

There is no official qualification required for being an Overseer, but a person does need to have worked their way up to this point. They need to have at least 12 months as an Underseer, at least 12 months as a General Grifter and then at least 5 years as either a General Grifter, Heavy Grifter, Light Grifter or Food Grifter. Although this is a minimum of 5 years, it is often much longer, and Overseer is usually a position that a person takes when they are no longer able to do either Heavy or Light Grifting. They also need to have proved themselves in these positions and for the other Grifters to have faith in them as an Overseer. If the other Grifters don't trust them to do a good job, they won't be able to act as as an Overseer.


The appointment of an Overseer is celebrated by other Grifters in a ceremony called New Seeing which is designed not only to reward the new Overseer, but to ensure that everyone has a chance to get to know them.


Their duties include looking through the work requests, ensuring that all of the Grifters has what they need to do their job, potentially visitng work sites and checking in on the wellbeing of other Grifters.


They are responsible for ensuring that the Grifters have what they need to do their job and that they are focusing their energy in the right places. This includes working with the Provider to ensure that they are able to supply what is needed, and with the Rulers to make sure that they understand where the need is.
Form of Address
Length of Term
Up to lifetime
Reports directly to
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