Akari Izumi

Age: 12. Clan: Izumi. XP: 2,500 Rank: D-5. Village: Cloud.
  Chakra nature: Earth, lightning. Combat style: Close combat. Background: Shinobi Family. Saving throws: Dex, wis. Proficiencies: Crafting, chakra control, Sleight of hand, Stealth. Ryo: 375.
  Hit die: 6d8 Chakra capacity: 77. Chakra die: 6d10 AC: 15. Max HP: 72. Factions: Team 8 (Kumo) Speed: 100ft Proficiency bonus: +3. Equipment: ???.
  Strength: 14, +3. Constitution: 15, +3. Dexterity: 17, +4. Wisdom: 14, +2 Intelligence: 10, 0. Charisma: 8, -1
  Combat abilities:
  Animal combat: 0. Fuinjutsu: 0. Genjutsu: 0. Insect use: 0. Kenjutsu: 10. Medical: 0. Ninjutsu: 5. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Taijutsu: 5.
  Feats: 2.
  Compelled duel x2
  Can craft D rank equipment.
  Extra attack x2
  +2 to attacks with melee weapons.
  Advanatage on hit die.
  Can make unarmed strikes as a bonus action if they make an unarmed strike.
  Techniques known: 22.
  E: 12, Agonizing thorn, Apricot Blossom Strike, Battojutsu, Electric Jolt technique, Front slice, Lightning flash technique, Mud wall jutsu, Shadow shuriken technique, Shoulder charge, Stone shuriken technique, Stone sword jutsu, Substituion,
  D: 8, Air lightning strike, Chakra weapon Enhancement, Cobble swarm jutsu. Deception Slice, Earthquake slam, Multi mud wall jutsu, thunder bullet jutsu, Tired Knee,
  C: 2, Afterglow technique, Cherry Blossom Blizzard,
  B: A: S:
  Techniques available: 8


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