Arisu Kamiya

Name: Arisu Kamiya. Known Aliases: ???. Rank: B-5. Bounty: 7,500. XP: 5,000.   Wanted by: ???. Crime: ???. Specialty: Fuinjutsu. Nationality: Kusagakure.   Last seen: Kusagakure.   Description: A short woman with long, black hair. She usually wears bright or contrasting dark colors. Mid 30's, slender body, dark blue eyes.   Companions: Sai and Mai.   Known Allies: Sai and Mai, Takowa, Takuda.   Known Enemies: ???.   Weapons: B, Dagger, melee, +16, 3d4+16, piercing dmg. Armor: -D- Sage Gi, upgraded to B rank. Equipment: ???.   Known Abilities: Mind Reading, Fuinjutsu, Kinjutsu, Senjutsu. Chakra nature: Lightning. AC: 27 (22).   Max HP: 229. (293.) Hit die: 16d8+165. Chakra die: 17d10+165. Max chakra capacity: 250. (335.) Speed: 50ft. Initiative: +5.   Actions: 4 Major, 4 minor, 4 reactions, 4 attacks.   4 stat points at E-5, +2 for every level after. 34.   Power: 10. Dexterity: 15 (+3). Charisma: 15 (+3). Wisdom: 24 (+7). Intelligence: 20 (+5).   Fighting style: AOE. Save DC: 14 + stat modifier.   Optional stats, apply if present or needed. Resists: Cursed, Spiritual. Immunities: Mental. Weaknesses: ???. Special abilities: (3) Sight Seer: The user can roll two die per day. These rolls are saved and can be used to replace any roll that the user or another target make at any point during the day.   Mind Reader: By making physical contact with another being, the target must make a DC 10 + user chakra control wisdom save. on a fail, the user is able to read all surface level thoughts of the target they are in contact with. Psychic: If the user deals mental damage to a target, they ignore resistance to that damage.   Techniques known: 42/42.   E: 8. Chakra draining seal, Danger Sense, Enclosing Technique, Nature's Gift, Repulsion jutsu, Substitution Jutsu, Summoning jutsu, Thunder Trap Jutsu.   D: 14. Bakudo #43, Tanma Otoshi, Bakudo #63, Sajo Sabaku, Bakudo #75, Gochutekken Cellular regeneration absorption, Chakra absorption seal, Clone trap jutsu, Debris Siphon Jutsu, Jutsu Absorption, Self Cursing Seal, Spirit Gun, Spirit transformation jutsu, Spore Infection, Surface Walking Technique , Voodoo puppet creation.   C: 14. Bakudo #10, Horin, Bakudo #28, Inemuri, Bakudo #58, Kakushitsuijaku, Cellular Regeneration Ejection, Chakra siphon seal, Darkness Wave,Jutsu reflection seal, Paralyzing chakra field, Petrification technique, Sealing tag trap, Spirit Shotgun, Spirit transformation possession, Reverse Petrification Technique, Voodoo Reflection Sigil.   B: 6. Heavenly Prison jutsu, Sage Art Thunder Blast, Kamehameha, Memory Seal, Spirit Transformation Soul killing technique, Tetragram Seal.   A: ???.   S: ???.


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