-C- Auto-Shield

Name: Auto-Shield. Description: A small chakra shield that slowly revolves around the user, boosting their AC. This shield has the added benefit of being able to be equipped as an accessory rather than as a weapon. As an added benefit, 2 per day the shield can fires a blast of chakra that forces targets 20ft backwards. Rank: C. Equipment slot: One-handed/accessory. Weight: Light. AC: +4 AC. Charges: 2 per day. Resistances: Piercing. Immunities: None. Save: Targets within a 50ft line must make a DC 15 pow save vs being pushed back 20ft and knocked prone. Damage: +5, 3d8+5 atomic. Bonus 1: Equipment can be set as an accessory rather than be equipped as a weapon. Bonus 2: ???. Bonus 3: ???. Materials: ???. Cost: 1,000.


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