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The Door in Reality, Session 1

General Summary

Sequoia Goes Fishing

While Sequoia leads her daughters through The Buried City looking for a place to fish, Petunia falls down a rocky slope and a mutated bobcat attacks the group. While defending Petunia, Sequoia is badly injured and Prune is moderately injured.   (buried city miss, do battle miss)  

Matthew Opens a Big Door

Stevedore stumbles into Matthew Lutey's Vault beneath The Buried City - Matthew Lutey performs augury and opens a broad door into The World's Psychic Maelstrom that is sustained for a while. He gets insight into Stevedore’s past but the whole of The Buried City is rocked and changed by the door.   (augury complete success)  

Pell Investigates

In response to the psychic event triggered by Matthew, Astiniltlish "Pell" Pelligri notices that many Wolves of the Maelstrom have arrived in The Buried City. He finds a safe, high spot to keep lookout and spots Sequoia and family looking for safety. The attacking bobcat was scared off by the event, so they are seeking shelter and recovery.   (read a situation partial success, buried city complete success)  

Reginald Plots for War

In Harbortown, Millions tries to persuade Reginald Fulton to secretly sabotage The Cut. Reginald tries to promote open war but that isn’t what Millions wants. He takes the proposition to Jeanette at The Cut, who also isn’t convinced, even after him trying to charm her. He plots to sabotage The Cut in a more obvious way that will trigger war.   (charm miss)  

Styg Chases a Cyborg

Back in The Buried City, Styg tries to reach where he previously saw Stevedore through their network connection, but he falls en route. His AI activates and takes him to Matthew's Vault anyway, perhaps with more malicious intent. Matthew opens his brain to see Styg’s conflicted selves (human Stig, the machine spirit of his cybernetics and Blasphemy Zero) and their otherlife connection via Aiwaz (as one of Matthew's fragmented selves), which somehow resolves Styg’s current identity conflict and reawakens him.   (buried city miss, open brain complete success)  

House Gardenia Prepares for a Party

Storm's Children are up in arms at House Gardenia, demanding to let off some steam but also to be better protected. Storm Gardenia promises them a good night out in Shelter, and that they won’t be at any risk because they are too fabulous. They accept this and spend the day getting ready.   (devotion miss, charm complete success)  

Errol has a Nap

Errol Mustang is resting at The Pillars while Barry Manilow sleeps. He heard that people have increasingly been going mysteriously missing in The Buried City. Residents of The Pillars give him Orchids (which he doesn’t really want) for food. They are mostly very strange, uncommunicative and obsessed with cultivating and spreading orchids.   (ear to the ground partial success)  

Pell and Sequoia Hang Out

Pell calls Sequoia up to the safety of his lookout. She gets winded trying to carry Petunia up. He opens his brain to find a route that is safe from the Wolves and sees that Matthew’s Vault seems secure and also may be the epicentre of the event.   (under fire partial success, open brain complete success)  

Matthew and Styg Talk

Matthew and Styg talk a bit about their otherlife connection and the cyborg, Stevedore. Stig opens his brain to find it (via maelstrom-tainted data connection), tracking it accurately. The two leave to find it.   (open brain complete success)  

A Meetup in the Street

Matthew and Stig cross paths with Pell, Sequoia and her children on the way out. Matthew invites them to rest in his vault while they look for the cyborg.  

Reginald does a Sabotage (Badly)

Reginald wants to wipe out both settlements, so he goes to plant a bomb in The Cut’s weapons store. He is spotted doing so and fails to convincingly lie about his actions. The defenders of The Cut start to rally as he escapes. He is pursued, but ultimately maims / kills his hunters after being very badly wounded. He drags himself in the direction of Harbortown, bleeding very badly.     (under fire partial success, deceive miss, bug out partial success, do battle miss, do battle complete success)  

Storm, Errol and Pierre Have a Party

House Gardenia have a great night out at Shelter. Errol trades some of them some orchids for various bits of barter. Pierre tries to convince Storm and Errol to help expand Shelter, but with clearly unrealistic expectations and no real plans. They both read him and detect no deception (just naivety). Storm thinks she could get him to move Shelter to House Gardenia if they could provide some of the infrastructure that he wants.   (read someone partial success, read someone complete success)
Related Adventure
Adventure: The Door in Reality
Report Date
15 Dec 2020
Primary Location
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Cover image: Perfect Circle Header by Ché Wilbraham


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