Snuuuz Burrow Stays

"Why anyone would want to spend any amount of time in a hole in the ground is beyond me, but especially one which is clad in dirt. The few moments I was in there, I counted no fewer than 12 creepy crawlies and left with nothing but a hair full of mud for my troubles. There wasn't even anyone to talk to.   If you insist on living like a native while you're visiting Succeed, I would recommend giving this a miss."  
— Extract from Travelling To Victory: An Exploration of Victalis System
by Peacekeeper V'Kly
  Originally founded by the Snuuu family over a millennia ago, Snuuuz Burrow Stays can currently be found in over 403 locations across the planet of Succeed. They are the main providers of burrow stays on the planet, although there are also a couple of independent burrow stays in less populated parts of the world.

Purpose / Function

While each Snuuuz Burrow Stays is different, they serve the same purpose; to allow any Suuu the time and space they need away from others to recuperate.  

For Those Who Love Isolation

The Suuu, the native sapient species on Succeed, are a naturally solitary people. They do not enjoy spending their time around others, although it is increasingly necessary in the modern world, as well as to ensure the future of the species.   Burrow stays are designed to allow Suuu their time away from everyone else, and to reconnect to the world around them in the most basic way. The standard burrow stay is between 2 and 12 weeks and involves a Suuu settling into a small space big enough for them to lie in and surrounded by dirt.


There are many different styles of Snuuuz Burrow Stays across the planet, and they vary in architecture and style depending on the natural environment they are in.   There are, however, things which all Snuuuz Burrow Stays have in common. These include:
  1. Darkness
  2. The burrows provided are deliberately tapered and curved to provide diminishing light so that those who want absolute darkness are able to achieve just that.  
  3. Dirt
  4. The burrows are all dirt-lined. Some have rocks and others may be sandier in nature, but the burrows themselves are all covered in soil from nearby. For those where the soil is not naturally occurring (those rocky locations for example) the dirt is reapplied between stays to ensure each guest maximum comfort.  
  5. Distance
  6. The burrows are all situated at a reasonable distance not only from each other but also from any other settlements. Transportation is provided from the nearest settlement to the check-in, to avoid disrupting those enjoying their stay in peace.
"I love staying at Snuuuz. As soon as I get on the transport I begin to relax."  
— A satisfied customer


Burrows have their own varied history and are a traditional and important pastime for the Suuu people.   The Snuuu family set up their first Snuuuz Burrow Stays over a millennia ago on one of the small islands in the southern hemisphere of Succeed.   After several generations of less than stellar results, partly due to how far away from the nearest settlement it was and partly because of their poor marketing attempts the Snuuu family thought they would have to call it quits. One last attempt, offering boat rides between the burrows and the settlement included in the price of the stay, saw the boom in business they needed.   Since then they have opened hundreds on the planet. In 4311 PT, during the last year of Succeed's initiation into The Alliance, they opened their first off-planet burrows under a mantle on P'Ache Lomt, one of the uninhabitable planets in the P'Ache Solar System. In the last two centuries, they have opened two more, one in The Primary Territories and one in The Aspiration System.  

An Important Pastime

The Suuu are not a sociable society. They don't like spending time with each other, despite the biological need to reproduce.   There is no record of the first burrow, but it is understood that spending time alone underground is something that the Suuu have been doing since long before they evolved to walk on two legs.   This practice has played an important part in Suuu history and in their development as a people. As a result of this practice, they are much more aware of their own mental health and that of those around them.


Snuuuz Burrow Stays are obviously popular with the Suuu. The phrase "going for a Snuuuz" is commonly used because of their renown.   Since joining The Alliance, they have gained interest from the Vkan and the Lcha as well as a few other species from across the Territories, although most Pachian fail to see the appeal.   Those Snuuuz which are based off-planet are most commonly visited by the Suuu who are living and working in that part of the Territories.

Related Articles

Culture Suuu
Locations Succeed
Alternative Names
Burrow Stays
Hospitality, Resort
Parent Location


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Feb 27, 2024 15:01 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

They sound weirdly cosy, you know? I kind of want to stay in one.

Feb 27, 2024 20:23 by Elspeth

(I'd totally stay in one too!) XD

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