Terra Dvaar


People from all different parts of the world have traveled to live on or visit Terra Dvaar.
Due to the high level of tourism driving the economy there have been issues in the poor pay for citizens. The United Nations has stepped in to oversee and rectify this. A legal battle was had between the Rikdome Family and the United Nations over this but the final result was the workers owned the tourism of the island and a tax on all sales was then given to the Rikdome family.


The island itself has its own government that is largely mirroring that of the United Nations.


The port at the island contains forces from across the world lent to the United Nations to assist in defending our possible threats from the other planes.
Avatars at the Academy are also offer a strong defense should the island come under siege or Earth be invaded again.

Industry & Trade

Financially, money flows into the island from tourism, but the export of the island is Flume Gem which are collected and distributed across the globe by the UN. Their is no financial transaction for the Gems as it meant to be a resource all of Earth can benefit from.


The island contains an active airport, and port for bringing in both tourist but also shipping and receiving goods.
The island is also set with its own infrastructure for civilian and tourist life as well as its own power grid utilizing the geothermal power of the volcanic activity below the Flume Crystal. 
There is a robust public transportation system consisting of trains that run to most locations of the island. The transportation is free for locals but does cost tourist. The streets within the city are designed for bikes and motorized wheelchairs only. Emergency vehicles are able to navigate the city via the train tracks and streets, but personal cars are not permitted.


Infrastructure District

Located in the North Western region of Terra Dvaar.
This district includes the Hospital, Island Police, Utilities, Powerplant, and more.

Political District

Located in the Northern most area of the island, closest to Waddiche Academy 
This is where many a meeting and stay place for politicians are. This is also where the United Nations has its summits that would occur on the Island.  

Civilian District

Located on the inner Eastern area of the island.
This district is where the people who work and live on the island live. Many who live here work in tourism for the island and in Waddiche academy or the port.
There are many important buildings in this space for the civilian population including the Dvaar Bike Store.  

Tourism District

Located along the beautiful sea facing southern most spaces of the Island. 
Though the Island has only a population of 90,000 there are often near 200,000 occupants. This is because of the massive influx of tourism, political travel, and media.
Massive luxury hotels fill this district as well as attractions such as museums, theatres, and a grand memorial park with flowers planted for each life lost in the two invasions.

Points of interest

Waddiche Academy 


Flume Crystal 

The Coliseum

This is within the Academy and is where the Sparring Games take place.


Located at -17.0, 66.8 Longitude Latitude


  • Terra Dvaar
  • Terra Dvaar Location
Founding Date
National Territory
Location under
Included Locations
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization


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