Kaan-Paah, Capital City of Succeed

"Someone once asked me what three things I liked about Kaan-Paah. My response came quickly; it's a fun word to say. When they pushed, I added that the city was clean. Honestly, I couldn't come up with a third. There's not much else to say."  
— Extract from Travelling To Victory: An Exploration of Victalis System
by Peacekeeper V'Kly


Kaan-Paah is the most commonly used name for the capital city of Succeed, a planet in The Victalis System. The planet's surface is 75% water and 25% land. There are five major landmasses with more than 2,000 smaller islands scattered around the northern hemisphere.   Kaan-Paah is on one of the northern islands and is named after the mountain on which the metropolis is built. The mountain should be snow-clad most of the year, but because of oceanic streams it is unusually warm, leading to the name, which comes from the Suuu phrase "where no snow falls".


The inhabitants of Kaan-Paah used to be overwhelmingly Suuu. Over the centuries, this has changed so that it is now less than half. Here is an approximate breakdown of percentages:  
Species Age Percentage*
Suuu <20 5.23%
Suuu 20 - 55 12.14%
Suuu >55 4.88%
Suuu All 22.25%
Pachian <20 0.03%
Pachian 20 - 55 18.79%
Pachian >55 9.93%
Pachian All 28.75%
Clebveth <20 0.73%
Clebveth 20 - 55 8.06%
Clebveth >55 3.34%
Clebveth All 12.13%
Lcha <20 0.01%
Lcha 20 - 55 3.71%
Lcha >55 0.38%
Lcha All 4.10%
Terror <20 2.14%
Terror 20 - 55 7.95%
Terror >55 3.71%
Terror All 13.80%
Vkan <20 3.30%
Vkan 20 - 55 9.27%
Vkan >55 2.55%
Vkan All 15.12%
Other Any 3.85%
* It should be noted that numbers were accurate at the time of writing (13 Three 4748 PT).
The Kaanas, inhabitants of Kaan-Paah, were originally Suuu, as this has historically been a Suuu settlement.   The Suuu are known as pioneers in their own right. Their very name comes from a Suuu word which means 'people of the future', or 'forward-focused people'. While their idea of futuristic may not match with what the Peacekeeper Alliance has been able to provide, it can still be seen in the ways in which the city has grown and developed.


The government for the city falls within Succeed Command, which reports to Victalis Command, which in turn reports to Peacekeeper Command. Succeed Command is mainly focused on representing Succeed within the Peacekeeper Alliance.   The running of the city falls mainly to a committee, known as The Kaan-Paah Five, or simply The Five, which is made up of a representative from each of the five districts. The Kaan-Paah Five are responsible for:
  • Infrastructure
  • Development
  • Law and Order
  • Justice
  • Resource Allocation


The five districts in Kaan-Paah are self-contained cities, which have their own areas of industry, commerce, residential and so on. The districts are numbered based on their position on the mountain, with one being closest to the peak.  


Tourism is not common in Kaan-Paah. Tourists make up between 0.5% and 2% of the population of the city at any point. It is far from the most popular place on Succeed and many tourists to the planet choose to skip it altogether. Tourists to Succeed are more likely to visit The Hidden Sands or the Winding Wastelands looking for history or adventure, neither of which are easy to find in Kaan-Paah.  

Guilds & Factions

Kaan-Paah is the home of The Continuation, a group dedicated to the continuation of the Suuu. This originated from a plan to find life on another planet but is now something of a historical society, designed to preserve those parts of Suuu culture which they consider to be superior to the offering of the Peacekeepers. They have been assessed and are considered harmless by The Alliance, as they show no signs of trying to reintroduce traditions, just remember them.  


Kaan-Paah was once a fully subterranean city, heated by the hot water that still travels through some of the caverns beneath the mountain. It allowed plenty of space for Suuu to have time by themselves. However, as technology developed and the population grew, many moved above ground.   Worries about the continuation of the species on Succeed were eventually raised and a planned mission to several of the other planets in the star system was about to be enacted when the Peacekeepers arrived in 3501 PT. Their arrival proved to the Suuu how far behind they really were. Negotiations with them didn't start for another 500 years and they didn't become part of the Alliance until 4111 PT.  

Points of Interest

These are two of the most popular points of interest in Kaan-Paah. While neither of them necessarily draws a whole load of tourism, they are certainly what the city is known for.  

Launch From Ice

District 5

Launch From Ice is the Suuu name for the oldest launchpad at the city's spaceport. It is the oldest launchpad on the planet and was created by a group intent on starting a new civilisation on a new planet. This, however, didn't happen, because the Peacekeepers got there before space travel was beyond an introductory phase.


Entry points in
District 3 & 5

Below is the name given to the complex tunnel system within the mountain beneath the city. It was built over a millennia ago and was once the city itself but is now all but abandoned.   There are a few parts which are still used and most of these useable areas are owned by Snuuuz Burrow Stays.


The architecture of Kaan-Paah is quite unique for several reasons. Firstly, unlike many cities as old as this one, it failed to retain anything from its history. There are no buildings older than 400 years and those that get close to that number are likely due for remodelling or destruction. This is because those who have chosen to live here believe strongly in the idea of forward momentum.
  The second reason for the unique style of building is the method in which this particular style was settled upon. In 3501 PT, when the Peacekeepers arrived, a group of Suuu questioned the Peacekeepers on their architecture and town planning, keen to adopt the same style. The Peacekeepers were delighted with the enthusiasm but, uneducated in the specifics of Peacekeeper architecture of the time, did a terrible job explaining it to the Suuu. The result is a warped version of a combination of Fourth and Seventh wave Revival architecture.
  This can easily be seen with the rounded shapes of Fourth Wave Revival (which, incidentally, can also be seen in the design for the dome over Rrkar, Capital City of Victor, which is Neo-Fourth Wave Revival). The more modular style, which undermines the deliberately aerodynamic design of the Fourth Wave, is very typical of the Seventh Wave Revival.  
"Nowhere else in the universe has architecture quite like this, and I am far from alone in being glad of that fact."  
— Extract from Travelling To Victory: An Exploration of Victalis System
by Peacekeeper V'Kly

Related Articles

People Suuu, Peacekeeper, Clebveth, Lcha, Terror, Vkan
Organisations Peacekeeper Alliance, Victalis Command
Locations Peacekeeper Territories, The Victalis System, Succeed
Culture Snuuuz Burrow Stays
Alternative Name(s)
Where No Snow Falls, The Suuu Capital
14,900,000 approx
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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Sep 18, 2024 13:49 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Wow, V'Kly, so negative. XD (I think you have a typo of Kaah Paah in the first quote).   This sounds like a really interesting place. I love the idea that they knock down and rebuild stuff when it gets 'too old'. That must make for quite an interesting cityscape.

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Oct 1, 2024 17:47 by Elspeth

Thank you! Yes, well-spotted on the typo.

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