Find Former Drunk Companion of TNO

Mei'am claimed to have known The Nameless One from many years before.   At that time he was travelling with Dak'kon, Morte, Dieonarra, and a fourth person she described as tall thin and drunk man.   This fourth man reminded TNO of a Zombie he had seen in The Mortuary.   Investigation of the Mortuary led the Ka-Tet to a zombie matching the man's description, but had stitches closing its eyes and forming a #331 on its forehead.   Arvid has asked for the zombie's papers to be retrieved from the archives.   After delving into the Weeping Stone Catacombs, TNO gained the ability to speak with the deceased, and he sought out his old companion after a meeting with a Dabus tattooist named Fell.   Searching the Mortuary he discovered Xachariah, who was in fact Zombie 331. After learning about their travels together, Xachariah asked TNO to put him to rest, and to end a Dustman's Contract he had signed when drunk. TNO helped his friend end his suffering ( Xachariah - Handout 35 )
Completion Date
Session 13
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