She-lath-na'un (SHAY-lahth-nah-OON)

She-lath-na'un, frequently called She-la, is the northern and easternmost region of the Kingdom of Eridane.   (overview of parts of She-la)   (from Geography of Eridane:) She-la is often seen as the “new lands” for the elves of Zantor. This area was sparsely settled by elves (relatively speaking) until after the discovery of Galea and the Founding of the Peace. It is where the more “progressive” elves tend to live, those who prefer (or at least choose) to interact more with the aianor (lit. strangers, i.e. non-elves), including humans and other races. The elven hero Aeson Wynthyra (one of the discoverers of Galea) came originally from She-la, along with numerous other explorers and adventurers.
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