A Member of The Family

General Summary

-The party wakes up and goes about their mornings as usual.
  -As they're getting ready to depart for their mission, they are introduced to Takumi, a member of the mafia.
  -They're all told that they will be taking the academy exam to be instituted as shinobi, since it would be easier than forging passes for the party.
  -Madnaps has his ID already set within Kusagakure as Captain Koji.
  -As usual, they're threatened with terrible things happen so don't fuck up
  -The party leaves and goes to the village academy where they part ways with Koji at the building because non examinees are not allowed inside of the building.
  -Hasashi, Khepri, and Takumi are lightly bickering the entire time, until a guide approaches.
  • The guide asks them the basic questions: "What exams are you here for? What are your names? etc."

  •   -Takumi uses the Alias of Taku
      -Shirohebei quickly explains both herself and Hika being Shiro and Mirai Hatake, sisters.
      -Khepri gives his name as Hasashi Kitamura.
      -Hasashi looks visibly angry and distressed, slaps the back of khepri's head and as takumi goes to speak he is cut off by hasashi who declares his name to be Takumi in a moment of frustration.
      -The guide then escorts them to the academy testing area. Upon walking in they would see several other academy students and other shinobi of varying ages.
      -They bicker amongst each other for being idiots when they are approached by a set of twins who introduce themselves as sai and mai.
      -The twins explain that they're there to guide the applicants and wish them luck on not being stuck with Takowa Sensei.
      -Hasashi was led to a room where he met a small woman with a mysterious personality. Rather than testing him physically, her test was more speaking to the values and beliefs of an individual. For most of the conversation, Hasashi seemed lost and confused. The woman seemed unamused, though, in the end, did pass him.
      -Hika would be tested next, when she entered a room and found herself standing across from a lean, handsome man named Takouta. He would speak to her casually, being lazy regarding the test and chose something simple for her. He created an illusionary clone of himself that would likely taunt her and dodge most of her blows while she grew visibly frustrated the more she missed. It would take her using one of her Kenjutsu techniques to finally strike them down. Takouta was surprised, but passed her, handing off a headband as she left the room.
      -Takumi would find two examiners in the room he entered. The superior examiner would explain that this would be a test of capacity in ninjutsu.
      -Simply put, they were to strike the target with their strongest technique.
      -when takumi attempted to use his most powerful jutsu, he choked on his own poison bullet.
      -After both examiners mocked him, Takumi attempted to use a genjutsu to persuade the younger one to give him a second chance. This was quickly discovered by the superior officer who would call Takumi's bluff and threaten to ban him from the graduation exam.
      -After a brief speech about how he never broke any rules of the exam itself, he would be told he passed very reluctantly.
      -Khepri would enter the same room as Hika did minutes ago, meeting the same instructor she had. They would introduce each other before proceeding with the exam. Takouta and Khepri spoke regarding Khepri's abilities, and hearing he had some talent with Fuinjutsu, Takouta would offer a contest: If Khepri could escape one of his barriers within a minute, he would be able to pass the exam. Khepri agreed on the condition that Takouta would do the same, to which he also agreed humorously. From there, khepri just sends waves of waves of insects to break takouta's barrier within 45 seconds, depleting his chakra almost entirely and causing him a state of heavy exhaustion. Despite this, they passed. Takouta congratulates him and hands him his headband only to realize Khepri's barrier is up, which he snaps and shatters it instantly.
      -Shirohebei was immediately greeted in an agressive manner by a man who introduced himself as Takowa Sensei. He easily towered over her, and looked to be incredibly muscular. She had little time before he began barking out orders at her, showing that he would take no weakness from the examinee. Takowa demanded strength and resilience. He ordered her to do 250 laps around the large room in thirty minutes, followed by 200 pushups, and 200 situps. When this was over, Shirohebei asked for her headband, to which he laughed and said: "That was just the warmup." He then performed a hand sign and part of the wall flips around to reveal a set of spiked statues and training dummies. He would simply tell her to go in and try her best not to die, challenging her to impress him with her combative skills. Though she would take some injuries in the process, from spikes drilling into her shoulder and leg, she showed impressive taijutsu capabilities, dealing strong blows and moving swiftly between the statues and dummies. After ten minutes, and breaking through a dummy, Takowa finally relents and gives her the graduation headband. Upon returning to the group, where she sees sai and mai who express shock at her surviving Takowa's ruthlessness.
      -As the rest of the graduates left the area, Shirohebei is approached by Takowa Sensei, who stumbles over his words quietly as he attempts to ask her on a date. Though, with the many people around, he tried his best to keep it vague. This only worked against him.
      -The party then head outside where Sai and Mai offer to take them on a tour of the village.
    Report Date
    20 Sep 2024


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