Village Ruler


No official qualifications are required to be a Village Ruler, but a person needs to have been a Junior Ruler for at least six months and needs to have shown an aptitude within this position and any others they have held within the Rulers pathway.


The appointment of a new Village Ruler is marked by the Passing the Mantle ritual with the whole settlement present.


The duties of the Village Ruler relate to serving the best interests of the settlement, including spending half of their time listening to the concerns of the community. They deal with the law and order of the settlement as well as long term strategy.    Among their duties are working with the Junior Ruler to teach them what is included in running the settlement.


They are responsible for making all decisions for the community, and planning both long term and short term strategy. They are responsible for dealing out justice and punishments where necessary. They are also responsible for training Junior Rulers.

Cultural Significance

The Village Ruler is the most respected position in any settlement. It is well established that no one would reach this position without having the backing of the community and that no one would choose this position were they not called to it. As such they are grately admired and their word carries a lot of weight.
Form of Address
Length of Term
6 months - lifetime
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