Cult of the Silver Serpent

Religion: The Silver Serpent.   Basic Beliefs:  
  • Selfishness and materialism is good for one's own happiness.
  • A person must seek one's own desires through any means necessary, such as manipulation and deception.
  • The pursuit of wealth, power, knowledge and pleasure is the only way to enlightenment.
  • The weak are unworthy and must be taken advantage of to further the interests of the Cult and its followers.
  • War is a means for the Cult to gain more followers and spread the faith. The Cult believes war and conflict is necessary for survival and progress.
  • Primary Region Worshipped: Kusagakure and The Stone Village.   Deities worshipped: The Silver Serpent.   Symbols: Snakes, Dragons, or other serpent like creatures. Amethysts and rubies.   Practices and rituals:  
  • Group rituals would include the worship of the Silver Serpent goddess, possibly in an abandoned or hidden temple. Sex would be a key part of the rituals with the followers. The followers would engage in various sexual acts to please the goddess and to please themselves.
  • Other rituals would include the offering of money, gifts, or offerings to the goddess, in hopes of receiving a blessing or good luck. The followers would seek personal gain and try to exploit others for their own benefit.
  • Regular ceremonies and sacrifices to their goddess, in order to gain favor and blessings.
  • Practitioners and followers engaging in debauchery and indulging in taboo, deviant and carnal acts
  • The teaching of forbidden arts and knowledge.
  • The spreading of their religion through proselytizing and recruitment of more followers.
  • Engaging in occult rites in order to summon and commune with the goddess.
  • Participating in orgies, sex rituals and hedonistic practices.
  • Practicing dark arts and forbidden jutsu to exert power and control over others.
  • Consuming hallucinogenic and narcotic substances to tap into altered states of consciousness.
  • Celebrating religious and spiritual festivals in which wild behavior and debauchery is the norm.
  • Holidays:   1. The Solstitium - A festival in honor of the goddess's birth, marked by wild celebrations of all kinds.   2. Shadowfall - To mark a new darkness which is the start of the goddess's reign. During this holiday they engage in dark practices, including blood sacrifices.   3. The Vernal Equinox - Celebrated as a rebirth of the goddess, marked by wild dance and revelry where all are welcome.   4. Bloodmoon - During this holiday the cultists celebrate by engaging in blood rituals and human sacrifice.   Taboos:  
  • showing any sort of respect to or seeking help from any other god or goddess other than their goddess.
  • They have a taboo against revealing the secrets of the Cult to anyone outside the faith.
  • questioning or rejecting any ritual, practice or commandment issued by the Cult.
  • showing any sort of weakness or allowing the self to be taken advantage of by others.
  • Failing to live up to the standards of beauty, sensuality and desire.
  • Detailed Beliefs:
  • The weak and powerless are considered worthless and undeserving, and are fair game for the strong to exploit.
  • Materialistic gain is not only desirable, but it is a necessity, as it allows one to satisfy their desires and pursue their ambitions.
  • One must be ruthless and cutthroat in order to survive in a world of self-interest and competition.
  • Self-pleasure and indulgences are considered to be essential to happiness, and should be sought after with reckless abandon.
  • The most devout followers are greatly rewarded, usually within the form of a wish or minor miracle granted to those deemed worthy enough by the goddess.
  • History: ???.   Allies: ???.   Enemies: Jashinists.   Known Worshippers: ???.   Known Artifacts:   The Serpents Tome- A tome containing forbidden knowledge and arcane secrets of the cult.   Known Churches/temples/sacred grounds: ???.   Known Creatures: ???.


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