Peacekeeper Ope V'Kly

"It is a truly bizarre universe, reader. If you are not lucky enough to have seen it for yourself, take my word for it. There are species, cultures and planets far beyond the imagination of even the most ponderous Minoran. The stories I could tell... but my publishers tell me to save those for another book."
— Extract from Introduction to Travels Through My System: An Exploration of P'Ache Solar System
by Peacekeeper V'Kly

Personal History

4658 PT
Born   4678 PT
Accepted into Peacekeeper Academy
(20)   4684 PT
Started at Peacekeeper Command
(26)   4694 PT
Moved into Peacekeeper Integrity
(36)   4716 PT Promoted to Head of Integrity
(58)   4727 PT
Retired from Peacekeeper Integrity
(69)   4731 PT
Published First Book
Peacekeeper Ope V'Kly was born in Dian, one of the smaller cities in Teras on P'Ache Prime. Not much is known about his family but he writes in the introduction to Travels Through My System, he writes about being a young boy and "staring up at the stars and longing for adventure".  


He was one of the 4,000 Peacekeeper Academy applicants which was accepted of the 3 million applicants. During his second year, he discovered his aptitude for the School of Integrity, the bureaucratic side of Peacekeeper Alliance. He excelled in this area and began working towards a career in this field. In 4684 PT, V'Kly used his internship at The Academy to do a half-year stint in Peacekeeper Integrity.  


The following year, when he graduated with honours from The Academy, V'Kly went directly into Peacekeeper Command, working within the Culture department of Command Logistics. This gave him an insight into the different cultures of the Peacekeeper Territories and fed his desire to explore.   After 10 years of working his way up Command Logistics, an opportunity arose for him to move into Integrity and he jumped at it. During the 38 years that he worked at Integrity, he worked his way up the ranks quickly, moving into position as the Director of Culture after only 12 years and then rising to the giddy height of Head of Peacekeeper Integrity at the age of 58 years old.
"In 4727 PT, I retired from Peacekeeper Integrity, and for the first few months, I spent time with my family on P'Ache Prime. I love them, I do. But there is only so long I can spend with them and remain sane. I have no doubt they feel the same way about me.   So it won't surprise you, that when the idea struck me to write a book I jumped on that project like a randy Lcha. The question was, as it always is, what to write about. It wasn't too long before inspiration hit."
— Extract from Introduction to Travels Through My System: An Exploration of P'Ache Solar System
by Peacekeeper V'Kly


Having retired at the age of 69 years old, V'Kly felt adrift and was delighted when he was approached by his successor to write about his experiences of the P'Ache Star System as a way of spreading the fundamental Alliance messaging. It appealed to his ego and his desire to be remembered. He was also allowed to create them with his own words, something that had alluded him throughout his career. This meant that he could give voice to all of those very valid and important opinions that as part of the Alliance he had been forced to (mostly) keep to himself.   Below is a current list of the published works of Peacekeeper Ope V'Kly as of the date of writing (13 Three 4748 PT). It is also worth knowing that the photo of V'Kly used for this article is taken from his author's image for these publications and, therefore, could be something of an idealised version of the man himself.  
Publication Subject Publication Date Extract
Travels Through My System: An Exploration of P'Ache Solar System P'Ache Star System 4731 PT Travels Through My System: An Exploration of P'Ache Star System: Introduction
Reuniting With An Old Friend: Travels Through The Primary Territories The Primary Territories 4737 PT /
A System Of Hope And Glory: Travels Through The Aspiration System The Aspiration System 4742 PT /
Travelling To Victory: An Exploration of Victalis System The Victalis System 4747 PT /


Peacekeeper Ope V'Kly has always been a very proud man. He has big ambitions and an ego to go along with them. He has worked hard for everything he has but maintains a healthy sense of entitlement which allows him to set his sights higher than most would.   He is a very proud Primian, even though he does have some Macran heritage which he doesn't acknowledge.   He is extremely self-involved and sees everything through the lens of how it would affect him. He loves his family so far as they are an extension of him. He has a wife, a son and a daughter, but in his writing, he only ever references his son.

Related Articles

Culture Pachian, Primian
Organisations Peacekeeper Academy, Peacekeeper Alliance, Peacekeeper Command, Peacekeeper Integrity, Head of Peacekeeper Integrity
Locations P'Ache Prime, Upper Prime, P'Ache Solar System, P'Ache Micro, P'Ache Major, P'Ache Minor, Peacekeeper Territories
He / Him
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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Jul 22, 2024 16:35 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Aha, finally we learn a bit more about the man behind the quotes!! I don't think I necessarily like him, but I do find him to be an interesting character.   If I was his daughter, I would be quite miffed that he never mentions me in his writing.

Aug 9, 2024 19:59 by Elspeth

I don't think anyone likes him but himself! He's a lot of fun to write though. XD

So many worlds to choose from...