Deedee Ramone

(a.k.a. Rhett Lorn)

Known Background

  Deedee Ramone is an elf saleswoman and magic user, currently active in southern Sinderlan. She operates a business of artifact and relic trading along the Didacian Bridge System within the Consulate Free Trade Zone, free from government regulation. According to her sales pitches, her wares typically have some claims to fame or unique magical properties; this is not always the case, leading many buyers astray or into mortal danger. When confronted about this, she often touts the axiom of "buyer beware." However, her wares are also sometimes truly wonderous in nature, leading other customers incredibly satisfied with their purchases. The conflicting reports, she has found, act as a way to magnify interest in her wares.   While she has a poor regional reputation in southern Sinderlan as a shyster and conwoman, she is known by another name in more academic circles. Writing under the pseudonym Rhett Lorn, she has published many archaeological and historical studies pertaining to artifacts she acquires in her trade. According to Immolate, her findings are revolutionary in the understanding of Kingdom and Didacy culture before the 16th century. Among her many assertations in her work, she decoded some of the more archaic Sylvan dialects of Kingdom citizens inhabiting the central and southern forest regions. Her work in this field earned her a reputation amongst Consulate and Didacy scholars, wishing to decode secrets of their past.   Ramone, under her pseudonym, also apparently maintains a close friendship or romantic involvement with Junior Consul Kralga Sailor of the Didacian Consulate. While not an officially announced relationship, it has become somewhat of an open secret among higher social circles of the Consulate. Sailor's apparent shared interest in history and artifacts sparked this relationship at a symposium on Tax in 9040 where Ramone had brought forth a new set of findings on the so-called "mainland Didacy" of the 13th century following the Great Thaw. The relationship is frowned upon as many Parliament members find her influence on the Consul disturbing.  

Involvement with the Partycrashers

Ramone was encountered by the Didacy operative group known as the Partycrashers multiple times in late 9047 leading up to the Circlecrash. She came to them originally as a salesman of unique wares, which became evident were either cursed or falsely advertised. This created some friction between her and the group of adventurers, which was slightly alleviated by the fact that Deedee apparently was carrying in her wares an artifact they were assigned to retrieve. For a low price, Deedee parted with the artifact.   Later, Deedee was encountered at the Historical Committee Reception on Crush on 15 Dying Light 9047 where the Partycrashers had been sent to find Rhett Lorn. While there, the event came under attack by Linthea and her siblings. The Eladrin Sundaria was sent to dispatch Deedee, but was thwarted by the combined efforts of the Partycrashers and Deedee. Here, Deedee exhibited great magical power in dispatching some of Sundaria's minions with minimal effort.   After agreeing to the Partycrashers' request and payment to assist the Didacy, Deedee temporarily departed to uphold her end of the bargain. She asked the group to take care of the assailants while she took care of something else. When she returned, it was shortly after Walker had thrown Linthea from the Great Veranda and Dwaiyn Slatescar had disastrously healed a poisonous wound inflicted upon Kralga Sailor. She handed off the documentation to the Partycrashers and fled the scene with a catatonic Sailor. Shortly after her departure, Throden Lowaan accidentally initiated the Circlecrash when she removed the head of Warforged 2 from a magical suspension field.   Deedee was later encountered during the Trial of Depth Walker on 33 Dying Light 9047 when Walker asked her to assist him as his advocate in Interplanar Court against his otherworldly patron, That Which Endures. Upon hearing the trouble he was in, Deedee agreed to assist him, apparently familiar with That Which Endures' reputation and realm of influence. While acting as advocate, Deedee and Walker worked together to construct a case to free Walker from their contract. After Auron, the chief adjudicator and Primal Being of the Dawn, nullified Walker's contract and rechristend them as Runs on the Wind, Deedee parted spectral ways with the Partycrashers again. She wished them luck in their future endeavors.   Deedee was later contacted in mid Rekindling 9048 by the Partycrashers to inquire about Xilmoira Vamenor Venzana's apparent transformation into an Eladrin, to which she expressed confusion and concern, informing them that certain lineages could be masked, but only with strong and specific magics.



Always looking for her next big sale, Deedee is known to be quick on her words and sharp with her tongue. Her assertive nature is off-putting for most, but she rarely fails to move some wares after a sales pitch. Outside of her mercantile nature, she has shown facets of fondness for history and archaeology. She also tends to enjoy casual flirting, even when she has no intent to follow it up with anything more serious. This outgoing and overly forward nature has been known to be grating to some.

Hobbies & Pets

Deedee enjoys artifacts that pertain to archaeology and history, and the subsequent sale of said artifact, regardless of their authenticity. The origin of her love of history is unknown, but she has published several papers and studies on the subject of pre-Starfall history under the pseudonym Rhett Lorn.    She is often accompanied by her faithful avian companion, Ben, who is apparently capable of taking the form of different types of birds. He is intelligent and capable of operating the shop and even making change for patrons when unaccompanied. His known forms are seagull, hawk, penguin, and kiwi.


Deedee Ramone

Partner (Vital)

Towards Kralga Sailor



Kralga Sailor

Partner (Vital)

Towards Deedee Ramone



The elven conwoman, salesperson, and scholar. After initially scamming the Partycrashers, she helped them accomplish their goal for the Didacy and free Wind from the contract with That Which Endures. Her partner, Kralga Sailor, was accidentally put into a catatonic state by Dwaiyn.

View Character Profile
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
unknown, > 700
Kralga Sailor (Partner)
Dirty Blonde, long
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 11"
Other Affiliations


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