Kralga Sailor

Junior Consul of the Didacian Consulate (a.k.a. Kara)

The current Junior Consul of the Fourteenth Didacian Consulate, Kralga Sailor has served in her position since 19 Planting 9045 when elected in a landslide victory. Known for her fierce intellect and curiosity, Sailor has initiated a significant amount of legislation in her tenure to reform the crumbling Consulate education system in an attempt to dissuade bright minds from the Didacy or any foreign places of higher education. Fueled by a thirst for knowledge on the past, she has, in the eyes of her constituents, been guiding the Consulate to a brighter future. This was all cut short when a group of rogue Eladrin led by Linthea assailed her at a state function on 15 Dying Light 9047. She has since been missing, in the care of experts to heal her inflicted condition.    

Early Life

Kralga Sailor was born in the Consulate town of Firstbridge to Local Magistrate Mina Sailor and her husband Barzan Sailor, a veteran of the Fourth Wine War. Kralga was surrounded by the concepts of local policy, rule of law, and public affairs from birth, and was raised by her parents to become a Local Magistrate like her mother. However, Kralga held a greater interest in the study of history after a hulking mass of a Warforged Colossus washed up on the shore after a Roilreach Cyclone in 9022. The wreck was repossessed by Didacy Agents under the purview of stipulations laid out by the Treaty of Scepter, which cemented her deep distrust toward the Didacy. She resolved to pursue education elsewhere and attended the Cordan Law School on Star and the Gelbezza University of Natural Philosophy where she found the quality of education lacking, as she exceeded most of her senior classmates within months of beginning coursework. She graduated with honors from both universities in 9025 and 9026 respectively. She became an avid collector of rare artifacts from before the Starfall, being consumed by a thirst for knowledge on their context. This only fueled her desire to open new avenues for education so others could pursue their interests as she always wanted.  

Political Career

Sailor, dissastisfied with the options for education in the Consulate, began lobbying the Parliament for expanded funding, support, and resources to broaden the opportunities for Didacian Citizens. She was appointed by the Firstbridge Council to head several committees on improving local education, where she expanded course offerings and courted disgruntled Didacy instructors. Her campaigning and policy changes gained her great popularity in Firstbridge where she was elected to be their representative to Parliament in 9031 at the age of 19. After this she adamantly advocated for her hometown and surrounding region to receive aid from the central Consulate government. Unfortunately, without her leadership on the council and the passing of both her parents, the funding was funneled into corrupt pockets now on the Council. Sailor would spend 15 years attempting to reform the Consulate education system and to weed out corruption to mixed results.   In 9045, she was approached by Junior Consul Reprentius Merchant with a proposal for her to run as the next Junior Consul in the upcoming election. She accepted, and with her reputation and idealism fueling her platform, Sailor won the election in a landslide victory against her opponent, Hammerton of Smote. Immediately after taking office, she issued multiple executive orders to reform the various places of higher education in the Consulate, in many cases funnelling funding from Didacy aid budgets. In just under a year after her reforms went into place, various institutions such as her alma maters of Cordan Law School and Gelbessa University and others such as the Gardenport Living History Museum and the Smote Anvil Institute had their staffs and curricula expanded. By 9047, the Consulate's education system had fully eclipsed the Didacy in popularity amongst local scholars.  

Rhett Lorn

  In 9040, while she was still a Parliament member, Sailor met the scholar Rhett Lorn at a history symposium on Tax. Their shared love of history and relics sparked an immediate friendship. Lorn was seen regularly at events by Sailor's side where she would present a certain degree of charm which Sailor lacked in certain situations. Lorn would regularly donate relics and artifacts to be sold at public benefit auctions organized by Sailor. After Sailor was elected Consul, Lorn's visits became less frequent and only on special occasions. Her apparent romantic affiliation with Lorn led many Parliament members to project mistrust on her and her motives in affecting the Consul's judgment. Her apparent mastery of magical arts led many to pejoratively call her a witch behind closed doors.  

The Partycrashers

On 15 Dying Light 9047, Consul Sailor was attending the Historical Committee Reception at the Grand Hall on Vortex, she was attacked by a group of Eladrin led by a rogue agent by the name of Linthea. Separated from the rest of the party, she was held on the Great Veranda with Warforged 2 by Linthea while the other Eladrin interrogated or attacked the other guests inside the building. A group of Didacy agents now known as the Partycrashers infiltrated the event to find the assistance of Rhett Lorn, but were caught in the commotion. The group of adventurers dispatched the majority of the assailants and ventured to the Great Veranda where Sailor and Warforged 2 were being held. When the Partycrashers arrived, they found Warforged 2 apparently dead and deconstructed in a suspension field and Sailor being held by the throat by Linthea. The Didacy agent Depth Walker attempted to end the conflict quickly by throwing Linthea off the balcony. However, immediately after Linthea was thrown, a Bone Devil emerged and pierced Sailor's neck with its stinger. Sailor immediately fell unconscious and Didacy agent Dwaiyn Slatescar attempted and failed to heal her. Dwaiyn's healing magic reacted poorly to the poison in Sailor's blood sending her into a catatonic state. Rhett Lorn arrived on the scene shortly after, spiriting her away for treatment. Since then, Sailor has not been in the public eye and the Consulate government has not made her condition public.     Behind closed doors, Didact Victus XXII has assumed the duties of the Junior Consul in her absence from service, much to the disdain of Senior Consul Merchant, the Parliament, and the Consulate Admiralty . Her status and fate are as of yet unknown.


Deedee Ramone

Partner (Vital)

Towards Kralga Sailor



Kralga Sailor

Partner (Vital)

Towards Deedee Ramone



Current Status
Unknown, assumed in coma
Date of Birth
4 Bone's Chill
Year of Birth
9012 FFC 36 Years old
Deedee Ramone (Partner)
Current Residence
Light Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 8"
Aligned Organization


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