Dogg Yotazura

Name: Dogg Yotazura. Known Aliases: ???. Rank: C-1. Bounty: 5,000 ryo. XP: 3,000.   Wanted by: ???. Crime: ???. Specialty: Tracking and stealth. Nationality: Tsuchigakure. Last seen: ???.   Description: A tall man with long blond hair, typically seen wearing shades and dog tags from his past involement in his nation's recent war.   Companions: 2 huge size C rank badger moles. 26 AC, 150 HP, 150 chakra capacity, 2 actions each.   Known Allies: Tsuchigakure, The Crimson Cross.   Known Enemies: ???.   Weapons: ???. Armor: C, medium armor, +5 AC. Equipment: ???.   Known Abilities: Animal, fuinjutsu, genjutsu. Chakra nature: Wind. AC: 26. (21.)   Max HP: 257. (337.) Hit die: 16d10+145. Chakra die: 15d8+145. Max chakra capacity: 235. (295.) Speed: 70ft. Initiative: +7.   Actions: 3 Major, 3 minor, 3 reaction, 4 attack.   4 stat points at E-5, +2 for every level after. 32.   Power: 14, +2. Dexterity: 16 +3. Charisma: 22, +6. Wisdom: 20, +5. Intelligence: 10.   Fighting style: Support. Save DC: 11 + stat modifier.   Optional stats, apply if present or needed. Resists: 4. Piercing, bludgeoning, mental, suffocation. Immunities: ???. Weaknesses: ???. Special abilities: 3.   Darkvision: The user gains 30ft of dark vision where they can see darkness as if it were bright light, this range extends another 30ft past that as dim lit.   Intimidating Presence: The user can make an intimidation check as an action to activate this ability, all within a 50ft radius must make a DC 10 + intimidation, wisdom or charisma save. On a fail all targets are afflicted with either the fear or taunt effect of the user's choice.   Mounted Combatant: You have advantage on melee attack rolls against any unmounted creature or target that is smaller than your mount. Gain advantage on Dexterity saves when using a mount. Both user and any mount they are using gain +2 AC when the mount is being used.   Transformations: Partial beast Transformation.   Techniques known: 52.   E: 15. Animal adoration genjutsu, Animal Transformation technique, Bakudo #4, Hainawa, Beast Connection, Beast fury strikes, Chakra draining seal, Chakra Seal, Deep Fear Illusion Technique, Enclosing Technique, Illusion of Lost Power, Man beast clone, Sneer of The Beast Technique, Summoning jutsu, Tunneling fang, Vicious Mockery.   D: 21. Bakudo #8, Seki, Bakudo #21, Sekieton, Bakudo #43, Tanma Otoshi, Bakudo #63, Sajo Sabaku, Beast combo strike, Beast substitution jutsu, Beast Summoning Trap, Chakra absorption seal, Confusing Beam, Dance of the Dust Cloud, Double impact wolf fang, Dynamic marking, Genjutsu Break, Grass Whistle, Jutsu Absorption, Licking Wounds, Regeneration seal, Repeated beast strike, Sealing jutsu, Sight Seal, Tree binding death genjutsu, .   C: 16. Ally reversal, Bakudo #28, Inemuri, Bakudo #30, Shitosu Sansen, Bakudo #68, Gyogai, Bear claw strike, Cat genjutsu, Chakra siphon seal, Chakra transfer seal, Combination transformation, Fanged pursuit jutsu, Heaven Twin Fang, Jutsu reflection seal, Paralysis Genjutsu, Sealing tag trap, Spite, Tree binding destruction genjutsu,   B: ???.   A: ???.   S: ???.


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