Amethyst Dome Technique

Amethyst dome: The user covers an area in a dome that can expand outwards made entirely out of amethyst, this dome is very sturdy and upon contact with the dome targets may hear and feel sonic vibrations through their body. These vibrations are similar to a genjutsu that will rattle the brain of targets, making those hit unsure of what they're doing or very forgetful. This dome can withstand 50 points of damage before breaking and recovers at the start of each round. If the dome is shattered, all the sonic energy will be released dealing damage to those in its radius. Rank: D. Style: Kekkei Genkai. Chakra cost: 20 per round. Range: 30ft radius, +10ft each round. Save: 10, int vs confused. Damage: 3d8 sonic if dome is shattered. Focus: Yes. Requirements: Two free hands. Enhancement: Doubled radius. Minor Action


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