
The village hidden in the clouds is a large mountainous region. The ninja there are taught to believe that strength is the only way to achieve your goals. Status: Great. Military size: Large. Factions: The six storms. Elites: The Six Storms. Political views: Might makes right.   Prominent Clans: 11, Akimichi, Hisada, Hoshi, Izumi, Kazuchi, Kurama, Miyazaki, Nii, Oso, Suzuki, Zabata.   Location: The land of lightning. Wealth: Rich.   Specialty: Close combat. Religion: The Will of Lightning. Civilian population: Fair. Imports: Water, Salted meats, fresh produce, fish, lumber. Exports: coal, gems, minerals, stone, metals.   Current Leader: 5th Raikage Fumiko Hoshi. Previous leaders: 1st Raikage Darui, 2nd Raido Kazuchi, 3rd Danzo Zabata, 4th Mitabi Oso.   Allies: The Land of Iron, Yukigakure, Kusagakure, Tsuchigakure Neutral: Kirigakure, Sunagakure, Takigakure, Konohagakure, Nordic Isles, Enemies: Nadeshiko village, Otogakure, Amegakure, Tsukigakure, Uzushiogakure,


The geography of Kumogakure is home to many mountainous regions, with a diverse range of landscapes containing both plains and swamps. The village is also one of great abundance, with many natural resources such as water and gems. The village is home to a large number of famed restaurants and tourisms. The village's, with its natural beauty makes it one of the most admired villages in the world.


The Mountainous lands provide a scattered but diverse array of habitats in Kumo, with a large range of plants and animals habitating it. At higher altitudes in the mountain ranges, harsh environmental conditions generally prevail, and a treeless alpine vegetation, upon which the present account is focused, is supported. The lower slopes commonly are covered by montane, but sparse, forests. At even lower levels mountain lands grade into other types of landform and vegetation—e.g., tropical or temperate forest, savanna, scrubland, desert, or tundra. The Mountain ecosystems are considered to be very vulnerable. They are increasingly sensitive to soil erosion, landslides and rapid loss of habitat and genetic diversity. This region also experiences high amounts of rain per year.

Ecosystem Cycles

The mountains and valleys of Kumogakure are home to many different types of plant and animal life, with a wide range of habitats accommodating all sorts of wildlife. The mountains are mainly covered in thick forests, while the valleys are home to many wide, flat plains. The lower elevations of the mountain ranges are home to many different types of plants and animals, but as you climb higher up the mountain, the temperature changes and the animal and plant life changes as well, resulting in a very diverse ecosystem.

Localized Phenomena

Some local phenomena of Kumo, is the thick storm clouds that often surround the village, causing regular thunderstorms.

Fauna & Flora

Some Flora and Fauna include Goats, sheep, Deer, Moose, Geese, Foxes, Wolves, Coyotes, etc.


Kumogakure was founded sometime in the year 30, during the summer and fall seasons. Darui founded the village some time after Konoha was established. Back during Maeko's conquest, Darui fought many of his shinobi soldiers, but it wasn't until after Maeko's defeat that he would be able to establish the village now known as Kumo. With Konoha taking the forests, and other lands rapidly gathering soldiers and supplies to begin claiming their own territory, Darui took to the mountains. At first there was little lumber to gain, but despite this, they had access to many other natural resources.   The 1st Great Ninja War took place around the year 100. It originated as the cloud vs the stone village, where both sides fought, evenly matched in strength and capability for a time. The sand would eventually make a move against the stone. At the time, the sand was at war with the leaf village and were prepared to make a quick move to take land from the stone village as their own. The war would end with the creation of the five Sannin of Konoha, who would go on to save their enemies in the sand from a brutal retalliation planned by the stone village. After having their plans thwarted, with little military left, the stone would surrender to the cloud and the sand, offering some of their land as a symbol of peace.   Around the year 80, the first Raikage, Darui, passes in a battle with the reigning samurai master and many of their top men. Raido Kazuchi takes over as the 2nd Raikage. This battle was caused due to a figure from the land of stone misled both sides. The Raikage had recently sealed the masked beast known as Kinja, a large golden snake that flies through the skies within the land of lightning. It is said to control the precious metals in the air around itself. The figure from the stone village told the samurai that the Raikage intended to use the beast to attack them, causing the two sides to feud for many months before ultimately the leaders of each nation killed each other in a great battle. In the fallout, both nations discovered that they were manipulated by the same figure and became close allies, leading into the first great ninja war.   The Six Storms of Kumogakure were established some time around the year 120. Each individual of the storms was selected at a young age for their prodigal skills in various subjects and fighting capabilities. They were to be trained by the 2nd Raikage, Raido Kazuchi. With the founding of The Six Storms, a law would be established within the land: When the Raikage passes, the six storms are to have a public battle to decide upon the new reigning Raikage.   Danzo Zabata would become the 3rd Raikage, in year 135. He won the battle of the storms by feigning defeat early on and waiting until his more powerful allies had exhausted most of their chakra. Danzo would use similar tactics throughout his reign to greatly expand the land and lead it to great profits.   Around year 180, Danzo would pass and Mitabi Oso would become the fourth reigning Raikage. Having only come to the village less than a decade beforehand, she had quickly won the trust and respect of all of her allies. Shortly into her reign, Mitabi would be face with a difficult decision. Two of her allies, Konoha and Kirigakure, had their elite forces engaged in a battle. After this battle, one of the Sannin had sought shelter within Kumo, but they had taken one of Kiri's sacred artifacts, unlawfully. Mitabi would choose to execute this criminal, and forever solidify the bonds between Kumo and Kiri as allies. This would lead to many battles with Konoha that would soon escalate to the 2nd Great Ninja War.   Mitabi would lead her people through the 2nd great ninja war. The sides on the war would be as follows: Kumo, Kusa, Kiri and Suna while the other side was Konoha, Tsuchi, and Taki. The Second Great Ninja War would end with a Kage summit after a large battle in which most nations suffered great casualties within their elite forces and units. Ultimately, a peace treaty would be called between each nation, and land would be divided between them with new borders being marked and respected. This would happen around the year 225.   Around year 240, Mitabi would pass away, and Fumiko Hoshi would become the Fifth Raikage. She is the current reigning Raikage and has reigned for 61 years. She is the longest reigning Raikage in history, age 97.
Alternative Name(s)
Land of Lightning
Mountain Range
Location under
Included Locations
Characters in Location


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