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Each of the leaders of the former independent states (petty kingdom, duchy, republic, pharaonic dynasty...) of Ys were deposed, either allowed to retain their power (to an extent) and rank (to an extent) provided they became tributary vassals to Drennón Tzolagar I (and his descendants). The early kingdoms resisted and their elite class were purged to a man. Entire ancient Tlalotlys lineages were wiped out. The senate of Tlatl raised an army and attempted to resist. When it was clear they were doomed to fail, the senators elected to surrender and turned on any hold out senators offering them up to the conquering Tzolagar.   The Citadel of Ysfet was the last to surrender to Tzolagar and did so without conflict and no blood was shed. The pharaoh Tra Achwat bent the knee to Tzolagar and was allowed to keep his head, rank, and powers as a vassal. The region was the renamed as the Ysfeto Satrap under the administration and protection of Pharaoh Achwat and his successors. The current satrap is his great-granddaughter, Zitziya Achwat.   Functionally, Ys is divided into a number of provinces called satrapies, governed by one person, the satrap, who are absolute rulers who are only answerable to the Tzolgarin Dynasts. Ostensibly all of equal rank, the satraps are do not consider themselves so. The Achwats of Ysfet still cling to their semi-divine status and thus view the other satraps as lesser. The satrap of Cheotlin has the direct ear of the Tzolgarin Dynast, so he (usually he, currently he) has considerably more power and influence and often serves as the dynast's voice to the realm.

Jade Yssian Home Glyph
Jade Green Yssian Glyph by 包德強
Jade colour is of a universal import. This glyph is found in the garden of pillars throughout Eastern Ys, predominantly among the Tzapli Yssians.

This particular rendering of the home-glyph is from a pillar garden in Ysfet near its border with the Suvatan wilds. The home-glyph represents the Yssian people, the region of Ys, and the seal of the Tzolgarin Dynasts who rule the nation. It is ubiquitous, particularly when carved in jade, or painted in jade colouring.

Civic, Political
Source of Authority
Drennón Tzolagar
Reports directly to
Related Locations

Cover image: The Bands of Ys by 包德強