Gregory Ecklund

Agent of the Directorate

A human citizen of the Didacian Consulate, Gregory Ecklund is an Agent of unknown rank within the Consulate Intelligence Directorate. Much of his life is shrouded in mystery, but his taking up of high profile investigation cases indicates that his skills are heavily relied-upon by the Directorate. Public records indicate he has been awarded the Obsidian Star commendation four times by the Parliament of the Didacian Consulate.   He is currently the officially appointed investigator into the Circlecrash disaster. He also has some involvement in countering the current coup in Firstbridge and Tax.

Known History

Little is known about Ecklund's background, but it is likely that he was born somewhere in the Didacian Consulate. His appearance suggests his age to be somewhere in the mid-40s. At some point prior to 9031, he began working with the Directorate as a Domestic Agent. In 9031 in Gardenport, a foreign dignitary from The Crag was assassinated while negotiating barley prices. The high profile nature of the murder required the Consulate to publicly assign an investigative agent. Ecklund was given the case, and within a week had flagged and arrested an entire cabal of isolationist xenophobic dissidents operating out of Treefell. This gained him some temporary public notoriety in the higher echelons of Consulate society, and earned him a reputation as a highly capable and efficient Domestic Agent.   After his initial success, it is alleged that he gained the favor of the Director and was awarded with high profile internal cases. While the details remain unknown and classified under Intelligence General Order 7, Ecklund was apparently awarded several commendations by the Consulate Parliament for his performance. Over the course of his tenure, he has been seen regularly deployed in naval intelligence operations alongside the Consulate Admiralty.   He is known to be close personal friends with both former Deep Admiral Koloth and current Shoal Admiral Harper. He has been observed to give orders to other suspected Domestic Agents, raising some speculation that he may be a Spymaster in the Directorate, though this has never been officially confirmed due to Directorate anonymity policies. If he is, in fact, a Directorate Spymaster, it is entirely unknown which domestic and foreign jurisdiction he presides over.   He is known to make assets out of non-Agent individuals to great effect in his investigations.  

The Circlecrash and The Partycrashers

After the devastation wrought by the Circlecrash, the Consulate immediately deployed its best agents to investigate the disaster. With the destruction of the network, the Directorate was given full jurisdiction on all naval vessels by Deep Admiral Lorgon to quickly move throughout Sinderlan to pinpoint the culprit.   After gathering information on the event held on Vortex where the Circlecrash originated, the Director deployed Ecklund to investigate. While he was aware of the rogue Eladrin Linthea's role in the event, he had suspicions of the group which had allegedly saved the event. Aboard the DCS Bridgebuilder, along with Deep Admiral Lorgon and Shoal Admiral Harper, Ecklund apprehended the group later known as the Partycrahers.   Ecklund interrogated the group on 3 Dying Light, determining them to be idiots at best, and incidentally responsible at worst. However, upon learning of their involvement with The Didacy, he struck a deal with Runs on the Wind to gather information on the Didacy in exchange for an annulment of other criminal activities they could be charged with. Wind, eager to gather information on Killik, a Fen adherent who had attempted to murder him, requested that Ecklund feed him as much information as he could on Killik. Additionally, he requested information regarding Xilmoira's husband and rogue deposed king, Vulren Centruza Venzana.   Over the course of the next month, Ecklund exchanged what information he could with Wind. On 23 Dying Light, following a failed coup in Firstbridge and Tax, Ecklund met with Wind, Xilmoira, and Dwaiyn in the closed teleportation office in the docks district of Crush. There, Ecklund made them an offer for an optional job to infiltrate the Fortress Island of Tax and either sabotage the island's defenses or neutralize Loch Admiral Pontar Yaruga, architect of the coup.  

Physical and Personality Traits

Ecklund is a considerably large man, wider than most humans usually get. Many who encounter him find this trait imposing or even intimidating. While most of this is not due to muscle mass, he exhibits exceptional mobility and an apparent strength. It is joked in some circles that Ecklund protects Consulate secrets simply by standing in front of them.   Ecklund's personality is entirely unknown solely because he appears to have a different one with each person he converses with. The differing personalities he dons during interactions are, however, unified by some common aspects; he is almost always completely calm, personable, and in control of the conversation. He uses his powers of observation and deduction to glean information throughout the smallest conversations. He then uses this information to custom tailor each interaction. With allies, he is known to use information he has gathered to compliment or encourage others. With enemies or suspects, he is capable of tearing down facades and digging out secrets with minimal effort.
Character Location
Current Location
Didacian Consulate
View Character Profile
Current Status
Investigating the Circlecrash
Current Location
Unknown, ~40s
Date of Birth
Greying brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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