade along a ridge. Suspecting this to be Dharrakir's camp, Bulgey gets back into contact with him through the idol. A conversation riddled with tension and carefully chosen words on both of their parts, it breaks down after Bulgey gets angry about Dharrakir's questioning, and drops one of his more colorful death threats. Dharrakir, interpreting this as a breakdown in the negotiations, alerts the guards, and the bridge into their camp is lit on fire.

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