
The hidden grass village. A small but formerly well respected nation that was once used primarily as a prison for exceptionally dangerous ninja. The village is hidden within a tall, booby trapped patch of wild grass. Those in the village are trained in how to avoid triggering the traps which primarily is done by taking safe paths. The village ruler is a well known criminal who killed the last leader in a legal battle for control of the nation. It is now a safe haven for the worlds most dangerous criminals.   Status: Minor. Military size: Large. Factions: Kosuke Crime Syndicate, Nezu Mafia, 5 heads. Elites: 5 heads.   Prominent Clans: Haruki, Kishida, Kubo, Toyatoru. Location: The land of Plains. Wealth: Rich. Specialty: Forbidden Techniques, traps. Religion: Jashinism.   Civilian population: Low. Imports: ???. Exports: ???.   Current Leader: 4th Kusakage, Takeo Haruki.   Previous leaders: 1st Kusakage, Satoshi Kubo, 2nd Shino Kishida, 3rd Sora Toyatoru.   Allies: Kirigakure, Kumogakure, Nordic Isles, Tsuchigakure, Nadeshiko village   Neutral: Konohagakure, Sunagakure, Yukigakure, Tsukigakure, Otogakure,   Enemies: Uzushiogakure, Amegakure, The Land of Iron, Takigakure.   Buildings: Three Leaves Restaurant, Kusa General hospital, Kusa Prison, Bandai General store, Kusa Armory, Genesis Weaponry, Shades and Shadows, Kusa Pet shop and Emporium, Kusa Art Museum, Black Market, Kusa Coliseum


Kusagakure's ecosystem is known for its wide open spaces and grasslands, with few forests or other vegetation to block out the sun. Animals that live in these regions include bison, deer, rabbits, and birds like hawks and eagles, all of which rely on the wide-open space and grasslands for food and shelter. Plant life is usually short, with grasses and wildflowers dominating the landscape. In the summer, temperatures can get very hot during the day, while in the winter months it can get very cold for long periods of time.

Ecosystem Cycles

Plains Ecosystem Cycle:       Primary producers, such as plants, in the plains soak up energy from the sun through the process of photosynthesis.   Herbivores in the plains, such as rabbits and bison, eat the plants and gain energy from them.   Carnivores in the plains, such as hawks and eagles, hunt and eat the herbivores to gain energy from them.   Decompinators, such as bacteria and fungi, break down dead plant and animal matter and return that energy back to the soil.

Localized Phenomena

Dust storms and high winds, which can cause dangerous and blinding conditions.   Flash floods, which can be quite destructive and deadly if not properly prepared for.   Tornadoes, which can be incredibly powerful and deadly if they strike in a populated area.   Wildfires, which can be caused by the dry grasslands being susceptible to fire, and which can cause devastating damage and destruction.   Extreme temperature fluctuations, both day and night, which can cause a lot of discomfort for those living in the region.   Mysterious lights and glows that appear in the night sky, such as will-o'-the-wisps or ball lightning.   Strange sounds and voices that can be heard during the night, such as eerie whispers or creepy laughter.   Apparitions and specters, such as ghosts or spirits that appear and disappear in random places.


The climate of the plain lands can vary depending on the specific location, but it's typically characterized by extreme temperature fluctuations and dry grasslands that are susceptible to fires and flooding. Temperature variations can be extremely cold during the winter months, with temperatures dropping far below freezing for long stretches of time, while in the summer months temperatures can be very hot and dry with little or no relief from the sun during the days. Rainfall is relatively rare in these places, with most precipitation coming in the form of short and intense downpours during storms or periods of heavy weather.

Fauna & Flora

The flora of the plain lands is typically dominated by grasses and wildflowers, which make up much of the landscape. These grasses and wildflowers can be found in a variety of colors and shades, and can provide a beautiful and diverse landscape for those who live there.     The fauna of the plains is also quite diverse, with animals like bison, deer, rabbits, hawks, and eagles all making their homes in these regions. These animals are adapted to the harsh and extreme climate of the plains, and they are able to find food and shelter in this environment as well.


The village hidden in the grass was first founded by Satoshi Kubo, a ninja from the hidden stone who was not happy with the way of his village and set about the noble goal of starting his own village, free from the confines of tyranny. One of the first rules established was that the leader of the village could be publicly challenged for leadership by anyone, so that no there would always be hope for a break in any tyranny that may arise. Many took advantage of this, and most attempts failed though it would be this rule that would cause the deaths of all previous village leaders.   Satoshi was a great leader and helped the village prosper in its early days and is the spirit upon which the village was formed around. Satoshi believed that everyone deserved a second chance and offered for any to join the village, even those others found unsavory. Due to this many battles raged throughout the land and upon seeing the flaws in his legal system, he began constructing a powerful prison for shinobi to deter these senseless fights. It worked well for a short time with Shino Kishida being the warden of the prison.   As Satoshi grew older he became more hopeful and less satisfied with the prison, it seemed guilt had consumed him for all the precious time lost and the flaws his system had. His mental health continued to decline until he drank himself mad, Shino Kishida tolerated the behavior for long enough and challenged for the right to lead before Satoshi could tarnish his own name and beat him in swift order. Shino led as second Kusakage and led the majority of the villages' history, protecting the village through many wars and repairing the damage wherever it could be found. It was a little over a decade ago when the title was passed to the third Kusakage.   Sora Toyatoru was a shinobi born in the hidden grass village and survived many battles and lost many friends, when stepped out of line he would see innocent people put in prison for senseless reasons. He began to hate his own village and its leader who had grown distant and cold, who had become so obsessed with protecting the people that he began to infringe upon their human rights. As he grew older Sora would train to defeat the Second Kusakage Shino Kishida, and on the day of his 25th birthday, the day after the third great shinobi war had ended, he got his wish. The two fought in the village coliseum for the entire village to see, and battled with words as much as they did with violence. It was only upon Sora landing the fatal blow and the rejoicing of the nation that Shino realized how horribly tyrannical he had become.   Sora was a fine leader in the prime of his youth and the strength to move mountains, a true hero to the people who took as much time with the people as he did with paperwork. He was primed to have a grand reign when one day he was informed that an S-Rank criminal was found in the village and imprisoned. When Sora went to see the prisoner Takeo Haruki, he was challenged for control over the village. This act couldn't be refused, even by a criminal. Sora accepted and the two fought in the coliseum. Though Sora was powerful he was no match for the ruthless attacks of Takeo, who made a spectacle of the event to the disgust of all watching.   When Takeo finished the battle he made quick work of releasing and unifying the criminals under his rule, the village turned into a massive black market with nearly no rules. Due to this the land has lost most of its greater political power.   Takeo has ruled for nearly a decade now and is able to easily defeat any challengers with his powerful abilities. The black market brings in great income and many artifacts, forbidden jutsu are gathered and taught here and the village takes nearly any mission to bring in income and allow them to handle the dirty work for other nations.   Takeo has enlisted elite shinobi as his 5 heads of the village. 1 leads the religious sector outside the capitol, 1 is the head of the prison, both heads of the crime families and his advisor.


  • Kusagakure
    A map of The Hidden Grass Village.
  • Kusa Spy Map
    A layout of one of the kusa restaurants during a spy mission.
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