Debt Collectors

General Summary

-Morning starts off with Koji gathering everyone together and banging on their doors. He tells them about a mission that requires urgency as he rushes everyone out of their apartments. Once everyone is together, Koji informs the party that it's time to do something for the Nezu. They are to go out and collect 5,000 ryo from various shop owners in the village. They are to work in two separate teams for this mission. Khepri, Shirohebei and Takumi are set in one group, while Hika, Hasashi and Raiden are to go with Koji. He informs the party that should they earn more than the required amount, they are free to split it amongst themselves.
  -From here, the party splits up into individual parties after being told which shops they're required to go to. Shirohebei and her team would approach a small apothecary within the village that was run by an elderly man in a wheel chair. He kindly greeted the three strangers that showed up at his shop and began rambling about the benefits of medicinal healing as Takumi pulled his two counterparts to the side for a private conversation.
  -During this conversation, Takumi expresses uncertainty in which way to proceed as they hadn't discussed a plan going into this mission. "What do you mean?" Shiro began. "We were told to get money, so that's what we'll do. It's easy."
  Khepri looked up at Takumi similarly to Shirohebei and chuckled for a moment. "I have an idea." He said in a hushed tone that was filled with eagerness.
  "Hello?" The old man's voice rang out, interrupting the party's train of thought as he grabbed their attention once more.
  "Can I help you with something?" He asked them with a look of interest. Khepri then held a finger up to the man who seemed mildly surprised by the sudden gesture.
  "One moment, sir." He said to the elder with a deceitful grin. After this, Khepri turns back to the other two, and explains to them that with the help of his insects, he could drain the life of every living plant within the apothecary as a means to antagonize the old man into giving up some ryo.
  "With some luck, maybe we could even haggle him out of that wheel chair." He added as his gaze shifted over the rusted metal handle bars and wheels. Shirohebei would express distaste in that idea.
  "Okay, Okay!" Takumi cut in, trying to speak his piece. "I think I've got things from here, you two."
  Shirohebei and Khepri exchanged a look at one another at these words. An unspoken agreement seemed to be made between the two as they continued to watch how the scenario would play out. From there, Takumi would approach the elderly man with a smile and a soft spoken voice as he carefully removed his gloves.
  "You see, sir. We're a concerned party." Takumi began. "We've heard reports of all types of ruffians going about and thieves in the night and we're here to protect you from such an issue for a small fee."
  "Huh?" The old man started as a look of confusion became apparent upon his face.
  "What's that? Ya want money?" At this, he chuckled. "You don't know how shops work, do ya buddy?"
  After this, the old man turned away for just a moment before extending a vial of herbs. "Y'see here, son, I give ya some products grown by my lovely wife and myself here and ya give me money for that. It doesn't work the other way around, son."
  As the old man explained how transactions work to Takumi he stared at them in disbelief and annoyance.
  "Sir, I know how purchases work."
  "See, I don't think ya do because it seemed like ya just wanted to take my money!" The old man retorted with a dry chuckle. Takumi glared behind himself as he noticed Shirohebei and Khepri's stifled laughter while watching him to which the two would quickly recompose themselves before wandering the store of their own accord.
  Shirohebei walks around the shop curiously and as she does so she eventually takes notice of a small light that seemed to be coming from behind one of the walls, exposing a hidden door.
  "Now, don't go wandering too far, miss!" The elder yelled from the front of the shop. "Everything for sale is up towards the front!"
  At this, Shirohebei would exchange another look with Khepri just before he started making his way to the counter. He grabs the back of the mans wheel chair and pushes him out from behind the counter. As he does this, Shirohebei pushes open the hidden door to reveal a small family with what appeared to be the elderly man's wife, son, daughter in law and grandchild. This prompted her to immediately shut the door and turn to the old man.
  "You have a large family for such a small building, you know?" She declared as he grew visibly frustrated.
  "What's going on? What do you hooligans want!?" He yelled out in anger, slamming his fist into the arm rest of his chair.
  "I've already told you what we want." Takumi started, a sly grin painted on his face now. "We want you to pay us for your protection."
  At this, Khepri would send out some locusts as he joined in on the conversation. "Yeah! These little guys are hungry, too! If we don't get the money we need I'll have no choice but to let them feed off of the food available here!~"
  The old man grew visibly worried at the thought of his herbs and other products being ruined after working so hard to grow most of them. "A-Alright! Fine!" He stammered. "Just how much do you want, anyways!?"
  "1,000 Ryo." Shirohebei snapped almost instantly, hoping to get a good amount before moving on to the next target. At this, the old man groans, but relents in agreement.
  Khepri retreats behind the counter to start gathering the money as Takumi begins speaking up once again. After which, he begins looking around curiously and discovers a room in the back that appeared to be mostly empty with a few gardening tools and equipment.
  "There's another room here, guys!" Khepri exclaimed in excitement while looking out at Shirohebei and the others.
  "A thousand could be a little much.. How about 500 per month and we get to use the back room?" Takumi said, feeling a bit guilty for easily overpowering this store owner.
  Shirohebei would then glare at Takumi with what could only be described as pure murderous intent. Khepri busts open the register just then, causing the store owner's son to rush to the front of the shop in concern, only to be slammed to the ground by Shirohebei. At this, the store owner yells in demand that everyone stops.
  "You can have what you want! Take the 500 ryo, for all I care! Just leave my son alone!"
  Shirohebei releases the son and begins to walk to the front door as Khepri collects the ryo from the elderly man and the son yells out about things being unjust in this situation. It appears as if he is about to launch an attack when Takumi suddenly turns back towards them and launches a poison bullet that strikes the man in the face, causing him to choke and cough. At this the old man demands the party to go away as he tends to his son, leaving the ryo to be collected off of the ground before taking their leave.
  -Meanwhile, Koji would approach the restaurant with Hika, Raiden and Hasashi. Upon entering the restaurant the group is greeted by a woman with formal work attire. "Hello! Welcome to Katsu House! Would you like something to eat?"
  Her energetic voice and warm smile caused Hika, who was at the front of the group, to choke on her words. She knew what she was there to do, but she couldn't bring herself to say or do something to bring harm to the woman before her. She would notice Koji glaring at her in annoyance at her hesitation.
  "Yeah, are you hungry?" He said in a cold tone as his eyes remained locked onto hers, filling Hika with a sense of dread. She shifted her gaze after a few moments and nodded quickly, dismissing her thoughts.
  "Y-yes, sorry. I would love to eat something here!" Hika said in a half convincing tone. The woman then nodded and led the group to a table where she sat them with individual menus. After asking them what they would like, the waitress left them.
  "Eat up brats, as soon as the meal is done we're taking over. Raiden, Hasashi you'll head to the kitchen, keep the workers busy and don't let them leave." Koji spoke to the small group while looking at the surrounding tables.
  "What? We aren't going to have to hurt them are we?" Hika asked with hope in her voice.
  "Only if they attack us." Raiden replied.
  "Relax snowflake, the men will handle the real work." Koji told her as the waitress returned with their drinks. He would take his drink quickly before shaking it for a refill, to which she would take the drink and head back to the kitchen. "You just have to take care of the waitress and the customers." He finished his sentence.
  "What? But they're innocent!" She struggled to keep her voice quiet.
  "So be quick about it or try to knock them out." Hasashi recomended.
  After the waitress returned with Koji's drink and the groups food the party would eat a lovely meal while Hika thought on ways to spare the innocents. Ultimately she would fall short on ideas before Koji spoke up once again. "Boys, kitchen. Hika, keep everyone away from the manager's office. Do what you want with the civilians just don't let anyone get in my way." He told her harshly before getting up and heading towards the bathroom.
  Hasashi and Raiden would stand up and head towards the kitchen together. Upon entering the kitchen they would immediatly be approached by one of the chefs. "You two the new recruits? Your late for your shift! Hurry up and head to the back." The chef snapped at them before returning to frying food.
  Raiden and Hasashi began walking to the back while whispering. "Should we play this out?" Hasashi asked quietly.
  "Might as well, bides us some time, and worst case scenario I think we can take em by force." Raiden replied before a booming voice was heard.
  "Dumbass 1 and Dumbass 2 get ready for a long night, you came in late you you get to stay late." A large man who seemed to be the head chef spoke up.
  "Am I dumbass 1 or 2?" Hasashi asked curiously.
  "Your the dumbass on dish duty!" The head chef responded while leading the two away.
  Raiden chuckled at the situation. "You, your chopping onions!" The chef snapped in response.
  Raiden groaned in response. Hasashi began doing his dishes as Raiden chopped his vegetables. After a few minutes Hasashi was approached. "You fool! You can't even do dishes properly! Does this look clean to you?" The chef yells while shoving a pan in Hasashi's face, it was mostly clean.
  "It looks fine to me." Hasashi replied.
  "Then you must be blind and stupid, you goddamn jack ass!" The chef yelled.
  "I can clean it again." He spoke quietly, gripping his fists tightly.
  "Oh you are definitely cleaning it again, in fact you can clean all of the dishes again." The chef yelled before dropping the pan in the garbage.
  Hasashi clenched his fists tighter. "You didn't have to throw the pan in the garbage." He spoke with quiet rage.
  "And you didn't have to be late or a shitty dish washer, or a lazy sack of shit, or a whiny little shit stain! Now do your damn job!" The chef yelled.
  Hasashi had enough and grabbed a heavy cast iron skillet before crashing it against the back of the chef's head. Seeing his teammate attack the head chef raiden flew into an attack as well, using his kitchen knife to stab a few of his nearby enemies as Hasashi dragged another knife into the chef's stomach. The two quickly began slaughtering the kitchen staff as Hika, in the main dining area, began escorting the customers out of the restaraunt and distracting the waitresses. Using her water and ice style to freeze the door so nobody could come in, creating water spots on the floor so they would trip and by feigning injury. During this time period Koji would enter the managers office and leave with an undisclosed amount of money and bloody knuckles.
  Koji would meet with his group, and upon seeing the litter of corpses in the kitchen Hika would vomit as Koji scolded the boys and told them to clean the area. Hika would follow him as he went to meet with Shirohebei's group. They would meet each other in the road and would speak briefly, updating the other side on their side of events. "We only got 500 ryo from the shop owner and he said we could use the back of his shop but I doubt they'd actually allow us to use much for it without a fight." Takumi reported.
  "We could have had a thousand until you changed the price." Khepri mentioned.
  "Well the back room could have been valuable if Shirohebei hadn't attacked the son." Takumi replied.
  Shirohebei would glare at Takumi and was about to speak when Koji spoke up. "Your all failures and disappointments but we have to clean up a bigger mess first." He told them while shaking his head.
  "Oh great what did he do this time?" Shirohebei asked before looking at Hika who seemed visibly shocked.
  "Him and Raiden slaughtered the kitchen staff at Katsu House, manager's leaving and I believe the girl got the customers out without incident." He told her as they began walking back to the building.
  As they approached the restaraunt Koji noticed a group of white robed figures around the building. He approached the one who appeared to be the leader. "Hey shit wrap, the hell do you think your goonies are doing around this place?" He asked them.
  The figured looked at him curiously. "We were searching for someone, but I thought this area was public property, is there a problem with us being here?" They asked.
  "Only if you and your cronies intend to keep breathing my air and ruining my view." Koji threatened them.
  At this a small group of the robed figures would approach. "Calling in backup?" Khepri asked.
  "You'll need more than that." Shirohebei spoke after counting the number of them.
  "Listen up, you can bring as many of these brats as you want but it won't make a bit of difference. I can beat your ass, and I'm sure these brats behind me are worth more than 5 of your puny shits!" Koji yelled while getting directly in the leader's face.
  At that point one of the othr figures spoke up. "Our business has concluded in this area, mission success." And with this the rest of robed figures would begin dispersing.
  When Koji and company entered the restraunt afterwards they were given the knowledge that Raiden had suddenly disappeared. Koji blamed Hasashi for not watching him and concluded that the white robed figures must have taken him. Upon hearing about these figures Hasahi would give the tale of his people, the followers of Shangsha, wore all black and opposed the followers of a mythical black dragon who opposed them who would wear all white, each side wearing the colors of the opposing dragon they followed, both sides locked in a near eternal war between good and evil. Shirohebei, Koji and Khepri laughed at the ridiculous idea of dragons existing. At this time a young woman, the waitress was seen leaving the bathroom where she must have hidden earlier.
  "Hika, I thought I told you to take care of the waitress." Koji scolded her.
  "Leave her alone, she could be useful!" Hasashi bellowed.
  "The dumb waitress is gonna be real important, shut the fuck up! The only useful ones would have been the kitchen staff you killed!" Koji snapped at the man.
  While the group bickered Hika moved towards the woman, getting into a subtle defensive stance with the intention to protect her when Shirohebei appeared from the shadows with incredible speed and pierced the woman through the neck with a blade made out of bone. "At least someone knows how to deal with witnesses." Takumi muttered.
  "Why would you kill her?!" Hika yelled.
  "She was a witness, she would have cracked under any kind of pressure." Shiro replied, wiping her blade on the woman's shirt.
  "We could have used her for help running the store." Hasashi called out.
  "You're stupid for thinking a random waitress, let alone a witness would be of use to us! Now come! You've caused enough problems for us for one day!"
  With those final words, Koji quickly and discreetly fled the scene, ordering the team to do the same as to make themselves hidden within the commoners to appear as an innocent.
Report Date
06 Jun 2023


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