An Apple A Day Keeps The Nezu At Bay

General Summary

-Shirohebei wakes up in the early hours of the morning. As she is roaming the halls she passes by underboss Kali, who asks her to take a shower before having a private meeting with her in Kali's office on the top floor.   -The other party members wake up shortly after one another, and as they do so, Hika notices that She and Khepri had fallen asleep on either side of Raiden in the night. each one meeting in the dining area for a morning meal. After brief arguments, Madnaps enters and tells the party that they have business to take care of   -The party is ordered to extract sap from a special tree in order to create psychedelic syrup, a drug commonly sold from the mafia. The party was also required to purchase some equipment they commonly purchased from. The party groans in displeasure, asking their own array or questions and expressing distaste for the task which seemed to be rather boring.   -Shiro and Kali are having their meeting as this is happening and Kali discusses her dislike for Madnaps while attempting to seduce shirohebei successfully.   -After the meeting, Shirohebei leaves the room to hear madnaps calling out "SLAVE" Through the halls as he gets closer. He sees her and finally yells at her that she needs to leave with them for their next assignment.   -Along the way to their destination, the party stopped in at a shady looking shop near the outskirts of the village. It is here that everyone would be asked to purchase any necessary items or equipment before proceeding with their mission. Shirohebei purchased detachable armor which she was fitted for beforehand. Takumi purchased basic medical equipment. Hasashi would argue with the shop owner for requesting to do some measurements on Shirohebei, assuming them to be perverse. Koji scolded Hasashi about how the shop owner was one of the people that the Nezu did business with regularly, and to be respectful. Whenever Hasashi ignored demands and proceeded to press the shop keeper, Koji would command him to leave the shop entirely.   -Raiden purchased some basic equipment while at the shop. Shirohebei was fitted in the dressing room while Koji perved on her.   -Next, the groups travels to a small settlement just outside of the grass village. "So what do these trees look like, Koji?" Raiden asked, curiously.   "You'll know em when you see em'" Koji madnaps would explain with a sinister chuckle.  
  • as the party reaches the village outskirts, where they saw a group of trees which seemed to move unnaturally compared to the rest. Most notably, they would spot a child swinging on one of the tree branches as if it was being pushed by an actual person, revealing to the group that the trees are sentient.
  • -The party would wait for the children to leave before carrying out their mission. At their first opportunity, Raiden would throw a kunai directly at one of the trees, stabbing into the tough bark of it. At this, one of the tree's branches would reach back and launch itself forward with great speed as they tossed an apple which directly knocked Raiden in the head. At this, Khepri would rush over to a large boulder that was nearby and climb atop of it. He leaned back with a maniacal laugh, the sun beaming gloriously behind him as a swarm of locusts swept over the horizon and enveloped the nearby trees. They would sway violently as they attempted to shake the insects from their trunks and branches.   -Hika then approached one of the trees behind the boulder and attempted to befriend it rather than harm it. Shirohebei immediately launched into dynamic action, rapidly throwing a set of kicks at the tough bark of one of the trees near herself. In response, there was another apple thrown from behind her, smacking her in the skull. Hasashi then ran in from behind the group, quickly launching Lorentz Gun, forming a lightning gate that he then threw his sword through. The blade impaled one of the trees, stunning it from the lightning that surged through its body. At this, Koji yells at everyone in an attempt to remind them that the trees were mostly needed alive.   -Amongst the chaos, two apples were launched at Khepri, though he managed to block them using the barrier shield technique. Khepri would then notice as some of the trees started splintering apart almost entirely as his locusts made quick work of them. Hika used her water whip after failing to befriend one of the trees and it responded by using branch binding to restrain her similarly to itself. At this Hika couldn't help but wonder if the trees held a consciousness similar to that of a human.   -After this, Raiden launches an attack on one of the trees nearby, slicing through it's core with his scythe. Meanwhile, Shirohebei would finish off her opponent by brutally destroying it with a series of powerful strikes. At this, Koji yells out that, once more, the trees are more valuable alive as an apple strikes Raiden in the head and knocks him out.   -Hasashi was also attacked, by a tree swinging downwards with one of its thicker branches in an attempt to hit him. Khepri gets hit in the ass with an apple. At this point Koji runs over to help Raiden by kicking him in the ribs and demanding him to awaken. Immediately after this, Hasashi is knocked out by an apple striking him in the front of the head. Shirohebei runs over to begin helping them as Hika fights to get out of the grasp of the tree she's been focused on. Shirohebei would protect Khepri by fighting one of the trees as he clasps his hands together and offers a prayer to the great bearded man in the sky, before punching Hasashi in the balls and shocking him back into consciousness.   -As soon as Hasashi sits up to exclaim his pain, he is immediately struck down by another apple that is hurled at him from across the field. Khepri cannot help but look at him in disappointment, feeling he wasted his efforts.   -Raiden would then use zone of death to rot one of the trees and is scolded for killing the tree by Koji as the women finish off the last of the trees on their own. Koji then goes around and collects the usable corpses by sealing them into scrolls.   -They return to HQ successfully and are mildly rewarded with decent food on the way home, except for Hasashi, who was told to starve while the others ate. Upon returning to HQ, Koji orders two grunts to grab Hasashi and take him to the third floor. After doing so, Koji extends and invitation to both Khepri and Shirohebei to accompany him to the same floor. Upon arriving to the third floor, Hasashi is seen bound to a bloodied table made of stone. From there, Koji scolds Hasashi about his behaviour and disobedience given his role as a slave. After this, Hasashi is struck by a hammer as Koji slams it into his hand and shatters the bones. Both Khepri and Shirohebei perk up at this, surprised by the violent act. Koji calls for a nurse to come and fix the broken hand, to which Shirohebei would offer her aid. She would use her bone style in combination with her limited knowledge of medical jutsu to painfully and quickly reconstruct the bone structure of Hasashi's hand. He would continue to try to resist, and suffer blows to his chest, legs and arms from the same hammer repeatedly. When prompted, Shirohebei would do her best to repair the damage done.   -Finally, Koji offered Khepri and her a turn to torture their team mate as he sat down for a drink. Khepri would ask strangely unrelated questions to confuse Hasashi as Shirohebei performed her own symphony of agonizing torture on him. After she had her own fun, she would tease Hasashi as he endured both of their hatred and the pain they forced upon him.   -He would endure most of the physical torture, while still staying resilient and disrespectful. Eventually, Khepri grew bored and chose to try his hand at torture as well. He immediately pulled Hasashi's pants down and exposed his genitals as locusts began crawling across the stone table.   "Koji wants an apology for being such a little shit. Now, we can do this the easy way. Or we can do this the hard way. The choice is yours."   At this, Hasashi felt a sense of dread and fear for the first time. "Get your bugs away from my dick!" He yelled out, writhing uncontrollably despite his battered condition.   Koji and Shirohebei could be heard cackling with laughter at his reaction as the bugs continued to grow nearer.   "Are you gonna start listening? Are you going to follow orders?" Koji asked demandingly to which Hasashi replied, "Fuck off! Get his bugs away from my dick!"   To this, Khepri responds, "You chose the hard way.~"   Hasashi would scream in terror and fear as the sensation of tiny limbs clawing their way into his anal cavity washed over him. His screams of apology and submission could not be heard over Shirohebei's laughter. "DID YOU JUST SHOVE A BUG UP HIS ASS?!!" She could barely stay standing as she leaned against a wall, Koji was loudly howling with laughter while banging his hand on a nearby table.   "I'LL LISTEN! I'LL FOLLOW ORDERS! I'M SORRY FOR BEING A PIECE OF SHIT NOW GET THIS BUG OUT OF MY ASS!" He screamed to no avail.   "You should have picked the easy way, Reggie likes it in there, he's comfortable now." Khepri spoke to Hasashi, he was about to perform the blue ball seal on Hasashi when Koji ordered for Hasashi to be freed.   "I think the boy has learned a lesson he'll never forget." Koji spoke aloud, the two guards releasing the restraints.   Hasashi would immediatly sit up, get off the table and leave in shame, an insect flying out of his boxers back to Khepri.
    Report Date
    03 Jun 2023


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