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The City of Slōenn (slo:ʷɛn)

Capital of Dhaoshee, Seat of the Oligarchy:

—dha-Dhaoshee sov Dhaōvskyen.
  Famous for its thieves, mercenaries, thugs, wealth, information trade, and the seat of power of the oligarchs of the NE quadrant of Dhaoshee. Its undercity is a hotbed of crime and powerbase of criminal clans. Its populace is widely diverse, although primarily ethnic Daoshi, the Tchaikréni/Klini and Kielik people are a siginificant portion, however Qh'énns, Kharnnes, and Yssians are present as are scatterings of other tribes and races.   Slōenn is relatively northerly, nearest of the cities to the Har mountains and the border with Qh’énnshaiyn, although still well in country. Built on ancient ruins, it has an elaborate undercity of ruins, caverns, and sinkholes.   The Slōennite Oligarchs—the Dhaōvskyen—are responsible for the governance and assigning of fiefs to the magically inclined. They are anonymous and very powerful; many among them also are magi enfeoffed elsewhere. The exact number, location, and identity of the oligarchs are secret such that the magi of the realm do not decide to move against them.   Slōenn is sometimes called the City of Secrets or the Triune City because of its three layers of function: the overt, the undercity, and the secret qabals.

Alternative Name(s)
the City of Secrets; the Triune City
Inhabitant Demonym
Slōennite ("Slyennyi" in Daoshi)
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

Articles under The City of Slōenn

Cover image: Slōennite Squalor by 包德強


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