Barrier Talisman

The places a sealing formula on an item or piece of equipment. This item will become animated under the order to defend a specified body part or item at all costs. These items are miniature barriers to only appear when the specified object is threatened or in danger of being stolen. These grant +4 to the users' AC and blocks any attempt a target makes to harm or steal the defended object. The talisman can only withstand 150 points of damage and only 1 can be equipped per person. Rank: B. Style: Fuinjutsu. Chakra cost: 75. Range: Touch. Save: None. Damage: None. Focus: No. Requirements: None. Enhancement: Target gains resistance to piercing and bludgeoning damage. Minor Action
  Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action


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