Allied Ninja Force Headquarters

The Allied Ninja Force HQ is kept in the land of rivers and is a massive building with 5 primary areas. Center, north wing, south wing, east wing and west wing. Each area is fully equipped with its own training room, living areas, rest areas, library, medical ward, kitchen, cafeteria and meditation room. The center area is the most important and the most well defended, it is where the Allied Council meet and where matters of international importance are discussed. The focus of the Allied forces is to always act in the interest of peace and the greater good.

Purpose / Function

To preserve peace at all costs and act towards the greater good of the world.


Several forces from all different lands with many of the guards being jonin or talented chunin from different nations that have severed their past connections and act only for the greater good. Several patrols around the surrounding areas and internally, sensory ninja on constant alert and out posts and fences over the area around the building so that none should be able to get near without alert.


Newly founded its results have been dubious at best and contraversy surrounds it.


None, civilians are not allowed near the building and warded out of the neighboring forests by patrolling guards.
Government complex
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