Imitator's Insurrection Military Conflict in P'Ache | World Anvil

Imitator's Insurrection


In 303 PT, after 31 years of living under the restrictive Societal Betterment Act, which prevented Macrans from being able to practice their own traditions, the rebels tried to push back against the Primians. This turned into The First Micro Rebellion and despite lasting five years, it was ultimately unsuccessful.   As a result, the Primians decided to crack down on the people of P'Ache Micro, punishing them to ensure it didn't ever happen again.  

The Insurrection

Planning & Prelude

In the 22 years following the First Micro Rebellion, several different groups gathered together in secret to plan the downfall of the Primians. Determined to regain control of their planet, they gathered together behind Rin, who turned their focus from violence onto a more manipulative subterfuge.   Knowing the planet as they did, they also understood that every thirteen months the position of the Macran moon cut off communication between the various Primian outposts on the different continents for approximately 18 minutes. They decided to make the most of this brief change in the environment to do what they needed to do.  

The Engagement



Sukset, the smallest and most sparsely populated of the three continents, was chosen to try the plan first. The day before the lunar event, the rebels got into position, ensuring that there would be fewer than usual Primians at both of the Primian bases.   On the day of the lunar event, 8 Two 330 PT, they broke into these bases and used the 18-minute window to subdue those who were still working and lock them in the bases' prisons. When communications came back online and the regular check-in occurred, there were Macran rebels in place ready to impersonate the Primians they were replacing.


After 13 months without the truth of what was occurring on Sukset reaching the Primians on the other continents, the rebels planned their next move. They set everything up in Sasnak the way they had before and used the same lunar event to prevent them from raising the alarm. So, on 9 Five 331 PT, they stormed the two Primian bases and took control.


It wasn't until 10 Eight 332 PT that the rebels attempted their attack on the four bases on Rakan, including the headquarters in Nuskan. Using the now tried and tested method, they used the lunar interruption of communications to subdue and imprison the remaining Primians and Primian sympathisers.

Calm Before The Storm

The success of this campaign on the part of the rebels relied on their ability to impersonate the Primians, which they managed to do successfully. All interplanetary communications with P'Ache Prime was carefully monitored and recorded and return correspondence was planned as far as it could be.   While there were some Macrans who opposed the actions of the rebels, few made attempts to stand against them as most conceded that life was better without the strict rule of the Primians.   During this time, they also made contact with the other planets in the star system and started building ties with them, particularly P'Ache Minor.   This peace lasted for a few years, and is known as the calm before the storm. The Macran rebels apparently did too good a job of persuading the Primians that everything was fine on the planet, and they sent some P'Ache Prime Media Truthseekers to gather information for a story which could be shown to other more reluctant planets. Their arrival, in 336 PT, marked the end of the Imitator's Insurrection.  


The arrival of the Truthseekers kicked off the second part of The Second Micro Rebellion which resulted in the return of the Primians and large losses on either side.   It even led to the Minor Unrest, a rebellion against the Primians on P'Ache Minor. The Second Micro Rebellion lasted a further 21 years until 357 PT.


The Imitator's Insurrection changed the way in which Primians managed communications, both on P'Ache Micro and with future planets they invited into the Alliance.   It is also the reason that the Macrans agreed to sign the Forgiveness Law, which removed any blame from either side, despite the war crimes committed by the Primians during the second half of the war.

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People Rin
Ethnicities Macran, Primian, Pachian
Timelines Peacekeeper Expansion
Locations Rakan, P'Ache Micro, P'Ache Solar System
Events The Second Micro Rebellion
Organisations P'Ache Prime Media Outlets
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Start Date
8 Two 330 PT
Ending Date
20 Six 336 PT



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