Les Fils de la Lionne

Les Fils de la Lionne (Gothique: the Sons of the Lioness) are a squad of Chevaliers d'Outremer and acting as bodyguards for Hodierna. Dedicated to close combat even more than the average Chevalier, Les Fils are ferocious opponents armed with fearsome weapons and insanely devoted to their queen, Hodierna the Red Lioness.



Astartes power-armor


Heavy bolt-pistol sidearms and a selection of melee weapons


When Hodierna's Gue'vesa husband was killed by an Imperial Assassin, she foreswore her womanhood and took up arms - promising revenge against those who had harmed her. Almost worshipping les quartre reines because of the pro-feminine theology of Bishop Ghibbelin, some Chevaliers felt her grief as a wound and petitioned Maréchal Hugh to be allowed to form a brotherhood devoted to her service. Hugh granted permission and they took the name Sons of the Lioness after her nickname of La Lionne Rouge (Gothique: "the red lioness").   Following her into the thick of the fighting and the most desperate combats, they developed a propensity for melee beyond most of Les Chevaliers and even the Black Templars, replacing their chainswords with personally selected weapons.

Historical loyalties

Since its foundation, Les Fils have been devoted beyond reason to La Reine Hodierna.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy