
Each character has a background, everyone comes from somewhere whether it be an orphan on the streets or the child of a village leader. Your background determines some abilities and your starting budget for equipment as well as a skill you can add your proficiency bonus towards. The following parentage options are available to start this process.
  A background should give you 2 starting proficiencies and some ryo as well as serving as the backbone for your characters personality and history.
  Proficiencies are bonuses given to rolls that you are talented in, this can come in a number of forms such as saving throws for defensive talent, skill proficiencies for the various natural talents one has, what kind of equipment one is talented in using or even what kind of vehicles they can operate or games they are good at. At the bottom of this page are the list of different proficiencies available, organized by category.
  Accomplished Scholar: You have graduated from a well known academy or university for your studies and are known throughout the world for your accomplishments. Gain proficieny in intelligence saving throws, history and 100 ryo.
  Acolyte: A religious follower that works in service of one of the recognized religions of the world, gain proficiency in priest's tools, religion and 25 ryo.
  Alliance Representative: A representative of the alliance between nations, taught to be diplomatic and careful with their words and actions. Gain proficiency in diplomacy, 1 type of weapon of your choice and 75 ryo.
  Anbu Agent: an agent of the anbu black ops, trained to be silent, lethal and follow orders. Anbu agents are exceedingly loyal and no amount of charm or intimidation is enough to make them break. Gain proficiency in charisma saves, assassin's supplies and 50 ryo.
  Archeologist: Having studied the earth, stone, rocks and the fossils hidden in the land. Gain proficiency in investigation, 1 type of vehicle of your choice and 30 ryo.
  Artist: A natural performer talented in any form of art, gain proficieny in artistic supplies, sleight of hand and 25 ryo.
  Assassin: A trained assassin that knows how to target the most vulnerable spots in the body. Gain proficiency in assassin's supplies, poisoner's tools and 75 ryo.
  Athlete: A powerful figure known for their performances in sports or their pure athletic ability. Gain proficiency in dex saves, athletics and 60 ryo.
  Barbarian Tribe Member: A member of a group of barbarians, bandits or thugs, you have learned how to be agressive and strong. Gain proficiency in intimidation, improvised weapons and 20 ryo.
  Battle Refugee: A refugee from a battle where many were killed or enslaved, you learned how to hide when needed. Gain proficiency in stealth, perception and 10 ryo.
  Black Market Merchant: A merchant dealing in illegal or unknown items, being used to hiding materials and decieving those who may be more lawful was incredibly important. Gain proficiency in deception, forger's tools and 40 ryo.
  Blacksmith apprentice: Your caretaker was a blacksmith and taught you the tools of the trade. You have proficiency in crafting, smith's tools and gain 50 ryo.
  Bounty Hunter: The life of a bounty hunter is one of tracking down countless enemies and capturing them for money. Gain proficiency in tracking, tracker's tools and 35 ryo.
  Branch clan: You are branched off of another larger clan, while the main clan usually serves as the leaders, some clan's, like the Hyuga, have the branch side of the clan under direct influence to protect the main clan. Gain 40 ryo, proficiency in chakra control and proficiency in intelligence saves.
  Caravan Defender: A defender of trade caravans and small merchants, being hired as security for various jobs and adventures against bandits and beasts. Gain proficiency in 1 type of vehicle and 1 weapon type of your choice and 20 ryo.
  Celebrated traveler: Having gone on a long journey and returned with stories of their travels speaking with others has become easy. Gain proficiency in survival & tracking and 30 ryo.
  Celebrity: Your family is famous in the civilian world and has been able to provide financially for you, though many would choose the life of ease you've decided to instead become a warrior. Gain 75 ryo and proficiency in persuasion and seduction.
  Charming Bard: A charming person who travels, occasionally breaks out in song and is described as either being insufferable or overwhelming joyful company to be around. Gain proficiency in performance and 1 type of musical instrument of your choice and 40 ryo.
  City Guard: Guards hired to protect the city, defend the walls and ensure the town looks strong, they are often also trained in the art of sensory. Gain proficiency in one weapon type and medium armor and 30 ryo.
  City Watch: Members of the city watch are often considered part of the police force, they are meant to watch over the village from within, handle civilian disputes and maintain communication with shinobi forces. Gain proficiency in investigation, insight and 25 ryo.
  Civilian family: You come from a line of civilians. Whether they were incapable of becoming ninja or merely retired in your infancy, your parents have kept you away from any past dangerous exploits and raised you within their own means. Gain proficiency in perception and card games and 30 ryo.
  Courier: A traveling messenger who goes around deliving messeges and packages for those who are indisposed or traveling. Gain proficiency in 1 type of vehicle and tracking and 50 ryo.
  Craftsmen: A crafter of any kind from carpentry and constructing buildings to plumbing, puppets, weapons or tools and furniture of any kind. Gain proficiency in crafting, carpenter's tools and 25 ryo.
  Criminals: Whether a rogue ninja or a common bandit, you were raised by criminals and learned a lot from them. Gain proficiency in deception, thieves tools and gain 25 ryo.
  Dark Mage: A mage who specifically studies the dark, ancient or forbidden arts, though often intended for good many of these abilities are considered outlawed for various reasons and research into this knowledge is restricted by most nations. Gain proficiency in chakra control, arcane supplies and 80 ryo.
  Despised Scientist: A scientist who was behind a terrible invention, is disliked by the community or was discovered to have done evil or unethical research. Gain proficiency in surgical supplies and chemist supplies and 60 ryo.
  Dishonorable Knight: A knight, warrior or hero of the people that has been disgraced or a fearsome foe who calls themselves a hero while performing terrible acts. Gain Proficiency in wisdom saves, heavy armor and 40 ryo.
  Engineer: A craftsman that specializes in crafting puppets and weapons of war. Gain proficiency in crafting, puppeteers tools and 50 ryo.
  Entertainer: A civilian entertainer that works in showbusiness gain proficiency in performance, 1 type of musical instrument and 60 ryo.
  Experiment: You were likely abducted in childhood, or otherwise restrained by a being who experimented on you with unknown effects. Only due to your sheer willpower were you able to survive. Gain 25 ryo and 2 proficiencies of your choice.
  Faceless: A stealthy traveler that wanders from land to land while giving fake names and disguises regularly, making it near impossible for someone to discern your true identity. Gain proficiency in disguise kits and forgery supplies and 40 ryo.
  Faction Agent: A known member of a powerful faction, wearing their symbol and working in association with the faction of your choosing. Gain proficiency in intimidation, 1 armor type of your choice and 75 ryo.
  Famed ninja: You have a famous relative who others associate you with, giving you a small level of fame as well. Gain 75 ryo and proficiency in assassin's supplies, trackers' supplies.
  Famed Doctor: You are well known throughout the lands for your knowledge and practice in medicine. Gain 100 ryo and proficiency in medical supplies and surgical tools.
  Far Traveler: Someone who has traveled from unfamiliar lands to a new place. Gain proficiency in tracking, survival and 30 ryo.
  Fighter: A stout fighter who would rather let their actions speak for them than engage in political discussions. Gain proficiency in grapple, power saves and 25 ryo.
  Fisher: An experienced fisher who has taken time to hone their patience and better commune with nature and its creatures. Gain proficency in animal handling, nature and 15 ryo.
  Folk Hero: A hero that civilians tell stories of and regard with respect. Gain proficiency in diplomacy and persuasion and 70 ryo.
  Forgotten One: You have been forgotten by everyone in your past for reasons unknown or only known to you. Gain 25 ryo and proficiency in stealth and survival.
  Former Cultist: Though they had been a part of a religion in the past, they have left that behind as they move forward in life. gain 40 ryo, proficiency in religion and deception.
  Former Slave: Having been captured and held as a slave is a low for many in life and for those who escape it is a new beginning. Escaping slavery was a part of your past and you learned from it. Gain 10 ryo, proficiency in improvised weapons and deception.
  Gambler: Gambling is a habit that many have and its known to bring out a lot of a person's worst traits.Gain 30 ryo, proficiency in gambler's supplies and dice games.
  Gate Attendant: A low level member of the military, or a high level police officer, or civilian guard. Given a lax job attending to the entrance to a village or town, gain 50 ryo and proficiency in insight and investigation.
  Gate Guard: A guard for one of the village gates or their walls, the guards are trained in defending the walls. Gain 35 ryo, proficiency in 1 form of ranged weapons, and sensory.
  Guild Member: A member of a strong guild or faction. Gain 30 ryo and proficiency in charisma saves and 1 weapon proficiency.
  Harborfolk: Born and raised in a village or town near the harbor, fishing living in unison with the sea was part of life. Gain proficiency in nature and survival.
  Haunted One: You comitted a crime or a sin in your past that haunts you forever. Gain 15 ryo and proficiency in wisdom and intelligence saves.
  Healers: raised by healers you have an intimate knowledge of how to heal your allies, and where you can maximize damage or lethality. Gain 25 ryo and proficiency in medicine and healer's supplies.
  Hermit: A retired individual who has secluded themselves from society. Gain proficiency in history and chakra control. +20 ryo.
  Heroic Ancestor: A descendant from a hero of the past, you have grown up hearing the story of your ancestor and being compared to them. Gain 40 ryo and proficiency in history, and insight.
  Historical Student: A student of history and the knowledge of the past, you have studied the past as much as you can. Gain 25 ryo, proficiency in history, tactics.
  Honorable Knight: an honorable knight who defends the people of his nation, trained in heavy armor and +1 weapon proficency of your choice. Gain 50 ryo.
  Inheritor: The user inherits, or is set to inherit a large fortune, item, property or other objects. Gain 60 ryo and proficiency in persuasion and tactics.
  Initiate: An initiate in a faction, military, religion or guild and have just started your journey. Gain 20 ryo and proficiency in dex saves 1 weapon type.
  Inquisitor: Hired by a person or faction to inquisit or investigate issues rumors and secrets being told. Gain 40 ryo and proficiency in insight and investigation.
  Jailor: A hired employee to guard over an area thats typically filled with prisoners. Gain 30 ryo and profciency in sensory and grapple.
  Mage Initiate: An initiate in the mystic arts and the arcane. The user gains 40 ryo, proficiency in arcane supplies and enchanter's tools.
  Main clan: You come from the main line of a large clan, likely a direct descendant of the clan head, as such your life was privileged and you received extensive training and funding for your future. Gain 100 ryo and proficiency in +1 saving throw of your choice and tactician's tools.
  Marine: A trained soldier for a military that specializes in both land and sea combat. Gain 60 ryo, proficiency in heavy sea vehicles and medium land vehicles.
  Medical Student: You are a student of one of the known medical schools or otherwise training as a doctor/healer. Gain 40 ryo and proficiency in Medicine and survival.
  Mercenary Veteran: A seasoned mercenary, you took on various jobs fighting for whoever managed to pay for your services. Gain 30 ryo and proficiency in tactics and +1 weapon proficiency.
  Merchant child: You were raised by merchants and are very perceptive. You gain 40 ryo and proficiency in perception, insight.
  Miner: You worked for a long period in the mines and are used to acts of physical labor and exhaustion. Gain 20 ryo, proficiency in power and dex saves.
  Monk raised: You were raised by monks who care little for money, teaching you instead to harness your own strength and to use weapons as an extension of yourself. Gain 25 ryo and proficiency in polearms and insight.
  Musician: You have studied music and performing. Gain 30 ryo and profciency in 2 musical instruments of your choice.
  Mystic Student: A student of mystical knowledge and the different forms of energy. Gain 40 proficiency in arcane supplies and intelligence saving throws.
  Ninja apprentice: You were trained from infancy by a talented ninja, you have proficiency in sensory and stealth and 50 ryo.
  Nobles: you were raised by rich nobles and often had to use words and deception to get your way. Gain 100 ryo and proficiency in persuasion, deception.
  Orphan: Raised by yourself you had no choice but to join the military program in order to provide for yourself. Living this life led to you knowing just where to look to find hidden objects. Gain 25 ryo and proficiency in investigation, dice games.
  Outlander: You were raised outside of any major land and traveled the region harvesting herbs and living off the land. Gain 25 ryo and proficiency in survival, navigator's tools.
  Philosopher: A student of life and philosophy. Gain 20 ryo and proficiency in wisdom and intelligence saves.
  Pirate's life: You were raised by pirates and forced to fight to survive. Gain proficiency in heavy sea vehicles and swords or firearms and 50 ryo.
  Planar Student: A student of the universe and the different realms, you know of the many planes of existence and their differences. Gain 75 ryo, proficiency in light space vehicles and history checks.
  Private Investigator: Hired to look into personal affairs and private matters, your job was to investigate different matters and keep hidden while doing so. Gain 50 ryo, proficiency in stealth and disguise kits.
  Prisoner: At one point you were imprisoned but have since escaped. During your time in prison you gained proficiency in fist weapons and dice games. Gain 15 ryo.
  Prison Warden: As the warden of the prison it is your job to be cruel, intimidating and to see through the lies and tricks of your prisoners. Gain 60 ryo, profiency in insight and intimidation.
  Rebelious Insurgent: An insurgent or member of a rebellious faction in a country you have learned how to fight and keep a low profile. Gain 30 ryo, proficiency in tactics and stealth.
  Religous Fanatic: A true religious follower with absolute faith to an extreme degree. Gain proficiency in religion and wisdom saves. Gain 20 ryo.
  Retired Bandit: Having lived as a bandit, primarily robbing people and stealing what you had to so you could survive, you changed your ways and strove for better than your meager earnings. Gain 40 ryo, proficiency in intimidation and 1 type of weapon proficiency of your choice.
  Rune Carver: A carver of runes and the study of the arcane. Gain 65 ryo, proficiency in mason's tools and arcane supplies.
  Sage: One who has trained and harmonized with nature, the planet and the universe as a whole. Gain 30 ryo, proficiency in nature and survival.
  Sage's student: You were trained by a sage and learned their ways. Gain proficiency in Insight, nature and 25 ryo.
  Sailor: The user has spent a long time on boats and various sea vehicles. The user gains 40 ryo, proficiency in medium sea vehicles and nature.
  Samurai raised: Raised by the samurai you were meant to fight injustice and to trust in your strength and resolve above all else. Gain 50 ryo and proficiency in will, and hevay armor.
  Scholar: The user spent time at a proper academy or university to study. Gain 20 ryo, proficiency in intelligence saving throws and history.
  Scientific Student: One who spent their time focusing on researching science and its various effects. Gain 80 ryo and proficiency in scienctific supplies and chemist tools.
  Scummy Merchant: A merchant that specialized in ripping people off and scamming them, you, your family or boss was greedy and you learned from their habits. Gain 60 ryo, proficency in deception and forger's kits.
  Secret Identity: You have lived under a secret identity for reasons that are your own and have learned how to uphold that false identity. Gain 25 ryo, proficiency in deception and disguise kits.
  Secret Operative: Similar to a secret indentity, you have been placed or otherwise joined a group and are acting on their behalf secretly to aid them and hide or publicize their deeds. Gain 40 ryo, proficiency in persuasion and diplomacy.
  Shinobi family: you come from a long line of shinobi, masters of assassination and stealth. Gain 75 ryo and proficiency in stealth and assassin's supplies.
  Shipwright: A ship builder and repairman, you have studied how to craft and repair ships of every type. Gain 50 ryo, proficiency in shipwright's tools and carpenter's tools.
  Sole Survivor: You are the sole survivor of an event that killed a large number of people. Gain 10 ryo, proficiency in endurance and tactics.
  Smuggler: You used to smuggle items, black market goods or various other forms of cargo through borders and security checkpoints. Gain 75 ryo and proficiency in stealth and deception.
  Spy: You have taken on a secret indentity within an organization, faction or military and have been spying on them in an attempt to gather information. Gain 50 ryo, proficiency in forger's tools and disguise kits.
  Street Urchin: A poor child on the streets of a village or town, you barely managed to survive and have learned to do whatever is needed to get through life. Gain 10 ryo, proficiency in sleight of hand and insight.
  Student of the forbidden: You have studied the forbidden arts of the world and learned things that most are not given access to. Gain 35 ryo, proficiency in insight and tactics.
  Temple raised: Raised in a temple where religion was common place. Gain 20 ryo, proficiency in insight and religion.
  Trader: You were raised in the art of trading and are used to moving at a moment's notice to either escape tricky situations or grab valuables. Gain 25 ryo and proficiency in persuasion and investigation.
  Traveling Ambassador: You have been sent as an ambassador, emissary or are otherwise representing another figure or organization on their behalf. You must act accordingly and be aware of your posistion at all times. Gain 80 ryo, proficiency in diplomacy and tactics.
  Traveling warrior: You have traveled with warriors and become one yourself, traveling and fighting everywhere you go. Gain 25 ryo and proficiency in grapple and navigator's tools.
  Trinket Crafter: You are known for crafting trinkets, toys and various tools at random. Gain 50 ryo, proficiency in wood carver's tools and tinker's tools.
  War prisoner: A prisoner in a time of war, given some of the harshest torment possible. You were able to escape the prison by some means and have done everything to keep from going back. Gain 15 ryo, proficiency in endurance and deception.
  Saving throws:
  ---------------------------------------------------- Skills:
  Endurance: A power based skill focused on how much pain a person can endure, or their overall tolerance and carrying capacity.
  Sleight of hand:
  Animal Handling: A wisdom based skill for attempting communication or the handling of beasts and creatures of lower intelligence.
  Chakra control:
  Crafting: An intelligence based skill thats all about a person's ability to craft different items or objects.
  Tracking: An intelligence based skill to track targets.
  Persuasion: A charisma based skill.
  --------------------------------------------------------------------- Armor Proficiencies:
  Light armor:
  Medium Armor:
  Heavy armor:
  Weapon Proficiencies:
  Fist Weapons:
  Great Weapons:
  Throwing weapons:
  Vehicle Proficiencies:
  Air vehicles:
  Land vehicles:
  Sea vehicles:
  Space vehicles:
  Tool proficiencies
  Alchemist's tools:
  Arcane Supplies:
  Artificer's tools:
  Artisitic supplies:
  Assassin's supplies:
  Brewer's supplies:
  Calligrapher's supplies:
  Carpenter's tools:
  Cartographer's tools:
  Chemist's tools:
  Cobbler's tools:
  Cook's Utensils:
  Disguise Kit:
  Enchanter's tools:
  Exorcist tools:
  Fortune teller's tools:
  Forger's tools:
  Glassblower's tools:
  Gunner's supplies:
  Healer's supplies:
  Herbalist supplies:
  Jeweler's tools:
  Leatherworker's tools:
  Mason's tools:
  Mystic's supplies:
  Navigator's Tools:
  Painter's Supplies:
  Poisoner's Supplies:
  Potter's tools:
  Priest's supplies:
  Puppeteers' Tools:
  Scientific Supplies:
  Sealer's supplies:
  Shripwright's tools:
  Smith's tools:
  Surgical Supplies:
  Tactican's Tools:
  Thieves' Tools:
  Tinkerer's tools:
  Torture Tools:
  Tracker's tools:
  Weaver's tools:
  Wood carving tools:
  Game proficiencies:
  Card games:
  Devil Dice:
  Dice games:
  Trading cards:
  Musical Instruments


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