Bakudo #98, Kin

Bakudo #98, Kin: The user holds their palms away from themselves, with their arms extended out to the sides, before clasping their hands together, with the fingers intertwined intricately, causing their target's arms to be bound to their back with spiritual fabric and iron shafts. Once the target has been restrained, the user can activate this technique a second time and in addition to binding the target's arms to their back, wraps the spiritual fabric around their entire body and continues to pin the target, with the spiritual fabric stacked to the ground around the target, with several iron shafts in the shape of an X. Rank: A. Style: Fuinjutsu. Chakra cost: 100. Range: 200ft line. Save: 14, wis vs restrained. Damage: 10d20 spiritual. Focus: No. Requirements: None. Enhancement: +2 damage die. Action


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