Equipment Template

Damage types: Atomic, acid, bludgeoning, chakra, cold, explosive, fire, force, mental, necrotic, piercing, slashing, sonic, spiritual, suffocation, thunder, toxic, true,
  Status effects: Stage 1: 14.
  Bleeding, Blind, burned, Charmed, chemical burns, Chilled, choking, Confused, Deaf, Fear, grappled, intoxicated, Poisoned, Rotting, stunned, taunt,
  Stage 2: 8. Total: 22.
  Badly poisoned, Frozen, Heavy bleeding, Paralyzed, Petrified, Restrained, severe burns, terrified,
  Items and Traps Items are similar to ninja tools though typically less effective in combat
  E: 2d4+2 HP, DC 12 save, can cure or cause one condition. 1 time use.
  D: 3d6+5 HP, DC 14 save, can cure or cause one condition. 1 time use.
  C: 4d8+8 HP, DC 16 save, can cure or cause 2 conditions. 2 uses.
  B: 5d10+10 HP, DC 18 save, can cure or cause up to 2 conditions. 2 uses.
  A: 6d12+15, DC 20 save, can cure or cause up to 3 conditions. 3 uses.
  S: 7d20+20, DC 22 save, can cure or cause up to 3 conditions. 3 uses.
  SS: 9d20+25, DC 24 save can cure or cause up to 4 conditions, 4 uses.
  Y: 2d100+30, DC 26 save, can cure or cause up to 4 conditions, 4 uses.
  Z: 2d100+50, DC 28 save, can cure or cause up to 5 conditions, 5 uses.
  ZZ: 3d100+75, DC 30 Save can cure or cause up to 5 conditions, 5 uses.
  Ninja tools These are used to cause damage, help the user or create problems for the enemy.
  E: 2d4+5 HP, DC 14 save, can cure or cause one condition. 1 time use.
  D: 3d6+8 HP, DC 16 save, can cure or cause one condition. 1 time use.
  C: 3d8+10 HP, DC 18 save, can cure or cause 2 conditions. 2 uses.
  B: 4d10+15 HP, DC 20 save, can cure or cause up to 2 conditions. 2 uses.
  A: 4d12+20, DC 22 save, can cure or cause up to 3 conditions. 3 uses.
  S: 5d20+25, DC 24 save, can cure or cause up to 3 conditions. 3 uses.
  S+: 7d20+30, DC 26 save, can cure or cause up to 4 conditions. 4 uses.
  Y: 9d20+50, DC 28 save, can cure or cause up to 4 conditions. 4 uses.
  Z: 2d100+75, DC 30 save, can cure or cause up to 5 conditions. 5 uses.
  Z+: 3d100+100, DC 32 save, can cure or cause up to 5 conditions. 5 uses.
  Pets and Puppets Pets can equip up to 3 pieces of equipment, puppets can equip various amounts of items.
  E: +2 AC, +1 stats/saves, +1 damage, DC 13 saving throw. No benefit.
  D: +3 AC, +2 stats/saves, +2 damage, DC 15 saving throw. 1 benefit.
  C: +4 AC, +4 stats/saves, +4 damage, DC 17 saving throw. 1 benefit.
  B: +5 AC, +6 stats and saves, +6 damage, DC 19 saving throw. 2 benefits.
  A: +6 AC, +8 stats and saves, +8 damage, DC 21 saving throw. 2 benefits.
  S: +7 AC, +10 stats and saves, +10 damage, DC 23 saving throw. 3 benefits.
  S+: +8 AC, +12 stats and saves, +12 damage, DC 25 saving throw. 3 benefits.
  Y: +9 AC, +14 stats and saves, +14 damage, DC 27 saving throw. 4 benefits.
  Z: +10 AC, +16 stats and saves, +16 damage, DC 29 saving throw. 4 benefits.
  Z+: +11 AC, +18 stats and saves, +18 damage, DC 31 saving throw. 5 benefits.
  E: 1 benefit. +1 bonus to stats or saves. 1 charge.
  D: 1 benefit. +2 to stats or saves, 1 charge.
  C: 2 benefits. +3 to stats and saves, 2 charges, resistance to 1.
  B: 2 benefits. +4 to stats and saves, 2 charges per day, resistance to 2 or immunity to 1.
  A: 3 benefits. +5 to stats and saves, 3 charges per day, resistance to 3 or immunity to 1 and resistance to 1.
  S: 3 benefits. +6 to stats and saves, 3 charges per day, resistance to 4 or immunity to 2.
  S+: 4 benefits. +7 to stats and saves, 4 charges per day, resistance to 5 or immunity to 2.
  Y: 4 benefits. +8 to stats and saves, 4 charges per day, resistance to 6 or immunity to 3.
  Z: 5 benefits. +9 to stats and saves, 5 charges per day, resistance to 7 or immunity to 3.
  Z+: 6 benefits. +10 to stats and saves, 5 charges per day, resistance to 8 or immunity to 4.
  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Armor Template
  Armor Armor is defined by 3 types, light, medium and heavy. Heavy offers the most protection but limits the user's movement, light armor offers the least protection but offers no negatives.
  Name: ???. Description: ???. Rank: ??? Equipment slot: ??? Weight: ???. AC: ???. Charges: ??? per day. Resistances: ???. Immunities: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Bonus 1: ???. Bonus 2: ???. Bonus 3: ???. Bonus 4: ???. Bonus 5: ???. Negative 1: ???. Negative 2: ???. Negative 3: ???. Materials: ???. Cost: ???.
  Light armor, medium armor, heavy armor. +1, 1 resistance. +2, 2 resistances, 1 negative. +3, 3 resistances, 2 negatives.
  E: +1 AC. 1 charge per day. +2 for stat changes. No innate bonus. Light armor: 75 ryo. Medium: 125 ryo. Heavy: 175 ryo.
  D: +2 AC. 1 charge per day. +3 for stat changes. 1 bonus. Light armor: 250 ryo. Medium: 500 ryo. Heavy: 750 ryo
  C: +3 AC. 2 charges per day. +4 for stat changes. 1 bonus. Light armor: 1,000 ryo. Medium: 1,500 ryo. Heavy: 2,000 ryo.
  B: +4 AC. 2 charges per day. +5 for stat changes. 2 bonuses. Light armor: 2,500 ryo. Medium: 3,000 ryo. Heavy: 4,000 ryo.
  A: +5 AC. 3 charges per day. +6 for stat changes. 2 bonuses. Light armor: 5,000 ryo. Medium: 7,500 ryo. Heavy: 10,000 ryo.
  S: +6 AC. 3 charges per day. +8 for stat changes, 3 bonuses. Light armor: 15,000 ryo. Medium: 25,000 ryo. Heavy: 40,000 ryo.
  S+: +7 AC. 4 charges per day. +9 for stat changes, 3 bonuses. Light armor: 25,000 ryo. Medium: 35,000 ryo. Heavy: 50,000 ryo.
  Y: +8 AC. 4 charges per day. +10 for stat changes, 4 bonuses. Light armor: 40,000 ryo. Medium: 50,000 ryo. Heavy: 60,000 ryo.
  Z: +9 AC. 5 charges per day. +11 for stat changes, 4 bonuses. Light armor: 60,000 ryo. Medium: 70,000 ryo. Heavy: 80,000 ryo.
  Z+: +10 AC. 5 charges per day. +11 for stat changes, 5 bonuses. Light armor: 80,000 ryo. Medium: 90,000 ryo. Heavy: 100,000 ryo.
  Armor averages below
  E: Light: +2 AC, +1 benefit. Medium: +3 AC, -10ft, 2 benefits, 1 negative. Heavy: +4 AC, -20ft, 3 benefits, 2 negatives.
  D: Light: +3 AC, +1 benefit. Medium: +4, -15ft, 2 benefits, 1 negative. Heavy: +5 AC, -30ft. 3 benefits, 2 negatives.
  C: Light: +4 AC, +1 benefit. Medium: +5, -20ft, +2 benefits, 1 negative. Heavy: +6 AC, -40ft. 3 benefits, 2 negatives.
  B: Light: +5 AC, +2 benefis. Medium: +6, -25ft, 3 benefits, 1 negative. Heavy: +7 AC, -50ft. 4 benefits, 2 negatives.
  A: Light: +6 AC, +2 benefits. Medium: +7, -30ft, 3 benefits, 1 negative. Heavy: +8 AC, -60ft. 4 benefits, 2 negatives.
  S: Light: +7 AC, 2 benefits. Medium: +8, -35ft, 3 benefits, 1 negative. Heavy: +9 AC, -70ft. 4 benefits, 2 negatives.
  SS: Light: +8 AC, 2 benefit. Medium: +9, -40ft, 3 benefits, 1 negative. Heavy: +10 AC, -80ft. 4 benefits, 2 negatives.
  Y: Light: +9 AC, 3 benefit. Medium: +10, -45ft, 3 benefits, 1 negative. Heavy: +11 AC, -90ft. 4 benefits, 2 negatives.
  Z: Light: +10 AC, 3 benefit. Medium: +11, -50ft, 3 benefits, 1 negative. Heavy: +12 AC, -100ft. 4 benefits, 2 negatives.
  ZZ: Light: +11 AC, 4 benefits. Medium: +12, -60ft, 4 benefits, 1 negative. Heavy: +13 AC, -100ft. 5 benefits, 2 negatives.
  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Armor and accessories bonuses
  The user can activate an E-rank technique once per day.
  +2 to stat of choice.
  Resistance to 1 damage type or condition.
  The user takes a temporary -2 penalty to a stat for a +2 stat bonus when removed. (Weighted clothing)
  When dropped to 0 HP for the first time in 24hrs, instead fall to 1 HP.
  The user recovers 3 HP per round.
  The user recovers 3 chakra per round.
  +2 to hit and chakra die rolls
  Gain an extra hit die
  Gain an extra chakra die
  Gain an extra chakra die when you take the charge action
  The user deals an extra +3 damage on attacks
  The user deals an extra +3 damage on techniques
  The user crafts an extra item each time they craft something
  The user imposes a -1 penalty to opposing attack rolls
  The user imposes a -1 save dc penalty to opposing techniques
  The user imposes a -3 damage mod against enemy attacks
  The user imposes a -3 damage mod against enemy techniques
  Can activate an item charge to reduce the next form of damage they take by half
  The user can activate a charge to gain a +2 modifier on their next save
  the user can activate a charge to gain advantage on their next saving throw
  The user can activate a charge to gain resistance to a damage type or condition until the end of the round.
  The user imposes a -2 modifier to nearby target's stat/skill checks of ??? type
  the user gains a +3 modifier when rolling hit die
  The user gains a +3 modifier when rolling chakra die
  The user can activate a charge, a single target within range (100ft line) must make a ??? save or suffer the ??? effect. Save DC 5+level+proficiency bonus
  The user can activate a charge to become invisible for 1 hour
  The user can activate a charge to deal +5 chakra damage on their next attack or technique.
  The user inflicts +5 damage on critical hits
  The user can activate a charge to impose disadvantage to targets for their next technique's saving throw
  The user can activate a charge to pass their next saving throw but take a level of exhaustion
  The user restores an extra +3 HP to targets when helping them recover HP by any means
  The user can focus on an extra technique at a time
  The user can wield an extra weapon
  The user can activate a charge to get an extra attack
  the user can activate a charge to gain an extra action
  the user can activate a charge to gain an extra minor action
  the user can activate a charge to gain an extra reaction.
  The user can activate a charge to change their appearance voice and, optionally, their chakra signature to match that of another target they have made physical contact with in the past year.
  The user is unlikely to get exhausted and can survive longer than usual without food and water
  The user imposes a -2 modifier to ??? chekcs made by nearby targets.
  The user can activate a charge to gain a +2 modifier to their next skill check or saving throw
  When reduced to 0hp the user can activate a charge to instead remain at 1 hp.
  When struck by a critical hit the user can activate a charge to split the damage with 1 ally within range.
  The user gains +30ft darkvision
  if the user in undetected or hidden when they attack a target they deal +5 damage
  The user only takes half damage from AOE attacks while undetected
  When the user is targeted for an attack they can activate a charge and the attack will miss.
  The user gains +5 hp while in the dark
  The user cn activate a charge to grant an ally within range a +1 ac bonus for 1 round
  when hit by a technique the user recovers chakra equal to 1/10th of the damage they took.
  The user can activate a charge to grant an ally within range +5 temp HP
  The user can activate a charge to gain a +1 modifier to any roll they make
  The user can activate a charge to gain +5 HP.
  The user can activate a charge to reduce the cost of a technique by half
  The user recover's Hp equal to 1/10th what they restore to another target
  When the user restores HP to a target or cures them of a condition or disease, gain a +1 modifeir to all rolls this round
  The user gains a +2 modifier on checking for traps and saves against them
  The user deals +5 damage on surprise rounds and on traps you set
  the user can activate a charge to grant an ally within range +5 HP.
  The user can activate a charge to grant an ally within range a +1 modifier to the next roll they make
  The user can activate a charge to increase the range of all techniques by +1 level
  The user and those within a short distance of the user move silently
  The user can activate an E-rank technique twice per day
  +3 to stat of choice.
  Resistance to 2 damage type or condition.
  The user takes a temporary -3 penalty to a stat for a +3 stat bonus when removed. (Weighted clothing)
  When dropped to 0 HP for the first time in 24hrs, instead fall to 1 HP.
  The user recovers 5 HP per round.
  The user recovers 5 chakra per round.
  +5 to hit and chakra die rolls
  Gain 2 extra hit die
  Gain 2 extra chakra die
  Activate charge to halve the next form of damage
  Reduce damage from incoming techniques by -5 points
  The user can activate a D rank technique 2 per day
  +3 to stat of choice.
  Resistance to 2 damage types or conditions, or immunity to 1.
  The user takes a temporary -3 penalty to a stat for a +3 stat bonus when removed. (Weighted clothing)
  When dropped to 0 HP for the first time in 24hrs, instead fall to 1 HP.
  The user recovers 15 HP per round.
  The user recovers 15 chakra per round.
  The use can activate a C-rank technique 2 per day
  +4 to stat of choice.
  Immunity to 1 damage type and condition.
  The user takes a temporary -4 penalty to a stat for a +4 stat bonus when removed. (Weighted clothing)
  When dropped to 0 HP for the first time in 24hrs, instead fall to 1 HP.
  The user recovers 20 HP per round.
  The user recover 20 chakra per round.
  The user can activate a Brank technique 3 times per day
  +5 to stat of choice.
  Immunity to 2 damage types and or conditions.
  The user takes a temporary -5 penalty to a stat for a +5 stat bonus when removed. (Weighted clothing)
  When dropped to 0 HP for the first time in 24hrs, instead fall to 1 HP.
  The user recovers 25 HP per round.
  The user recovers 25 chakra per round.
  The user can activate an A-rank technique, 3 times per day.
  +6 to stat of choice.
  Immunity to 3 damage types or conditions.
  The user takes a temporary -6 penalty to a stat for a +6 stat bonus when removed. (Weighted clothing)
  When dropped to 0 HP for the first time in 24hrs, instead fall to 1 HP.
  The user recovers 30 HP per round.
  The user recovers 30 chakra per round.
  The user can activate an S-rank technique, 3 times per day.
  +7 to stat of choice.
  Immunity to 3 damage types or conditions.
  The user takes a temporary -7 penalty to a stat for a +7 stat bonus when removed. (Weighted clothing)
  When dropped to 0 HP for the first time in 12hrs, instead fall to 1 HP.
  The user recovers 40 HP per round.
  The user recovers 40 chakra per round.
  The user can activate an S+-rank technique, 4 times per day.
  +8 to stat of choice.
  Immunity to 4 damage types or conditions.
  The user takes a temporary -8 penalty to a stat for a +8 stat bonus when removed. (Weighted clothing)
  When dropped to 0 HP for the first time in 12hrs, instead fall to 1 HP.
  The user recovers 50 HP per round.
  The user recovers 50 chakra per round.
  The user can activate a Y-rank technique, 4 times per day.
  +9 to stat of choice.
  Immunity to 4 damage types or conditions.
  The user takes a temporary -9 penalty to a stat for a +9 stat bonus when removed. (Weighted clothing)
  When dropped to 0 HP for the first time in 12hrs, instead fall to 1 HP.
  The user recovers 60 HP per round.
  The user recovers 60 chakra per round.
  The user can activate a Z-rank technique, 5 times per day.
  +10 to stat of choice.
  Immunity to 5 damage types or conditions.
  The user takes a temporary +10 penalty to a stat for a +10 stat bonus when removed. (Weighted clothing)
  When dropped to 0 HP for the first time in 6hrs, instead fall to 1 HP.
  The user recovers 70 HP per round.
  The user recovers 70 chakra per round.
  Weapons and shields A weapon or shield must be equipped to be used, when using a weapon or shield you must use your minor action to stow it away or equip it.
  Weapons are stronger and may have certain abilities depending on their rank. Below is a chart to help determine this. If a weapon has no save they gain +5 damage.
  Rank: ???. Equipment slot: ???. Range: ???. Damage: ???. Class: ???. Save: ???. Bonus 1: ???.Bonus 2: ???. Bonus 3: ???. Origin: ???. Crafting materials: ???. Ryo: ???.
  E: No hit bonus, +1 AC/stat, no benefit. d4: 25 ryo. d6: 50 ryo. d8: 75 ryo. d10: 100 ryo. d12: 125 ryo. Reach: 10ft, +25 ryo. Great weapon/extra damage die: +1, +100 ryo. Save DC: 4, +50 ryo. Throwing weapons range: 10/50ft. Ranged Weapons range: 10/100ft, +40ft for great weapons.
  D: +3 to hit & damage, +1 damage die, +2 AC/stat, 1 benefit. d4: 250 ryo. d6: 300 ryo. d8: 350 ryo. d10: 400 ryo. d12: 450 ryo. Reach: 10ft, +75 ryo. Great weapon/extra damage die: +1, +250 ryo. Save DC: 6, +150 ryo. Throwing weapons range: 10/70ft. Ranged Weapons range: 10/120ft, +40ft for great weapons.
  C: +5 to hit & damage, +2 damage die, +3 AC/stat, 1 benfit. d4: 1,000 ryo. d6: 1,250 ryo. d8: 1,500 ryo. d10: 1,750 ryo. d12: 2,000 ryo. Reach: 20ft, +500 ryo. Great weapon/extra damage die: +1, +500 ryo. Save DC: 8, +500 ryo. Throwing weapons range: 10/100ft. Ranged Weapons range: 10/150ft, +50ft for great weapons.
  B: +8 to hit & damage, +2 damage die, +4 AC/stat, 2 benefits. d4: 2,500 ryo. d6: 3,000 ryo. d8: 3,500 ryo. d10: 4,000 ryo. d12: 4,500 ryo. Reach: 20ft, +1,000 ryo. Great weapon, extra damage die: +1, +1,250 ryo. Save DC: 10, +1,000 ryo. Throwing weapons range: 10/120ft. Ranged Weapons range: 10/180, +40ft for great weapons.
  A: +10 to hit & damage, +3 damage die, +5 AC/stat, 2 benefits. d4: 7,500 ryo. d6: 8,500 ryo. d8: 9,500 ryo. d10: 10,500 ryo. d12: 11,500 ryo. Reach: 30ft +2,000 ryo. Great weapon, extra damage die: +2, +3,000 ryo. Save DC: 12, +4,000 ryo. Throwing weapons range: 10/150ft. Ranged Weapons range: 10/200, +50ft for great weapons.
  S: +12 to hit & damage, +3 damage die, +6 AC/stat, 3 benefits. d4: 20,000 ryo. d6: 25,000 ryo. d8: 30,000 ryo. d10: 35,000 ryo. d12: 40,000 ryo. Reach: 30ft, +10,000 ryo. Great weapon/extra damage die: +2, +10,000 ryo. Save DC: 14, +10,000. Throwing weapons range: 10/180ft. Ranged Weapons range: 10/250, +50ft for great weapons.
  S+: +15 to hit & damage, +4 damage die, +7 AC/stat, 3 benefits. d4: 30,000 ryo. d6: 35,000 ryo. d8: 40,000 ryo. d10: 50,000 ryo. d12: 60,000 ryo. Reach: 40ft, +20,000 ryo. Great weapon/extra damage die: +2, +10,000 ryo. Save DC: 16, +20,000. Throwing weapons range: 10/200ft. Ranged Weapons range: 10/280ft, +50ft for great weapons.
  Y: +18 to hit & damage, +4 damage die, +8 AC/stat, 4 benefits. d4: 50,000 ryo. d6: 60,000 ryo. d8: 70,000 ryo. d10: 80,000 ryo. d12: 90,000 ryo. Reach: 40ft, +30,000 ryo. Great weapon/extra damage die: +3, +20,000 ryo. Save DC: 18, +25,000. Throwing weapons range: 10/220ft. Ranged Weapons range: 10/300ft, +50ft for great weapons.
  Z: +20 to hit & damage, +5 damage die, +9 AC/stat, 4 benefits. d4: 75,000 ryo. d6: 80,000 ryo. d8: 90,000 ryo. d10: 100,000 ryo. d12: 110,000 ryo. Reach: 50ft, +35,000 ryo. Great weapon/extra damage die: +3, +25,000 ryo. Save DC: 20, +30,000. Throwing weapons range: 10/250ft. Ranged Weapons range: 10/325ft, +50ft for great weapons.
  Z+: +22 to hit & damage, +5 damage die, +10 AC/stat, 5 benefits. d4: 90,000 ryo. d6: 100,000 ryo. d8: 120,000 ryo. d10: 140,000 ryo. d12: 160,000 ryo. Reach: 50ft, +50,000 ryo. Great weapon/extra damage die: +4, +30,000 ryo. Save DC: 22, +40,000. Throwing weapons range: 10/280ft. Ranged Weapons range: 10/350ftft, +50ft for great weapons.
  Weapon bonuses
  Weapon deals +5 damage on each strike.
  This weapon ignores resistance to damage.
  Target's hit with this weapon take a -1 penalty on attacks against the user for the next round.
  Targets hit take a -10ft speed penalty.
  If the user is hidden, unnoticed or considered non-hostile by opponents, user deals +5 damage on their attack.
  Targets that are hit take a -1 pow penalty for each hit that lasts until the targets next turn.
  Targets that are within 10ft of the target you strike at are also dealt damage, if your attack surpasses their AC.
  +1 crit modifier while using this weapon.
  This weapon gains a temporary +2 bonus to hit and damage for each kill the weapon gets, lasting 1hr after each kill.
  This weapon gains a permanent +1 bonus to hit and damage for each kill the weapon gets, max of +5.
  Targets hit by this weapon they take a -1 Dex penalty per strike that lasts until the user's next turn.
  The user gains +5 damage if they have been hit by the target they're attacking this round
  The user gains a +2 bonus to hit and damage if the target is behind them in initiative order.
  Targets that are hit by this weapon lose 1 action, minor action or reaction on their next turn. (1 action economy)
  The user gains +1 AC while wielding this weapon.
  As an action this weapon can be thrown at a range of up to 50ft in a straight line.
  Targets hit by this weapon have their AC reduced by -1 with each hit.
  This weapon impacts a 15ft cone on every attack, ignoring the user.
  The user can cast (1) style techniques without the need for handsigns.
  (1) style techniques cast using this weapon only cost half the normal chakra cost.
  The user can activate the weapon to, split it in two to dual wield it with both hands instead of holding one weapon.
  This weapon deals an extra 5 damage on all critical hits.
  Target's that are hit have 1/10th their total damage dealt taken from their chakra capacity.
  The user can activate the sword 1 time per day, it will siphon 5 HP from any within range, and heal that amount to the user.
  This weapon can repair itself from being damaged, or create a replica of it, 1 time per day.
  This weapon deals double damage if targets have a status effect.
  Targets that are grappled by this weapon take double damage from the user's attacks.
  When a target reaches 0hp as a result of an attack from this weapon they are immediately sealed into the hilt.
  Targets hit by crits take double damage.
  Targets the user attacks take a -1 AC penalty for AC calculation.
  The user gains 1 truth seeking ball that they can send out to attack from a distance.
  The weapon has 1 charge that can be used as a reaction to make a shield that protects the user from 25 points of damage for 1 round.
  As a reaction the user can call their weapon back to them, any between the weapon and its user are struck by the weapon and must make a power save vs being dragged back with the weapon.
  As a reaction the weapon can be summoned back to the hand of the user instantantly.
  This weapon heals targets rather than damaging them, filling up a gauge until it reaches full, after which this weapon deals any absorbed damage on its next strike. After healing 15 points of damage this weapon deals an extra 15 damage on its next strike.
  Weapon deals +10 damage on each strike.
  This weapon ignores Resistance to damage.
  Target's hit with this weapon take a -2 penalty on attacks against the user until their next turn.
  Targets hit take a -20ft speed penalty.
  If the user is hidden, unnoticed or considered non-hostile by opponents, user deals +10 damage on their attack. Targets that are hit take a -2 pow penalty for each hit that lasts until the user's next turn.
  Targets that are within 10ft of the target you strike at are also dealt damage, if your attack surpasses their AC.
  +1 crit modifier while using this weapon.
  This weapon gains a temporary +2 bonus to hit and damage for each kill the weapon gets, lasting 1hr after each kill
  This weapon gains a permanent +1 bonus to hit and damage for each kill the weapon gets.
  Targets hit by this weapon they take a -2 Dex penalty per strike that lasts until the user's next turn.
  The user gains +10 damage if they have been hit by the target they're attacking this round
  The user gains a +2 bonus to hit and damage if the target is behind them in initiative order.
  Targets that are knocked prone by this weapon lose 1 actions, minor actions, or reactions on their next turn. (1 action economy)
  The user gains +2 AC while wielding this weapon.
  As an action this weapon can be thrown at a range of up to 100ft in a straight line.
  Targets hit by this blade have their AC reduced by -2 with each hit.
  This weapon impacts a 25ft cone on every attack, ignoring the user.
  The user can cast (2) style techniques without the need for handsigns.
  (2) style techniques cast using this weapon only cost half the normal chakra cost.
  The user can activate the weapon to, split it in two to dual wield it with both hands instead of holding one weapon.
  This weapon deals an extra 10 damage on all critical hits.
  Target's that are hit have 1/5th their total damage dealt taken from their chakra capacity.
  The user can activate the sword twice per day, it will siphon 10 HP from any within range, and heal half that amount to the user.
  This weapon can repair itself from being damaged, or create a replica of it, twice per day.
  This weapon deals double damage if targets have a status effect.
  Targets that are grappled by this weapon take double damage from the user's attacks.
  When a target reaches 0hp as a result of an attack from this weapon they are immediately sealed into the hilt.
  Targets hit by crits take double damage.
  Target the user attacks take a -2 AC penalty for AC calculation.
  The user gains 2 truth seeking balls that they can send out to attack from a distance.
  The weapon has 2 charges that can be used as a reaction to make a shield that protects the user from 75 points of damage for 1 round.
  As a reaction the user can call their weapon back to them, any between the weapon and its user are struck by the weapon and must make a power save vs being dragged back with the weapon.
  As a reaction the weapon can be summoned back to the hand of the user instantantly.
  This weapon heals targets rather than damaging them, filling up a gauge until it reaches full, after which this weapon deals any absorbed damage on its next strike. After healing 30 points of damage this weapon deals an extra 30 damage on its next strike.
  Weapon deals +15 damage on each strike.
  This weapon ignores immunity to damage.
  Target's hit with this weapon take a -2 penalty on attacks against the user for 2 rounds.
  Targets hit take a -30ft speed penalty.
  If the user is hidden, unnoticed or considered non-hostile by opponents, user deals +15 damage on their attack. Targets that are hit take a -2 pow penalty for each hit that lasts for 2 rounds.
  Targets that are within 30ft of the target you strike at are also hit, if your attack surpasses their AC.
  +2 crit modifier while using this weapon.
  This weapon gains a temporary +4 bonus to hit and damage for each kill the weapon gets, lasting 2hrs after each kill
  This weapon gains a permanent +2 bonus to hit and damage for each kill the weapon gets.
  Targets hit by this weapon they take a -2 Dex penalty per strike that lasts for 2 rounds.
  The user gains +15 damage if they have been hit by the target they're attacking this round
  The user gains a +4 bonus to hit and damage if the target is behind them in initiative order.
  Targets that are hit by this weapon lose 2 actions, minor actions or reactions on their next turn. (2 action economy)
  The user gains +3 AC while wielding this weapon.
  As an action this weapon can be thrown at a range of up to 100ft in a straight line.
  Targets hit by this weapon have their AC reduced by -2 with each hit.
  This weapon impacts a 40ft cone on every attack, ignoring the user.
  The user can cast (2) style techniques without the need for handsigns.
  (2) style techniques cast using this weapon only cost half the normal chakra cost.
  The user can activate the weapon to, split it in two to dual wield it with both hands instead of holding one weapon.
  This weapon deals an extra 15 damage on all critical hits.
  Target's that are hit have 1/4th their total damage dealt taken from their chakra capacity.
  The user can activate the weapon twice per day, it will siphon 15 HP from any within range, and heal half that amount to the user.
  This weapon can repair itself from being damaged, or create a replica of it, twice per day.
  Targets that are afflicted by status effects take double damage from this weapon.
  Targets that are grappled by this weapon take double damage from the user's attacks.
  When a target reaches 0hp as a result of an attack from this weapon they are immediately sealed into the hilt.
  Targets hit by crits take double damage.
  Target the user attacks take a -3 AC penalty for AC calculation.
  The user gains 2 truth seeking balls that they can send out to attack from a distance.
  The weapon has 2 charges that can be used as a reaction to make a shield that protects the user from 150 points of damage for 1 round.
  As a reaction the user can call their weapon back to them, any between the weapon and its user are struck by the weapon and must make a power save vs being dragged back with the weapon.
  As a reaction the weapon can be summoned back to the hand of the user instantantly.
  This weapon heals targets rather than damaging them, filling up a gauge until it reaches full, after which this weapon deals any absorbed damage on its next strike. After healing 50 points of damage this weapon deals an extra 50 damage on its next strike.
  Weapon deals +20 damage on each strike.
  This weapon ignores immunity to damage.
  Target's hit with this weapon take a -3 penalty on attacks against the user for 2 rounds.
  Targets hit take a -40ft speed penalty.
  If the user is hidden, unnoticed or considered non-hostile by opponents, user deals +20 damage on their attack. Targets that are hit take a -3 pow penalty for each hit that lasts for 2 rounds.
  Targets that are within 40ft of the target you strike at are also dealt damage, if your attack surpasses their AC.
  +3 crit modifier while using this weapon.
  This weapon gains a temporary +6 bonus to hit and damage for each kill the weapon gets, lasting 3hrs after each kill
  This weapon gains a permanent +3 bonus to hit and damage for each kill the weapon gets.
  Targets hit by this weapon they take a -3 Dex penalty per strike that lasts for 2 rounds.
  The user gains +20 damage if they have been hit by the target they're attacking this round
  The user gains a +6 bonus to hit and damage if the target is behind them in initiative order.
  Targets that are hit by this weapon lose 1 action, minor action and reaction on their next turn. (3 action economy)
  The user gains +4 AC while wielding this weapon.
  As an action this weapon can be thrown at a range of up to 150ft in a straight line.
  Targets hit by this weapon have their AC reduced by -3 with each hit.
  This weapon impacts a 50ft cone on every attack, ignoring the user.
  The user can cast (3) style techniques without the need for handsigns.
  (3) style techniques cast using this weapon only cost half the normal chakra cost.
  The user can activate the weapon to, split it in two to dual wield it with both hands instead of holding one weapon.
  This weapon deals an extra 20 damage on all critical hits.
  Target's that are hit have half their total damage dealt taken from their chakra capacity.
  The user can activate the weapon 3 times per day, it will siphon 20 HP from any within range, and heal half that amount to the user.
  This weapon can repair itself from being damaged, or create a replica of it, 3 times per day.
  This weapon deals double damage if targets have a status effect.
  Targets that are grappled by this weapon take double damage from the user's attacks.
  When a target reaches 0hp as a result of an attack from this weapon they are immediately sealed into the hilt.
  Targets hit by crits take double damage.
  Target the user attacks take a -4 AC penalty for AC calculation.
  The user gains 3 truth seeking balls that they can send out to attack from a distance.
  The weapon has 3 charges that can be used as a reaction to make a shield that protects the user from 300 points of damage for 1 round.
  As a reaction the user can call their weapon back to them, any between the weapon and its user are struck by the weapon and must make a power save vs being dragged back with the weapon.
  As a reaction the weapon can be summoned back to the hand of the user instantantly.
  This weapon heals targets rather than damaging them, filling up a gauge until it reaches full, after which this weapon deals any absorbed damage on its next strike. After healing 75 points of damage this weapon deals an extra 75 damage on its next strike.
  Weapon deals +25 damage on each strike.
  This weapon ignores immunity to damage and those without immunity are considered weak to weapon damage.
  Target's hit with this weapon take a -3 penalty on attacks against the user for 3 rounds.
  Targets hit take a -50ft speed penalty.
  If the user is hidden, unnoticed or considered non-hostile by opponents, user deals +25 damage on their attack. Targets that are hit take a -3 pow penalty for each hit that lasts for 3 rounds.
  Targets that are within 50ft of the target you strike at are also dealt damage, if your attack surpasses their AC.
  +3 crit modifier while using this weapon.
  This weapon gains a temporary +8 bonus to hit and damage for each kill the weapon gets, lasting 3hrs after each kill
  This weapon gains a permanent +3 bonus to hit and damage for each kill the weapon gets.
  Targets hit by this weapon they take a -3 Dex penalty per strike that lasts for 3 rounds.
  The user gains +25 damage if they have been hit by the target they're attacking this round
  The user gains a +8 bonus to hit if the target is behind them in initiative order.
  Targets that are hit by this weapon lose 1 action, minor action and reaction on their next turn. (3 action economy)
  The user gains +5 AC while wielding this weapon.
  As an action this weapon can be thrown at a range of up to 150ft in a straight line.
  Targets hit by this weapon have their AC reduced by -3 with each hit.
  This weapon impacts a 50ft cone on every attack.
  The user can cast (3) style techniques without the need for handsigns.
  (3) style techniques cast using this weapon only cost half the normal chakra cost.
  The user can activate the weapon to split it in two to dual wield it with both hands instead of holding one weapon.
  This weapon deals an extra 25 damage on all critical hits.
  Target's that are hit have half their total damage dealt taken from their chakra capacity.
  The user can activate the weapon 3 times per day, it will siphon 25 HP from any within range 75ft radius, and heal half that amount to the user.
  This weapon can repair itself from being damaged, or create a replica of it, 3 times per day.
  This weapon deals double damage if targets have a status effect.
  Targets that are grappled by this weapon take double damage from the user's attacks.
  When a target reaches 0hp as a result of an attack from this weapon they are immediately sealed into the hilt.
  Targets hit by crits take double damage.
  Target the user attacks take a -5 AC penalty for AC calculation.
  The user gains 3 truth seeking balls that they can send out to attack from a distance.
  The weapon has 3 charges that can be used as a reaction to make a shield that protects the user from 500 points of damage.
  As a reaction the user can call their weapon back to them, any between the weapon and its user are struck by the weapon and must make a power save vs being dragged back with the weapon.
  As a reaction the weapon can be summoned back to the hand of the user instantly.
  This weapon heals targets rather than damaging them, filling up a gauge until it reaches full, after which this weapon deals any absorbed damage on its next strike. After healing 100 points of damage this weapon deals an extra 100 damage on its next strike.
  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weapon types and what to give them.
  Caustic: 4, dex vs burn.
  Chilled: 4, pow vs chill.
  Hexed: 4, wis vs hexed effect.
  Incendiary: 4, pow vs burn.
  Medical: Rather than dealing damage the user can heal a target they attack for equal to their weapon stats.
  Poisoned: 4, pow vs poisoned.
  Stun: 4, pow vs stun.
  Caustic: 6, dex vs burn. Bonus 1: Targets hit by this weapon have their AC reduced by -1 with each hit.
  Chilled: 6, pow vs chill. Bonus 1: Targets that are hit take a -10ft speed penalty.
  Hexed: 6, wis vs hexed effect. Bonus 1: Target's that are hit have half their total damage dealt taken from their chakra capacity.
  Incendiary: 6, pow vs burn. Bonus 1: +1 crit modifier while using this weapon.
  Medical: Rather than dealing damage the user can heal a target they attack for equal to their weapon stats. Bonus 1: This weapon heals targets rather than damaging them, filling up a gauge until it reaches full, after which this weapon deals any absorbed damage on its next strike. After healing 15 points of damage this weapon deals an extra 15 damage on its next strike.
  Poisoned: 6, pow vs poisoned. Bonus 1: Target's hit with this weapon take a -1 penalty on attacks against the user for the next round.
  Stun: 6, pow vs stun. Bonus 1: Targets that are hit take a -1 pow penalty for each hit that lasts until the targets next turn.
  Caustic: 8, dex vs burn. Bonus 1: Targets hit by this weapon have their AC reduced by -2 with each hit.
  Chilled: 8, pow vs chill. Bonus 1: Targets that are hit take a -20ft speed penalty.
  Hexed: 8, wis vs hexed effect. Bonus 1: Target's that are hit have half their total damage dealt taken from their chakra capacity.
  Incendiary: 8, pow vs burn. Bonus 1: +2 crit modifier while using this weapon.
  Medical: Rather than dealing damage the user can heal a target they attack for equal to their weapon stats. Bonus 1: This weapon heals targets rather than damaging them, filling up a gauge until it reaches full, after which this weapon deals any absorbed damage on its next strike. After healing 30 points of damage this weapon deals an extra 30 damage on its next strike.
  Poisoned: 8, pow vs poisoned. Bonus 1: Target's hit with this weapon take a -2 penalty on attacks against the user for the next round.
  Stun: 8, pow vs stun. Bonus 1: Targets that are hit take a -2 pow penalty for each hit that lasts until the targets next turn.
  B: At B-rank weapons get more powerful, get a second bonus and give stage 2 effects. Weapons that have effects such as those below, typically have their second bonus correlate to one of the bonuses from the weapon they are based on.
  Corrosive: 10, dex vs serious burn. Bonus 1: Targets hit by this weapon have their AC reduced by -2 with each hit. Bonus 2: This weapon impacts a 50ft cone on every attack.
  Cursed: 10, wis vs cursed effect. Bonus 1: Target's that are hit have half their total damage dealt taken from their chakra capacity. Bonus 2: This weapon deals an extra 15 damage on all critical hits.
  Frost: 10, pow vs frozen. Bonus 1: Targets that are hit take a -30ft speed penalty. Bonus 2: Targets that are hit take a -3 dex penalty.
  Incendiary: 10, pow vs serious burn. Bonus 1: +2 crit modifier while using this weapon. Bonus 2: This weapon deals double damage if targets have a status effect.
  Medical: Rather than dealing damage the user can heal a target they attack for equal to their weapon stats. Bonus 1: This weapon heals targets rather than damaging them, filling up a gauge until it reaches full, after which this weapon deals any absorbed damage on its next strike. After healing 50 points of damage this weapon deals an extra 50 damage on its next strike. Bonus 2: This weapon gains a permanent +2 bonus to hit and damage for each kill the weapon gets.
  Paralyzed: 10, pow vs paralyzed. Bonus 1: Targets that are hit take a -2 pow penalty for each hit that lasts for the targets next 2 turns. Bonus 2: Target's hit by this weapon suffer a -30ft speed penalty.
  Poisoned: 10, pow vs badly poisoned. Bonus 1: Target's hit with this weapon take a -2 penalty on attacks against the user for the next 2 rounds. Bonus 2: Target the user attacks take a -3 AC penalty for AC calculation.
  Corrosive: 12, dex vs serious burn. Bonus 1: Targets hit by this weapon have their AC reduced by -2 with each hit. Bonus 2: This weapon impacts a 40ft cone on every attack, ignoring the user.
  Cursed: 12, wis vs cursed effect. Bonus 1: Target's that are hit have half their total damage dealt taken from their chakra capacity. Bonus 2: This weapon deals an extra 20 damage on all critical hits.
  Frost: 12, pow vs frozen. Bonus 1: Targets that are hit take a -40ft speed penalty. Bonus 2: Targets that are hit take a -4 dex penalty.
  Incendiary: 12, pow vs serious burn. Bonus 1: +2 crit modifier while using this weapon. Bonus 2: Targets that are suffering from status effects take double damage.
  Medical: Rather than dealing damage the user can heal a target they attack for equal to their weapon stats. Bonus 2: This weapon gains a permanent +3 bonus to hit and damage for each kill the weapon gets.
  Paralyzed: 12, pow vs paralyzed. Bonus 1: Targets that are hit take a -2 pow penalty for each hit that lasts until the targets next 2 turns. Bonus 2: ???.
  Poisoned: 12, pow vs badly poisoned. Bonus 1: Target's hit with this weapon take a -2 penalty on attacks against the user for the next 2 turns. Bonus 2: Target the user attacks take a -3 AC penalty for AC calculation.
  Corrosive: 14, dex vs serious burn. Bonus 1: Targets hit by this weapon have their AC reduced by -3 with each hit. Bonus 2: This weapon impacts a 50ft cone on every attack, ignoring the user.
  Cursed: 14, wis vs cursed effect. Bonus 1: Target's that are hit have half their total damage dealt taken from their chakra capacity. Bonus 2: This weapon deals an extra 25 damage on all critical hits.
  Frost: 14, pow vs frozen. Bonus 1: Targets that are hit take a -50ft speed penalty. Bonus 2: Targets that are hit take a -4 dex penalty.
  Incendiary: 14, pow vs serious burn. Bonus 1: +3 crit modifier while using this weapon. Bonus 2: ???.
  Medical: Rather than dealing damage the user can heal a target they attack for equal to their weapon stats.
  Paralyzed: 14, pow vs paralyzed. Bonus 1: Targets that are hit take a -3 pow penalty for each hit that lasts until the targets next 3 turns.
  Poisoned: 14, pow vs badly poisoned. Bonus 1: Target's hit with this weapon take a -2 penalty on attacks against the user for the next 3 rounds. Bonus 2: Target the user attacks take a -3 AC penalty for AC calculation.


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