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The Door in Reality, Session 2

General Summary

Beginning Stuff

At House Gardenia, Storm's Children demand R&R. They are hungover / partied out after last night in Shelter. They are taking the day off.   Errol Mustang hears that something bad is coming his way - people from The Cut have been told to shoot down the man who rides the moth.   (devotion partial success, ear to the ground partial success)  

Encountering Stevedore

In The Buried City, Sequoia takes her daughters to rest at Matthew Lutey's Vault. The rest chase down the cyborg. Styg finds out that it wants protection but scares it off. Matthew Lutey and Astiniltlish "Pell" Pelligri corner it (with Styg catching up), though Pell is injured by falling down a slope.   (read someone miss, help complete success, under fire partial success)  

Reginald is Bleeding Out

Reginald Fulton approaches Harbortown and is waved in. Foster, the medic, stabilises him (removes bullets, cauterizes wounds) while Millions is fetched. Millions is terrified of backlash from The Cut, and that Reginald's actions will be traced back to them. Reginald discovers that Millions could be manipulated into war by showing that The Cut are onto their schemes. Reginald spends the rest of the day getting mended by Foster.   (read someone partial success)  

Back to Stevedore

Styg tells the cyborg that the group will protect it. It is not overly convinced but agrees to tag along.     (help miss, help partial success, charm partial success)  

The Morning After at House Gardenia

Errol hears news from Harbortown that they’re preparing for war because one of their own got caught planting a bomb in The Cut and was heavily wounded on the way back.   Storm Gardenia sees two of her children squabbling over orchids - she tells them off and takes the plants. She notices that the flowers are strange and demands that Errol doesn’t trade any more of them to her children. They both head to Shelter to find out more about them.   (ear to the ground partial success, confront partial success, orchid complete success)  

From Matthew’s Vault to Harbortown, then a Fight

Styg scouts ahead while Pell expertly navigates The Buried City on the way to Harbortown. The guards are very defensive, but Pell charms them into allowing the group entry if all weapons are left behind.     Styg threatens the guards with his inbuilt weapons - the guards open fire, injuring him a little, and his AI takes over. The cyborg flees. Pell gets a read on the situation, realising he needs to neutralise the threat of Styg.   Matthew unleashes The World's Psychic Maelstrom on the wall of the town, where the guards are posted, heavily damaging it and messily killing three guards. Sequoia sends her daughters to safety then tries to confront the maelstrom, but is pulled into Matthew’s attack, making it appear as if it was her doing and dropping her in the middle of the fight.     Pell tries to stop Styg from fighting - Styg flees in the direction of the cyborg. Reginald orders Harbortown's guards to stop fighting - they briefly pause and insist that the others all leave. Sequoia leaps from the wall and joins her daughters. Pell charms the guards into letting him (alone) in. Matthew opens his brain to try to find Styg but is overwhelmed and awakens in front of an obelisk. Pell, Reginald and Millions talk about the historical, apocalyptic war and the strange psychic phenomena that have occurred since.   (help partial success, buried city complete success, help miss, charm partial success, confront miss, sniff the wind complete success, standing across the threshold miss, interrupt partial success, confront partial success, confront partial success, against the odds partial success, charm complete success, open brain miss)  

Orchid Stuff

Storm opens her brain for guidance on the orchids but is overwhelmed and falls into a trance - she starts planting and tending to them as Errol watches. He goes to find help - Dog head, the “medicine man” trades for some drugs that he uses to snap her out of it. They ask Dog head to investigate the orchids and head back to House Gardenia, destroying any they find as they go. Storm keeps one in a vase, locked in her room.   (open brain miss, orchid partial success)  

Errol Goes “Home”

Errol goes to his nice place in The Buried City and asks around about the people from The Cut who are hunting him. They believe that he represents a threat - they are incredibly concerned for their safety and assume that he must work for Harbortown, so have instructed anyone who see him flying near The Cut to shoot him down, to be safe.   (ear to the ground partial success)
Related Adventure
Adventure: The Door in Reality
Report Date
05 Jan 2021
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Cover image: Perfect Circle Header by Ché Wilbraham


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