BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Pludeo - the Origin story

In the dawn of existence, the universe lay in void, an empty expanse dominated by Flux and Ithar.   Flux, an eternal force, flowed through the fabric of time and space, an unceasing dance of energy that surged in fluctuating waves. It illuminated the nothingness with bursts of light and sound, a symphony of motion without sentiment or purpose, a kaleidoscope of existence.   Yet, in stark contrast, there was Ithar - Parent of the Gods. Ithar transcended this universe, an entity within a collection of formless beings known as Alkami. The universe was but one of their dominions, a realm within the greater tapestry of formless universes. Mysteries swirled around Ithar's origins and their role within the enigmatic Alkami's. The universes were vast and interconnected, yet their true interplay remains unkown.   While Flux bore no consciousness, no feelings, and no direction, Ithar thrived on emotion and significance. Their sentiments were often intricate, inscrutable even to the mortals simple minds. In a rare moment of ultimate loneliness, Ithar took a phisical form. They walked into the pathway of Flux that constantly traveled through the universe, and there, due to the cosmic collision stars ignited into being. Forming constellations of white, yellow, purple, red, green, blue, pink, and orange against the black canvas of space.   When Ithar looked up from their impacted chest they saw the four daughters who emerged besides them. Each was a unique embodiment of Ithar's essence, adorning themselves in colour shifting, ever moving gowns. There names are Oreio (Oreio - Goddes of Chaos), Garomi (Garomi - Goddes of Destruction), Xilerxi (Xilerxi - Goddes of Order), and Eda (Eda - Goddes of Creation). These daughters embodied emotions to the extreme. When in balance they are calm and controlled. But the slightest imbalance leads to constant unrest, discussion and even fights. Their unity is an intricate dance, an ongoing struggle for dominance that continues through the ages.   Yet, this ceaseless rivalry began to wear out Ithar's patience. Seeking resolution, they ordered Eda to create a world named Pludeo. It should be a realm shaped from Flux, infused with the essence of the daughters. Free-willed mortal beings should populate Pludeo. The daughters will contest for the mortals' devotion through intermediary means, using only the tools of influence at their disposal. For at a random moment, Ithar would freeze Pludeo's passage of time. The daughter with the most followers at that instant would ascend, inheriting Ithar's legacy among the Alkima's.   And so, Eda, the daughter of creation, weaved the world. From fragments of the sisters essence and gowns, she shaped a rough form of Pludeo. She infused the realm with energy, using a colliding torrent of Flux, birthing existence itself. A new world teemed with life beneath two suns and a watchful moon.   Ithar gazed upon their creation, now a balance. The world swarmed with creatures, a living testament to Ithar's design. Pludeo spun in equilibrium. Chaos, destruction, order, and creation intersecting, woven into the fabric of existence. Unknow for the mortals a specific purpose lures. A purpose, not of its own making, but of the daughters' rivalry, a world birthed to serve their eternal competition.
Eda - Goddes of Creation
Xilerxi - Goddes of Order
Garomi - Goddes of Destruction
Oreio - Goddes of Chaos


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