The Three Cities

The Three Cities (known as Les Trois Villes in Gothique) is a former Gue'vesa (now independent human) federal monarchy within the Damocles Marches and allied with Outremer and Antak'ya. Founded by a former Astra Militarum officer in the aftermath of the retreat from the Damocles Crusade and now ruled by Hodierna, The Three Cities has successfully distanced itself from the T'au Empire at the expense of closer influence by Outremer and its Reine Melisende.


Founded by members of Brimlock's armed forces The Three Cities reflect a strong military tradition as well as that of their homeworld. Although a former Gue'vesa settlement, The Three Cities show limited T'au cultural influence and are broadly Imperial in philosophy and culture. The polity's motto is "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" - denoting their freedom from the T'au, that each city is equal with none being more important or senior to the others, and that the three cities are a unified federation rather than individual settlements.   The official languages of the Three Cities are Gothic and High Gothic although Gothique (the language of their ruler Hodierna) is frequently used in court and as a status symbol (sometimes the motto of "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" is expressed in Gothique as "Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité"   A number of heraldic symbols are used to represent the Three Cities, all of which are tripartite-but-unified such as knotwork and the fleur-de-lys. The personal symbol of Hodierna - a golden lion on a red field - is also used, with other leonine motifs being common. A golden Outremarin cross on a white field is also used, referencing her father Baudouin d'Châtillon even though the Outremarin cross post-dates his reign and only came into use after Melisende's ascension.


In 742.M41 the Imperium launched the Damocles Crusade against the T'au Empire beyond the Damocles Gulf. Initially successful, after three years Terran-standard the Damocles Crusade ground to a halt against the Sept-world of Dal'yth and, with the wider Imperium threatened by the Tyranids, military forces were withdrawn. A large number of Imperial soldiers - including several regiments of Imperial Guard - were abandoned in T'au space. While some fought until the bitter end, being captured or killed by the T'au, others sued for peace and were allowed to establish settlements as part of the T'au Empire, being known as gue'vesa (T'au: "human helpers").   One of these regiments was the 14th Brimlock Dragoons. Initially, their Colonel and battalion commanders refused to surrender, resisting the T'au even though it was clear there was no victory - or even escape - to be had. Reports of what occurred are unclear, fragmentary and contradictory - the official history and regimental records say the T'au commander leading the Fire Warrior forces ranged against them accomplished a series of daring assassinations, killing regimental and battalion command and "cutting the head off the snake". Then, a well-respected company Captain unified the remains of the regiment, pragmatically accepting inevitable defeat and suing for peace. The T'au themselves tell a different story, instead describing how the T'au commander approached under a flag of parley and explained to the regiment's officers the philosophy of the Greater Good. Most of the officers rejected it, but the same Captain was persuaded and, realizing its cruelty and horror, rejected Imperial rule and embraced the Tau'va. Unable to persuade his superiors, he lead a mutiny and killed them, bringing his regiment into the T'au Empire.   Whichever story is correct - and it is probable the truth lies somewhere between them, if it exists at all - the remains of the regiment accepted a place in the T'au Empire. The Captain had each of the regiment's three battalions found a city which he organized into a federal civic body politic known as the Three Cities. The T'au accepted his adoption of the title Count and - recognizing the value of acknowledging Imperial norms - supported his hereditary leadership and allowed his son to succeed him as Count.   The situation in the Damocles Marches during this period was fluid and uncertain - on the Imperial side of the Damocles Gulf O'Shova had defied the Ethereals and established the Farsight Enclaves, causing the T'au leaders to forbid travel to what they called the Forbidden Zone. Lying at least partially within the T'au's strict delineation of the Damocles Gulf, the Marches were difficult for the Fire Caste to campaign in and independent human realms such as Outremer flourished, while Gue'vesa settlements such as The Three Cities enjoyed a greater independence.   The Outremarin princess Hodierna, the third daughter of Baudouin d'Châtillon, was famed as a great beauty and her eldest sister, La Reine Melisende, was eager to use her sister's loveliness as a bargaining chip to strengthen her queendom's power. Hodierna was strong-willed, however, and refused her sister's first match and instead chose to marry the Count of The Three Cities. While imperfectly pleased, Melisende nevertheless was satisfied with the union and resulting alliance. Her sister's happiness was not to last, however, as an Imperial Assassin broke into the palace of The Three Cities and wreaked havoc. In the ensuing chaos, Hodierna was forced to kill her own husband.   Stricken with grief, Hodierna took up arms and led The Three Cities' forces against the Imperial remnant in the Damocles Marches, neglecting her duties as ruler of The Three Cities, leaving a power vacuum the ambitious leaders of the three settlements sought to exploit. If it had not been for Melisende dispatching diplomats backed by the weight of Les Chevaliers d'Outremer to bolster her sister's authority it is likely The Three Cities would have imploded into civil war. As it was, the situation stabilized and The Three Cities were brought into closer alliance with Outremer.


The Three Cities claim descent from a regiment of Brimlock Dragoons and the military tradition is strong, with most able-bodied citizens serving at least a short stint in the army. Inspired by the mechanized infantry of their Brimlock Dragoons predecessors each squad is equipped with an APC and are known as The Dragoons. In addition to these unaugmented forces, Hodierna herself takes the field in a suit of unique powered armor and accompanied by her Chevalier bodyguards, Les Fils de la Lionne. The former sacristan-vehicle Le Nain Rouge acts as heavy armor.

Technological Level

The Three Cities enjoy a high technological level, thanks in part to their founders' origin on the industrialized world of Brimlock but also because of the influence of the T'au when they were a Gue'vesa settlement.


While the official religion is that of the Count (or, as it is now, the Countess - so the Ghibbeline Cult) a majority of the population do not hold to that sub-cult and instead give adherence to the standard Imperial Creed.

Foreign Relations

Closely allied with Outremer and enjoying cordial relations with Antak'ya. Formerly a Gue'vesa settlement, The Three Cities gained a degree of independence when the Ethereals forbade T'au to enter the Damocles Gulf and became fully emancipated from the T'au Empire when Hodierna ascended to the throne and allied closely with Outremer. While adhering to the Imperial Cult by worshipping the God-Emperor of Mankind and professing xenocidal human supremacy, The Three Cities follow prudent diplomacy with alien civilizations and are generally opposed to the Imperial Remnant powers of the Damocles Marches.

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

Alternative Names
Les Trois-Villes
Predecessor Organization
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Notable Members

Articles under The Three Cities