Bath House Brawls

General Summary

  It was the day after their last mission, and Shirohebei as well as Khepri had just finished watching their owner, Koji, torture one of their peers for disobedience. As the two descended the steps with the scent of blood and echos of screams still fresh on their mind, they made idle talk. "Hasashi says he's going to kill you for your actions against him." Shirohebei said, speaking plainly. "And?" Khepri asked, not worried about the threat. "Oh, nothing. I don't think he could harm you, genuinely. But I did want to hear your thoughts." She replied, frankly speaking. "You're right. I'll just throw him in a box and make him dance for me again!" Khepri cackled at his own words, and surprisingly found her laughing too. The two then returned to small talk once more.   Khepri and Shirohebei were approached by a grunt by the name of Jrunt, that told them about some trouble their boss was having. Since this grunt was working underneath of another Capo, Yusuke, they first needed to get approval from Koji 'Madnaps Capo'. Shirohebei groaned at the sound of Koji's name in displeasure. "Khepri," She began, turning her attention to him. "Go ahead and talk to Madnaps about this one. You know I don't care for this sort of thing." Khepri gleamed with an unnerving smile, as always. "Sure!", He said. Then, Shirohebei waved him off dismissively.   Khepri shortly found Koji upon ascending the stairs to the floor he worked on. "Hey, Koji!", Khepri said with a smile. The man groaned to himself, already annoyed at the presence of someone he considered to be considerably far beneath himself. The silence between the pair remained for a few more seconds and eventually, Khepri spoke up again. "There's a naked woman in the hallway.." He said in a soft voice, leaning over Koji's shoulder who then turned toward him with a shocked expression. "What!?" He snapped. Khepri laughed, returning to his former posture as he spoke. "Okay, so you were listening."   Koji glared daggers at them. "What do you want?" "Well," Khepri began. "We were offered a job, boss!" "By who?" "..I dunno. Some grunt. Shirohebei knows, though!."   At this, Koji sighed loudly in frustration. After a moment, he then stood from his desk. "Let's go talk to her, then!" He said, making Khepri lead the way back down the steps. As they descended the final steps, the two men looked around for Shirohebei who seemingly wandered off during her wait. "Slave!" Koji yelled out, making his way through the lower floor in search of her. Eventually, it was decided that she had moved floors entirely. Koji went in search of the Kaguya, annoyed as usual. Finally, Shirohebei was discovered at the top floor, just outside of Underboss Kali's office. At this, Koji snarled at her. "What the hell are you doing up here? You know this is off limits to people like you!"   Shirohebei grinned, a smug expression upon her face. "Not if Ms. Kali specifically requests me, is it?", she retorted sarcastically before walking past him. "What do you want, anyways, Koji?" "I could ask you the same thing." He began, awkwardly adjusting his shirt collar. "Khepri said you had the information we need for this so called mission?" "Oh, that? Yes.." She said with a tone that was detached and indifferent. "Capo Yusuke has requested a retrieval of some product from a former worker.. we don't have a name on the target." Shirohebei's voice was laced with an air of superiority or disdain. Koji grimaced and stepped forward, his brow furrowed as his eyes locked with Shirohebei's as he spoke one last time. "Go meet with Khepri. I have to get the rest of the details from Yusuke."   Meanwhile, Shirohebei met up with Jrunt, the grunt, and Khepri. As she did, she overheard them talking about organ parts for sale on the black market. "So, how much is a liver worth?", Khepri asked. His eyes were filled with interest and attentiveness as a small smirk played at his lips. "I think they're roughly.. oh," Jrunt scratched at his chin as he thought. "Probably.. 2,500 Ryo? Yeah, that seems right!"   Khepri chuckled at this, mischeviously. Just then, their attention was grabbed by Shirohebei as she spoke over them. "So, boys, what do you think?" A sinister grin came across her face as she had just finished listening in. Her attention was grabbed at the mention of ryo. "We go on this mission, grab our target, harvest his organs... and sell them?"   The three paused in silence momentarily, exchanging stares that shortly turned into fits of laughter and unison agreement. At this moment, Koji came into the room, yelling at the three. "What's all this talk about organs being sold!?" He yelled, his face stern and cold in expression. As he stepped forward, it turned into a smile "I'm in."   Finally, the squad assembled in one of the main lobbies just by an exit to go over the full details of their mission which is as follows:   Target: Mizuko Kishida.   Location: Bathhouse, Kusagakure.   Details: Retrieve the psychedelic syrup supply by any means necessary from Kishida, Mizuko. He has rented out a local Bathhouse for a private party and it is suspected that the supply is there. You are to infiltrate and retrieve this product and Kishida, Mizuko.   As Koji finished going over the details of the mission, he informed the party that he had three scrolls of sealing for this mission if needed. Shortly afterwards, the group departed from the base, making the 6 hour trip by foot to the bathhouse located within Kusagakure. It was the late afternoon when they finally arrived at their destination. Despite their fatigue from the long journey, it was clear that their was no time to waste in pursuit of their goal here.   "How should we go about this?", Shirohebei asked. "Well, I've been here a few times," Started Madnaps. "and the target also recognizes me. So, I guess the first thing we should do is send you two in to see if the place is open to the public. From there, see if you can't somehow get in with the private party being hosted by Kishida, Mizuko." "Alright! Shouldn't be a problem!" exclaimed Khepri. "Let's go, Shirohebei!" With this, Khepri grabbed her by the wrist and the two walked into the bathhouse.   As they walked inside of the bathhouse, a woman greeted them at the front desk wearing common staff attire. Shirohebei asked the worker if they were opened to the public, to which she replied: "Yes! However, the main bath is currently booked to a private party, so I do apologize!" as the woman spoke, she then handed Khepri and Shirohebei each a pamphlet with the available options listed. Upon closer inspection, Khepri pointed at the image of the bath that was most closely located to the main bath, his eyes narrowing. "Here! How's this one, Shiro?" He asked her as she leaned over to see. "That's perfect. So, how much is it?", she asked the staff at the front desk. After paying for her own fee, and Khepri's upon discovering he had a bit under the cost necessary, the two of them took their robes and towels before finally heading into one of the co-ed baths.   Whenever they enter the hall to the bath, they first go into individual changing rooms to put on their robes. As this happens, Khepri sends out some of his locusts to scout the building for any possible clues to their mission. As the couple enters the bath, many heads turn in attention. The bath was filled with older men and women. Steam rose in thick wafting clouds from the water before them when suddenly, Khepri started to remove his bandages. Slowly and deliberately, He began to peel back the bandages. The motion of their hands was methodical and precise, as if they were working to carefully reveal something underneath that was hidden from the world. A sense of excitement and anticipation rose from the others as they continued to unpeel the bandages, and the subtle sound of the cloth coming loose filled the room. The bandages were removed inch by inch, until the skin underneath was finally exposed, and they gazed upon it with approval and satisfaction, as if they had just uncovered something precious and beautiful beneath the layers. (In actuality it was just Khepri repurposing his bandages into a pair of shorts and exposing some tattoos.)   He then approached Shirohebei, his hands held awkwardly behind his back as he clasped something close to himself. "I have to show you something that I found." He said in a hushed tone, trying not to draw any further attention. Shirohebei glanced down as he protruded a small bag with white powder in it with an unsettling grin. "That's cocaine, Khepri." She said, inspecting the bag from a short distance just before he put it away. "So..should I have my bugs give this to Koji?" Asked Khepri. "Yes, that would be best." she replied.   Just then, a few locusts came in and took the small bag out of one of the windows. After a few minutes, Koji and Jrunt joined Khepri and Shirohebei in the bathhouse. Koji approached Khepri first. "So, where are all the babes, anyways? Why is it only old chicks here?" He asked, irritated at the sight of older women rather than younger ones. "Doesn't matter, I guess. Anyways," he went on. "Guess you were the one who sent that little package earlier?"   Khepri nodded in response as Koji was looking toward him for an answer. "Uh-Huh!" He said, almost childishly so. To, this he nodded. "Well, I'll keep that for later. Good job, Khepri."   "So, how do we want to do this?" Koji spoke up, once more. "Do we go in guns blazing? Or, do we want to take a stealthier approach?"   Khepri smiled, a wild look in his eye as he cooked up an idea. "Well, if we're gonna shoot up the place, why not make it more interesting?" He said suggestively, indicating that they use the cocaine before going through with this. "You know, I don't think that's a bad idea!" Madnaps exclaimed. "I'm starting to like you more, Khepri."   As the two of them and Jrunt started talking about the use of illicit substances, getting a little too excited for comfort, Shirohebei felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to meet the face of the one who touched her. A taller, decent looking man in a robe stood before her. "Ma'am, you have been invited to the main bath for a private party, hosted by a mister Mizuko." He said, almost as if the words themselves were rehearsed to perfection. "Now, this is interesting." She began to follow the man out of the bath, waving at the boys momentarily. "Looks like there's been a change of plans, boys."   With this Shirohebei would walk alongside her companion towards the doors to the 'private' party but as she reached the doors, she was stopped. "Excuse me ma'am, I'll need your robes before you enter." He spoke calmly with his hand outstretched.   Shirhobei nodded before calmly disrobing and stepping into the room. She was immediatly greeted with the view of several beautiful women and handsome men walking, swimming and engaging in passionate acts. She was greeted with a man yelling across the room. "Heeeyy! New girl, c'mere!" Exclaimed a tan man with short hair, he vaguely matched the description of the target.   Shirohebei walked over, stepping slowly but with purpose. "What is it?" She asked, her voice calm but her face focused.   "You don't look familiar, you wanna hit of some syrup?" He asked her as he grabbed a flask from the floor behind him, he took a quick drink and handed it to her.   "What is this?" She asked as she looked at the flask, the man who called her over, and his female companions on either side of him.   "Its psychedellic syrup, you jus take a lil sip and lean back." The woman to the right spoke with a giggle, she hardly seemed aware of herself.   "I'll pass this time, Kishida." She responded as there was a knock at the door.   Shirohebei smirked as the group ignored the knocks, they'd regret that one. As she was looking at the door one of the women leaned forward and spoke to her. "I think that guy likes you." She spoke simply.   "Oh? what makes you say that?" Shirohebei asked curiously, looking over at the attendant who was standing nearby.   "His towel moved when he looked at you." The girl whispered then chuckled.   "HUH?" Shirohebei responded as there was another knock at the door.   "Lil Buddahs!" A voice yelled out from behind the door.   "Lil Buddahs? I didn't order no food!" Kishida yelled out.   "Complimentary to show our respect to the local kingpin!" The voice yelled out again.   'Those absolute idiots.' Was Shirohebei's only thought as the attendant opened the door and was immediatly knocked to the floor by Koji. "Think you can take your time answering a door, huh? Who do you think you are? Your nothing, just a piece of shit that can't even open a god damn door right!" Koji yelled, striking the man with every sentence.   Khepri would place a barrier on the door and sends waves of insects towards the man who tried to attack him, and a woman who was screaming too loudly. He would lose his foot, the woman would lose both breasts in the attack while Khepri was unharmed. Jrunt would tackle a woman into the bathwater and drown her. "Idiot! Hit the men not the women!" Shirohebei yelled before punching her target in the nose, causing him to step backwards, up the steps putting his crotch at eye level with Shirohebei, who would promptly strike her next target causing him to double over in pain.   From here Shirohebei would begin speaking up as she stepped out of the pool and stood over her Kishida. "You've taken some money from my organization that we'll be needing returned now, with interest of course." She spoke calmly but with a daring tone in her voice.   "I'll give you 5,000 ryo each to let me go." Kishida begged, clutching his bruised sack with one hand and broken nose with the other.   "10,000 and we'll think about it." Khepri taunted.   "That's 40,000 ryo! I don't have that much!" He cried.   Khepri laughed. "That sucks for you buddy, hey Capo Koji, how much does he owe us?" Khepri asked.   Koji looked over and for a minute his eyes focused on Shirohebei before turning to Khepri. "Oh, this guy? This piece of shit?!" Koji asked while moving towards Kishida. "20,000 ryo on him when he left, 25,000 worth of syrup and then he comes here and wastes it all! Oh this piece of shit is 50 thousand deep before he even gets to breathe!" Koji yelled in a rage.   "Oh dear god! Please, sage, anyone, i'll give you the 40,000 i have on me and the last of the syrup! Take it all!" He cried out.   "I don't know Koji, he's still 20,000 short, what do you think we could make selling him on the black market? His guts are fine but that brain of his is probably fried." Shirohebei asked.   "5,000 for his liver, 10,000 for an eye, bet we could get 5 grand for each of his eggs but that mini sausage is worthless." Koji taunts as he gets closer to the man.   "Well if he owes us 20,000 then what if we torture him for 20 hours?" Khepri suggests causing Koji to chuckle. His lips curled into a wicked grin as he stared at Mizuki with dead, cold eyes. There was no remorse in his voice, neither.   "Keep talking little bastard, I like that idea! what do you think, dumb ass? You wanna be tortured for 20 hours? Maybe we'll go for overtime, on the house just to round it out for a full day!" Koji yelled.   "Oh god no, please, i'll pay back everything! Take everything I have left and I'll pay back what I owe! You can take these people as collateral! Just let me go!" He begged.   Koji laughed as the man spoke. "Oh you'll pay us back for sure. Hey Khepri, why don't you try that new trick on our friend here?" He declared before Khepri ran over with surpising speed.   Khepri performed several handsigns before grasping the targets crotch, an image of blue chakra radiating off his body as the outline of the genitals was removed and sealed within a scroll. "Any time he experiences sexual pleasure, or satisfaction he'll be dealt great pain. If he cums its like acid." Khepri explained. Koji continued to taunt the man, amused at his misery. This went on until eventually, the party left Mizuki there, alone. The party gathered all of the guests, binding them in rope and putting robes on them to save what little dignity they may have had left. Then, they led the prisoners out into the main lobby where the front desk worker attempted to intervene.   "E-Excuse me?" They stuttered, clearly worried. "You can't do this sort of thing, here!"   "Oh, really? Well, you can either keep your life and shut up, or you can die, here and now." Shirohebei responded, coldly, to the woman. Khepri chuckled maliciously as he approached her side. "Yeah! We wouldn't mind upgrading you to missing person!"   "I-I'm sorry, but you need to release those people, or I will be forced to call for help!" The worker exclaimed, trying to be bold with an attempted bluff which they would regret immediately. "Oh.. Okay." Shirohebei replied as she swiftly stepped forth before shooting a poison bullet jutsu straight at them. Upon contact with their face, the staff member began coughing violently, gasping for breath as they held their throat. "No, no~" Khepri started, weaving signs swiftly once more before extending an arm out. A flurry of locusts sprang forth, clawing and crawling down the choking victim's throat and silencing their cries of agony. "Can't be having too much noise, now can we?~" His voice was playful, yet the tone behind it was cold and detached. They proceeded to then loot the bath house for what cash it had and any material items that could be of value. It was after this that Koji ordered the prisoners and the rest of the party to return to base with everything in hand.   Finally, everyone made the six hour journey back to the Nezu base, where everything was properly sorted and the party took pride in their victory. Koji praised Khepri and Shirohebei for their work, but not too much.
Report Date
20 Apr 2023


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