
Auswahlen: The user selects a number of allied targets within range, they are marked by the user. Those that are marked are linked together, when one dies their equipment, abilities, remaining chakra and stats are sent to the others, evenly distributed between all that are marked. In cases such as kekkei genkai, chakra natures and equipment this could be rolled for on a chart or left up to DM decision. A single chakra nature or item can only be given to one target at a time, however Dojutsu such as they Byakugan or rinnegan can be given to two seperate individuals. Stats are either split between all marked individuals evenly or those that gained the stats rather than items or abilities have their stats increased to match that of the fallen teammate, but under no circumstances will stats be lowered as a result of this, if the benefiter would have a stat lowered by having it replaced, they will instead keep their higher score. Rank: S. Style: Kinjutsu. Chakra cost: 150. Range: Touch/global. Save: None. Damage: None. Focus: No. Requirements: Fuinjutsu. Enhancement: Target also distributes all their hit and chakra die to allied targets upon death. Action


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