
Total: 249. Goal: 250. New Additions: 109.   Acrobat: +2 to dexterity and gain advantage on saves against traps you are aware of. When you succeed on a dexterity save you gain a +1 modifier on your next roll.   Action Surge: Twice per day the user can activate this ability to gain 1 extra action, minor action and reaction for 1 round.   Actor: Increase your Charisma score by 1. You gain proficiency in Deception and Performance. You can mimic the speech of another person or the sounds made by other creatures. You must have heard the person speaking, or heard the creature make the sound, for at least 1 minute. A successful Insight check contested by your Deception check allows a listener to determine that the effect is faked.   Adaptable biology: When the user is knocked unconscious by a new damage type and passes their death saving throws, they can gain a resistance to that damage type. The user can only gain a number of resistances this way equal to their proficiency bonus. The user can exchange one of their resistances for a different type at the end of a long rest.   Alchemist: The user gains proficiency in brewer's supplies, alchemy kits, poison kits, smith kits and herbalism kits. Gain proficiency in crafting. In place of scrolls you can use potions to release techniques once you've imbued the technique into the potion. Poisons you make deal an extra +5 damage and medical supplies you craft heal +5 HP.   Alert: You gain a +5 bonus to initiative. Gain proficiency in Perception and investigation. You can use a reaction when surprised and gain advantage on all saves made during the surprise round.   Always Ready: The user gains advantage on initiative checks and may take a full turn in combat when surprised by enemies.   Amazonian Roots: The user is closely tied to the wilderness they grew up in, gain proficiency in tracking and survival while in forested areas or islands. When making an animal handling check with creatures from your home, gain a +2 bonus to your roll. You may make grapple checks and carrying capacity as if one size larger than your normal size.   Amphibious: The user gains +20ft swim speed, can breathe underwater and becomes resistant to suffocation damage and the choking effect.   Archer: The user gains +2 to damage and attack rolls against target while using bows. If the user expends an extra action while making their attacks, all attacks made this round with the bow gain advantage.   Artificer Initiate: The user gains 2 tool proficiencies of their choice. The user gains proficiency in chakra control and crafting. When crafting an item you can imbue it with any technique you know.   Arsonist: When using a Fire technique the user can increase the range of their techniques by one level and deal an extra +5 points of damage. These techniques deal double damage to walls and structures.   Aquatic Fighter: The user gains a swim speed equal to their normal movement speed, the user gains advantage on attacks, grapples and dex saves while in the water. Water based techniques you cast ignore resistance.   Athlete: The user gains an extra +30ft movement speed, +1 pow, +1 dex and can jump twice as far. Climbing and swimming takes no extra movement. The user can throw weapons an extra 50ft.   Aura of Protection: The user provides a sense of safety around their allies, any within 30ft of the user gain a +2 bonus to all saving throws they make.   Aura of Shadows: Gain proficiency in stealth. When in darkness you make no sound and are considered hidden if none were aware of your presence when you stepped into darkness. You give off a 30ft aura of darkness all around your person, that you can stop at will, that grants your allies advantage when they make stealth checks while in your aura.   Aura of Storms: Whenever the user activates this an electric pulse is sent out within 30ft of the user. All targets within range must make a DC 6+wis+proficiency pow save or get stunned until the start of their next turn. This ability can be activated twice per day.   Barbarian Rage: The user may activate this ability up to twice per day, for the next hour the user gains advantage on intimidation checks. They gain a temporary +2 to AC, +10 HP and gain +3 on melee attacks made by the user for the duration. Afterwards, they take 1 lvl of exhaustion.   Barbaric Aggression: As a minor action the user can charge towards an enemy and double their movement speed, when they do this the user's next melee attack deals double damage and targets that are hit are knocked backward 10ft. The user can activate this ability up to 3 times per day.   Barbed Skin: While not wearing armor the user gains +1 AC. When a target makes a melee strike against the target they take piercing damage equal to the user's power modifier+proficiency bonus. Targets that are grappled by the user take this damage upon each failed grapple save.   Barrier Expert: Your barriers gain an extra 50 points of damage negation. Requirement: D-rank.   Battle-Cry: Twice per day you can give out a loud battlecry and any targets within range (10ft radius centered on user +10ft per proficiency bonus) must make a DC 8+cha+proficiency, charisma save or gain the fear effect for 1 round.   Battle Hunger: +1 power. The user heals an extra hit die from food they consume. By expending an action in battle the user can eat a large amount of food rapidly in battle. For each attack the user has they can consume 1 day's rations or other food related item. If the user reaches 0hp while they have consumable items that restore HP, they can consume 1 item. This ability can only be used once per day.   Beast-skin: By communing with the beasts of nature you have grown a stronger bond with animals and have gained a tougher skin. Gain proficiency in nature and animal handling. When not wearing armor gain +1 AC. When making an unarmed attack you can use piercing, slashing or bludgeoning damage of the user's choice.   Blessed Healer: When the user heals a target using a healing technique they are also restored 1/10th of the health the target received.   Blessing of the cave: Gain 30ft of darkvision. When not moving in dark spaces you blend into the environment and make all stealth checks with advantage. While underground you gain +2 initiative and make perception checks with advantage.   Blood for brawn: When inflicted with a status effect, gain a +2 modifier on all attacks you make per active status effect on you. When below half health deal an extra damage die on all attacks.   Blood Frenzy: If a target is bleeding within 100ft of the user, the user gets a +3 bonus to all attacks made against them. When a target that is bleeding attacks the user they get a -3 penalty.   Bone breaker: When making melee attacks against a target, you can take a -4 penalty, if the hit succeeds you will inflict an extra die of damage, a -3 attack penalty, -20ft movement speed and oncrits you will also add the bleeding effect. If it fails you open yourself to an opprotunity attack from the target.   Born of Fire: The user becomes resistant to fire damage and fire damage they inflict using techniques ignore resistance. The user ignores hot weather and gains resistence to the burned effect.   Born Of Ice: The user becomes resistant to cold damage, chilled effects and cold weather. When the user scores a critical hit on a melee or weapon attack the target is chilled.   Botanist: Gain +1 wisdom, +1 intelligence. You can speak with plants and plant based enemies are less hostile towards you. When attacking a plant based enemy, deal an extra 10 damage on all techniques you cast against them.   Brace for Impact: When taking the dodge action the user gains advantage on saving throws and takes half as much damage as normal. When taking the block action gain an extra +2 AC.   Brawler: You are proficient with improvised weapons and unarmed strikes. Your unarmed strike go up a damage die size. When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike or an improvised weapon on your turn, you can use a minor action to attempt to grapple the target with advantage.   Brutal Critical: When the user makes a critical hit against the target they can add an extra die of damage to the target's total.   Brutal Killer: Gain proficiency in Intimidation. When you successfully drop an enemy to 0 HP, you can immediately make another attack against a target in range as a minor action. Allies of the killed target take a -5 penalty to any Charisma checks used against them for the round.   Brutal Strikes: When the user makes a melee attack against a target, they can activate this ability to deal an extra die of damage up to a number of times equal to the user's proficiency bonus per day.   Bullshitter: +1 Charisma, proficiency in Deception. You may use your deception skill in place of insight when attempting to see through a lie. Targets take a -2 charisma penalty when making rolls against you.   Burgler: Gain proficiency in stealth, deception, sleight of hand and thieves tools. When making a stealth, sleight of hand or otherwise making a check in relation to breaking & entering, robbery, or escaping an area they have snuck into, they can double their proficiency bonus.   Cannibal: By eating another living, sentient being and consuming their body the user can gain a number of benefits. For each corpse they consume they gain +1hit and chakra die and can roll a d20, on a 20 the user gains one chakra nature or feat from the target, or 5 techniques from their technique list. Doing so also heals the user by up to 1/5th the max HP the target had in life.   Captain of the Ship: +2 charisma. As the captain of a ship you are used to recruiting others to your side or giving orders. When making persuasion or intimidation checks against bandits, civilians or common grunts gain advantage. You can also choose to command a target to follow your order. Targets must make a DC 6+cha+proficiency bonus charisma save or follow your order. The user can activate this feat twice per day.   Card Tricks: The user gains proficiency in poker and blackjack, +2 charisma and sleight of hand and performance. When using a throwing weapon you can select an extra target within range, so long as you have the required ammunition.   Careful Casting: When using a technique the user can activate this ability to choose a number of targets within range, those targets take no damage from techniques you use this round. This ability can be used 3 times per day.   Chakra Reservoir: The user gains +2 chakra die, increasing the size of their chakra pool.   Charger: When you use your minor action to Dash on your next successful attack you can shove the target 10ft away and knock them prone. Gain advantage on attacks made when charging a target. When calculating damage after charging a target double your proficiency bonus.   Charming Spirit: The user boosts their charisma by +1. Twice per day when making a charisma check or save the user can activate this ability to gain advantage on the roll.   Cheerleader: +1 charisma. The user can sacrifice any of their action economy to grant an ally an extra action economy of the same type. When the user does this both the user and the target get +5 temp HP. The user can activate this ability a number of times equal to their proficiency bonus per day.   Chef: Increase your Wisdom by 1. You gain proficiency in Survival. As part of a short rest, you can cook special food, provided you have ingredients on hand. You can prepare enough of this food for a number of creatures equal to 4 + your proficiency bonus. This food gives 2d10+survival temp hp.   Cleave: When the user makes a melee attack with a weapon that reduces an opponent to 0hp and another target is within reach, any damage remaining after defeating the first opponent is dealt to the second opponent.   Cleansed by the flame: The user gains resistance to fire damage and the burned effect. When hit by a fire based technique the user recovers chakra equal to half the damage they would have taken. If the user has immunity to fire damage they are instead healed by it for HP equal to what the fire damage would have been.   Crazed Scientist: +2 intelligence, proficiency in Crafting. Creatures, Constructs or Puppets you create deal an extra die of damage when making attacks and gain +1 feator resistence.   Creature's body: +2 dexterity, +50ft speed. The user can carry twice as much as usual and counts as a mountof pet for animal combat abilities. Gain +2 animal combat.   Critical Targeting: You may lower the die requirement for critical hits by 1. (if it was 20, 19's on the die now count as crits) Those who are struck by one of your critical hits lose 10ft of movement.   Crossbow Expert: Gain proficiency in crossbows and firearms. Being within 10 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls. When you use the Attack action and attack with a one-handed weapon, you can use a minor action to attack with a loaded crossbow you are holding.   Crusher: Increase your Power by 1. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an attack that deals bludgeoning damage, you can move it 10 feet to an unoccupied space, provided the target is no more than one size larger than you. When you score a critical hit that deals bludgeoning damage to a creature, attack rolls against that creature are made with advantage until the start of your next turn.   Corrosive Aura: The user exudes a toxin or other material that corrodes metals and other objects. The user deals double damage to structures. When the user is hit by a weapon that is made of metal or other material (at dm discretion) the weapon will take a -2 penalty, if the weapons attack bonus falls negative, the weapon is rendered unusable until repaired or destroyed. The same effect applies when the user attacks atarget and makes physical contact with them, the targets AC will fall until it reaches 0, once the target's AC reaches 0, any armor is destroyed or rendered broken until repaired.   Cult Follower: The user gains advantage on searching for other followers of their religion or those open to it, when in an area the user can speak to any known followers of their beliefs to learn more about the area or any secrets the place may hold. +1 Charisma. The user can sense other followers or artifacts in the area, though they cannot locate them through this method.   Cyborg Upgrades: The user gains 2 puppet parts to place in their body, and 2 pieces for each part. These can be of any part and piece available from the puppetry parts, or at DM discretion, from the vehicle parts.   Darkvision: The user gains 50ft of dark vision where they can see darkness as if it were bright light, this range extends another 50ft past that as dim lit.   Deep Impact: When the user makes a successful melee strike against another target, they can activate this ability up to three times per day to deal an additional +10 force dmg.   Defensive Camoflauge: An instictual ability many animals are raised with and assassins or thieves are trained to use. When hit by a melee attack, or a ranged weapon attack the user may become invisible until the end of their next turn. The user may activate this ability twice per long rest.   Defensive Duelist: When you are holding a weapon you can boost your AC by 1 for each weapon you are using. Shields do not affect your movement speed. If an ally is attacked within 10ft of the user, this ability can be activated and the user will take the damage rather than the intended target. This feat also applies to the user's puppets, constructs or pets.   Defensive Fighter: The user does not provoke opportunity attacks while moving away from enemies. The user gains +2 AC while remaining still. If the user is hit by a melee attack that does not surpass your AC, deal damage to the attacker equal to half the difference between the opposing attack roll and user AC. ( If the attack was a 15, and the user has an AC of 25 the difference would be 10 so the attacker would be dealt 5 points of damage.   Deflect Missiles: When targeted by a ranged weapon attack the user can activate this ability as a reaction. The user can make a sleight of hand check against the opposing attack roll, on a success the user grabs the ammunition mid air and throw it back at the target for equal damage.   Demonic Deflection: When the user is targeted for a technique that deals either fire or spiritual damage, they can redirect the technique towards another target within range. This feat can be activated twice per day.   Disciple of Life: When the user restores a target using a medical or healing technique, they restore two extra hit die to the target. When healing a target from the dying state they recover twice as much HP.   Divine Intervention: The user gains proficiency in religion. Twice per day the user may make a religion check to receive guidance, advice, help, a blessing or curse from their god. The GM may describe this however they wish, though a critical success is meant to be a direct interference by the deity themselves.   Divine Sense: The user gains proficiency in sensory and religion. The user is able to tell the difference between divine, natural and unnatural chakra and can tell whether targets near them are good or evil.   Divine Strike: The user may add spiritual damage to targets of any melee strike they make equal to their religion modifier. When making a melee strike the user can use their intelligence modifier instead of their dexterity or power.   Doctor: Gain Proficiency in healers kits, surgical equipment and herbalism kits. When healing a target you heal them an extra +5 HP. When making a medical check to remove a status effect, you can make the check at advantage.   Draconic Blood: Gain +1 chakra nature, the nature selected becomes your natural element. You become resistant to its coordinating damage type and status effect. As a minor action with this feat the user can release a breath attack of their assigned element, this attack will fire up to 100ft in a straight line and will deal 2d10+proficiency bonus, damage of the coordinating element to the first target it hits. The user can activate this feat up to twice per day.   Dragon's body: The user gains a pair of wings and resistance to poisons and toxic damage. When hit by a technique the user knows, apply a -10 damage penalty. The user can change their appearance to that of a human, dragon, or another race they have interacted with a number of times per day equal to their proficiency bonus.   Drunken Fist: The user gains advantage on melee attacks when they become intoxicated. If the user is intoxicated they gain +2 dex and 30ft movement speed. If the user becomes intoxicated they gain a +2 modifier on saving throws.   Dual Wielder: You gain a +2 bonus to AC while you are wielding more than one weapon. Melee strikes when wielding 2 or more weapons gain +5 on their attack and damage rolls. The user gains an extra attack when dual wielding.   Dungeon Delver: You ignore difficult terrain and take no movement penalty for climbing. Gain proficiency in perception and investigation. Gain advantage on checking for traps and secret doors, and take half damage from traps that are triggered.   Durable: Increase your power score by 1. When you would be knocked unconscious instead make a power saving throw (DC equivalent to damage left after reaching 0 HP) to remain conscious. When healing, the user recovers an extra +5 HP per healing effect.   Durable tech: When crafting equipment, vehicles, or puppets add a +1 modifier to all stats and AC. Fixing equipment that you have crafted takes half as long. When rolling hit die for vehicles and puppets, roll hit die with advantage.   Dying Breath: When you reach 0 HP for the first time in a day, rather than falling unconscious you can immediately launch a technique of your choice as a reaction. The user gains +2 to power. When activated the user ignores resistence to damage they inflict.   Dynamic Duo: If the user with this feat is within 10ft of an allied character, they get +5 to any attacks or techniques they use. While two characters with this feat are next to each other, they gain a +5 to any saves they make for the duration.   Echolocation: The user gains 50ft of blindsight. When making perception checks based on sound the user makes the check with advantage. The user is more sensitive to noise and easily picks up on sounds others may miss. Targets that are invisible within the user's blindsight range lose their benefits when attacking the user, or being attacked by the user.   Eldritch Apprentice: Gain +1 wisdom or intelligence of the users choice and proficiency in religion. Gain 3 techniques from the Kinjutsu or Jinchurikki technique list of equal rank to the user. The user may choose a great beast, deity or equivalent and gains advantage on any history or religion checks for the target or their followers.   Elemental Adept: Gain +1 chakra nature and proficiency in chakra control. When you gain this feat, choose one of the following damage types: acid, cold, explosive, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, or toxic. Jutsu you use ignore resistance to damage of the chosen type and can be applied to any technique you use.   Elemental Cleaver: When the user makes a weapon attack with a weapon they are proficient with, they can change the damage type of the weapon to the coordinating damage as their chakra nature. When making an attack this way the targets must make a power save, DC 6+pow/dex+proficiency bonus. On a fail they suffer the burned, bleeding, chilled, or stunned effect according to the associating chakra nature.   Evasion: When the user makes a dex save for half damage, on a success the user instead takes no damage.   Exhausting Presence: The user exudes an exhausting aura that goes out 30ft from the user. Those within range must make a DC 6+wis+proficiency bonus. If they fail than they take a level of exhaustion. Once activated this ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to the user's proficiency bonus. This ability can be activated twice per day.   Extraordinary health: The user changes their innate hit and chakra die to both become d12's instead of their original.   False Appearance: Gain proficiency in steal and disguise kits. When standing still gain a +5 modifier to all stealth checks. If the user has taken an action to hide and has not moved they are indistinguishable from their surroundings. This ability applies at DM discretion and is meant to be kept within a realm of belieavability, such as hiding in a bush, or behind a tree. Naturally disguising within the environment.   Fanatic: +2 Intelligence. Gain proficiency in history and can read twice as fast as normal. The user obsesses over knowledge and can accurately recall anything they have read or experienced within the last year.   Fast healer: +2 power. When you roll a Hit Die to regain hit points you can double your power modifier.   Fast Movement: The user gains +50ft of movement, a +2 initiative bonus and can dash twice as a minor action.   Favored Enemy: The user can choose one type of enemy, they gain advantage on tracking checks looking for them and a flat +2 bonus to damage and attacks against that enemy.   Fearless Fighter: +2 Charisma. The user has advantage on saves against Fear and Intimidation.   Fey Blood: The user has fey, or elven blood in their veins. The user can double their life expectancy, gain +1 magic and a +3 bonus to saves against being charmed or controlled.   Fighting Initiate: Gain +4 taijutsu or kenjutsu techniques. Gain +10ft range on all melee attacks made and deal an extra die of damage on melee attacks.   First Impact: When you make an unarmed strike, you can choose to instead deal thunder damage. When you do this, you deal double damage to objects and structures.   First Mate: Tasked with upholding the captain's vision and orders they are known to be extremely loyal. When within 50ft of an ally both the user and the ally gain a +2 AC and deal an extra +5 damage on all attacks and techniques. When within 100ft of the captain the user, captain and all allies gain a +1 crit modifier.   Flame of the fire giant: Fire based techniques you use can increase their range by one level, and you deal an extra +5 points of fire damage on any techniques you perform. Enemies reduced to 0hp by a fire based technique the user performs immediatly incinerates the body of the target.   Flexible body: +2 dexterity, proficiency in acrobatics. +20ft movement speed and +2 initiative. Gain a +2 bonus to grapple saves.   Flying Fighter: The user gains +20ft movement and a flight speed equal to half their movement if they didn't have one already. The user does not provoke opprotunity attacks when flying through enemy area unless they also have a flight speed. When attacking a foe while airborne gain +3 on all atacks you make.   Forest Friend: +2 wisdom. Gain proficieny in animal handling. Beasts naturally trust you more and gain +1 AC around you. You may learn how to speak with animals and learn the ability to cast the speak with animals and animal friendship techniques.   Fortified fighter: Whenever you take the charge action you may also recover HP equal to your power modifier+proficiency bonus.   Friendly Extrovert: Gain +1 charisma. Strangers naturally feel more comfortable with you. Twice per day when making a charisma check you can double your charisma modifier.   Friend of the Sea: The user can speak to aquatic animals, breathe underwater for long periods and gains resistance to cold damage and +30ft swim speed. Gain the water chakra nature.   Frost Giant's Fury: When making a grapple check against a target, the user can treat themselves as if they were one size larger than thier standard. When making a water or ice based technique increase the range of the technique by one level and add +5 cold damage. Ignore resistance to cold damage.   Furious strike: When you make a melee or ranged attack against a target you can deal an extra die of damage but can only activate this ability twice per short rest.   Future Sight: At the start of each day the user gains a critical success and a critical failure that they can hold onto and choose as the result of any dice roll made from themselves, an ally or an enemy.   Genjutsu Master: +2 to your Genjutsu skill modifier. Genjutsu that affect an area can have their range doubled.   Genetic Heritage: The user unlocks a Kekkei Genkai or Chakra Nature they were previously unable to use or unaware that they had.   Giant's strength: +2 power. The user can increase their carrying capacity by double their usual. The user can increase their size by one category and gain +10ft reach on all melee attacks.   Glass cannon: The user can lower their hit die to a d4 and raise their chakra die to a d20. The user can also lower their AC by -3 to gain 20 temp HP at the start of combat.   Glowing Skin: The user exudes a light from their skin that they can control and dim at will. This light, at its strongest provides 30ft of bright light, and another 30ft of dim light.   Grappler: Creatures that are two sizes larger than you don’t automatically succeed on checks to escape your Grapple. When Grappling a target you are able to use the target as a shield to protect you from attacks. Gain proficiency in Grappling.   Great Cleave: When the user makes a melee attack against a target after reducing one of their enemies to 0hp in the same turn, the user can activate this ability, targets take an extra die of damage.   Great Weapon Fighter: +1 kenjutsu. When rolling a 1 or 2 on damage while using a melee weapon attack, the user can reroll the damage die but must accept the new result.   Great Weapon Master: If you score a critical hit on a melee attack you may make another attack at disadvantage as a minor action, if the user successfully hits their opponent deal an extra +10 to your total damage.   Greedy Strikes: When the user makes a melee attack against an enemy, siphon chakra equal to 1/10th the total damage done (minimum of 1).   Grudge Holder: You hold a near unnatural hatred against a specific type of enemy you may pick two types of enemies, such as beasts, plants, undead or celestic, or two different humanoid races or certain nations or regions. When recalling information about the selected creatures, foes or areas that are chosen, you may roll with advantage. When attacking a foe of the chosen type, you may activate this ability to double the damage you do on your next attack or technique. You may only use this ability once per day.   Gunner: You ignore the reloading quality of firearms and take no penalties from targets being within close range. When using a firearm to make a succesful attack you can expend an extra attack to deal +10 damage on your hit.   Healer: +1 wisdom. When you use a Med Kit to stabilize a dying creature, that creature has any status effects or diseases removed from them. All healing abilities roll with advantage and targets that are healed gain a +1 AC bonus for the next round.   Heavy Armor Expert: Increase your Power score by 1. You gain proficiency with heavy armor. While you are wearing heavy armor, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage that you take from weapons is reduced by 5. You can halve the movement penalty from heavy armor.   Helmsman: Gain proficiency in sea vehicles. When piloting a vehicle you gain +1 AC, ignore weather effects and make dexterity or mobility checks and saves with advantage. Gain +50ft movement speed when piloting any vehicle.   Ignite: The user is able to activate this ability as a minor action, a number of times equal to their proficiency bonus per day. Once the user targets a weapon they have equipped, they can ignite it with their fire nature, causing it to deal an extra die of fire dmg on it's next strike.   Impeccable aim: Once per day when making a ranged weapon attack, when a critical miss is rolled you can instead make it a critical hit.   Improved Critical: The user gains a +1 crit modifier, when rolling damage for a critical hit, reroll all 1's and deal +5 damage.   Immortal: The user is near impossible to kill, they no longer make death saving throws as their body will not die, instead when they are knocked unconscious they will remain as such for twice the duration as normal. As it is the body that is made immortal thoroughly destroying the body while the user is in this state end their lives, though their spirit may remain in some form. Requirements: 20 int, B-rank.   Incredible Constitution: The user gains resistance to the poisoned condition and gains +2 endurance. The user ignores weather penalties from hot or cold terrain.   Incredible determination: When the user fails a saving throw they may instead choose to succeed but take a level of exhaustion for each use.   Indomitable: When targeted for a saving throw for control, charmed, or fear the user can activate this ability to gain a +3 bonus to their roll, this ability can be activated a number of times equal to the user's proficiency bonus.   Inflated Reserves: The user gains +5 to all chakra die rolls, as well as a +2 to their wisdom mod.   Integrated Armor: The user has puppet based armor integrated with their skin. +2 AC and ignore difficult terrain. Gain +1 resistance.   Inspiring Leader: You can make an inspiring speech to your allies. When you do so, choose up to six friendly creatures. Each creature can gain temporary hit points equal to 2d12 +your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. A creature can’t gain temporary hit points from this feat again until it has finished a short or long rest.   Inspirational Words: The user can activate this ability to select a target within ear shot or 50ft, that target gains a d6 that they may add to any roll they make for the next 24 hours, the user may activate this ability up to twice per day.   Intimidating Presence: Gain proficiency in intimidation. The user can make an intimidation check as an action to activate this ability, all within a 50ft radius must make a DC 10 + intimidation, wisdom or charisma save. On a fail all targets are afflicted with either the fear or taunt effect of the user's choice.   Jack of all Trades: The user can add half of their proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any skills that they are not already proficient in.   Jashinist: Gain proficiency in Religion. By sacrificing at least 1 human soul in a ritual the user can become immortal for 30 days. Preparing the ritual will take a main action and only lasts for 1 hour, if a soul is not offered in this hour or if the user takes more than 30 days to complete this ritual they will lose all benefits for this feat and 1 soul is added to the user's debt which must be paid to regain usage of this feat. Requirements: Must be a follower of Lord Jashin, must be at least C-rank.   Jester's Privilege: The user can replace Power or Dexterity with Charisma for AC calculation. Twice per day, as a reaction, the user can insult a target that is attacking them with a melee strike which imposes a -5 penalty on the attack to the enemy.   Jutsu Master: The user gains +10 available techniques. Techniques that are made can add their Intelligence modifier to damage for any techniques that are performed by the user.   Keen Mind: Increase your Intelligence score by 1. You always know which way is north. You always know the number of hours left before the next sunrise or sunset. You can accurately recall anything you have seen or heard within the past month.   Kenjutsu Specialist: The user may dual wield two handed weapons at one time, the user gains an additional 10ft reach on all great weapons. Gain +2 kenjutsu points.   Kip-up: Increase your Power or Dexterity score by +2. When you are prone, standing up uses only 5 feet of your movement. If you get knocked prone you can activate this feat to leap back to your feat as a reaction.   Lets make a deal: +2 charisma. Gain proficiency in diplomacy, persuasion and deception. When making deals or negotiating, this feat can be activated. The user can impose a -3 penalty to the targets die roll and can add 1d6 to their total roll. If the target fails their check and agrees to the deal they will find themselves unable to go against their word, each attempt to do so will result in a wisdom save on the target's behalf. DC 6+cha+proficiency bonus. On a fail the target is unable to break their deal. This ability ends once a target has upheld their end of the deal. This ability can only be activated twice per long rest.   Life-Steal: When the user delivers damage on melee attacks they can recover 1/10th the total damage as Temp HP.   Light Armor Master: Increase your Dexterity score by 2. You gain proficiency with light armor and shields. Wearing 2 pieces of light armor provides +1 AC to the user.   Living Water: When the user is hit with a melee attack they turn their body to water to resist bludgeoning, Piercing, or slashing damage but they are vulnerable to Thunder damage and freezing effects. Requirements: Water chakra nature, proficiency in chakra control.   Lock on: The user can activate this ability to lock onto a target within the user's maximum range. All attack rolls against that target gain a +3 bonus and deal an extra +5 damage. Locking on to a target will last for 1 hour or until the target leaves the user's maximum range. The user can activate this ability a number of times equal to their proficiency bonus.   Logia: The user has become one with an element of their choice making it difficult to harm them, the user may activate this feat when attacked to gain resistance a damage type they would take, at DM discretion. User may become vulnerable to a damage type of GM choice. (Fire is weak to water, may melt certain weapons...etc,) This ability can be activated a number of times equal to the user's proficiency modifier.   Long Limbs: +2 dex. The user has long limbs allowing them a +25ft movement speed bonus and gaining an extra +10ft reach on melee attacks.   Lookout: +2 wisdom. Gain proficiency in perception. The user can see twice as far as normal. When making a perception or investigation check in an area the user is familiar with, gain a +5 bonus. Stealth checks made within eyesight of the user have disadvantage.   Lucky: Twice per day you can get advantage on any roll you make.   Malicious Aura: The user radiates an evil aura around themselves that taxes the mind, making targets feel the incredible bloodlust the user has. Those within 30ft of the user take 1d4+cha+prof. bonus mental damage from being exposed to your bloodlust and take a -2 penalty on all charisma saves.   Mage Slayer: If a target tries to cast a long range technique while within melee range, you can make an opprotunity attack against them. If a target within melee range of you is targeted for a support based technique you can make an attack against the assisted target.   Magic Initiate: You can immediatly select 3 spells from the magic tree of equal or lower rank than the user. You can learn magic techniques twice as fast as usual and when you successfully cast a magic technique you are not familiar with you gain advantage on your next die roll.   Magic Resistance: The user gains resistance against techniques from the magic category. When attacked with a wand, rod or staff the user gains +2 AC and the targets take a -2 attack penalty.   Martial Adept: When you make a melee strike against a target, you may expend an extra attack and attempt to disarm them. The target must pass a DC 6+pow/dex/proficiency dex save or they will drop an equipped weapon of the user's choice. When a target has been disarmed this way, they take a -3 AC penalty on the next attack they are targeted for.   Master of Disguise: You can alter your appearance to that of any person and even those of a different race, but you do not gain additional racial benefits. Gain proficiency in disguise kits. While disguised you can impose a -3 penaltyto the investigation or insight check any targets make against you.   Medical Expert: Gain proficiency in Medicine. Medical Jutsu or items you use that have healing effects gain advantage on their rolls and heal targets an additional 2 hit die.   Misty Step: The user has learned to travel great distances suddenly, stepping through shadows, planes of reality or just using their great speed, the user can travel half of their movement speed without provoking opprotunity attacks. The user can activate this ability twice per long rest.   Mobile: Your speed increases by 25 feet. Gain proficiency in dex saves. Difficult terrain doesn’t cost you extra movement. You don’t provoke opportunity attacks when moving past targets.   Mounted Combatant: You have advantage on melee attack rolls against any unmounted creature or target that is smaller than your mount. Gain advantage on Dexterity saves when using a mount. Both user and any mount they are using gain +2 AC when the mount is being used.   Multiple arms: The user gains 2 more arms they can wield equipment with and 1 extra action. Requirements: C-rank.   Musician: +2 charisma. Gain proficiency in two types of musical instruments. Gain resistance to sonic damage. Sonic damage you inflict ignores resistance.   Mutated Biology: The user has been altered biologically by a mutation. ???   Natural Explorer: The user ignores difficult terrain, gains proficieny in survival, can pick a favored terrain and cannot get lost within that terrain by normal means. The user can forage twice as much food within their favored terrain and gains advantage on initiative checks.   Nature's Ward: Gain proficiency in nature. The user is protected by nature, animals and plants are less likely to attack you, the user becomes resistant to the poisoned effect and most diseases.   Navigator: +1 wisdom. Gain proficiency with cartographer's tools, nature, tracking and 1 vehicle proficiency of your choice. You can forecast the weather accurately for the next 24 hours and cannot be surprised by natural weather phenomena.   Nocturnal Nature: The user can double their eyesight in the dark. When making investigation or perception checks in the dark you suffer no penalties and can double your proficiency bonus. While in combat in the dark gain a +2 to all rolls you make.   Observant: Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1. You proficiency in your Perception, Insight or Investigation scores. You can accurately read the lips of anyone you can see. You have advantage on searches for secret doors and traps.   One-Handed Seals: Gain proficiency in Sleight of Hand. Jutsu signs can now be formed using a single hand instead of both hands allowing the user to equip a weapon or shield in their free hand while still performing ninjutsu. Requirements: Proficiency in Chakra control, sleight of hand.   One Shot Kill: At the start of the user's turn they can choose to expend all actions and attacks they have to make one attack. The user makes a single attack against the target and if they succeed than they take the maximum damage of their attack add all modifiers, and multiply the damage by the amount of attacks they would have been able to make taking all action economy into account. If the target misses they make all attacks at disadvantage for the next round.   One Step Ahead: +3 to Initiative, +2 to Dexterity. Once per short rest, the user can initiate a chakra clash when targeted for a technique cast by someone behind them in initiative order.   Piercer: Increase your Power or Dexterity by 1. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an attack that deals piercing damage, you can reroll one of the attack's damage dice, and you must use the new roll. When you score a critical hit that deals piercing damage to a creature, you can roll one additional damage die.   Poisoner: When you make a damage roll that deals Toxic damage, it ignores resistance to Toxic damage. You can apply Poison to a weapon or piece of equipment as a reaction. Poisons you craft deal an extra +10 toxic damage.   Polearm Master: When you take the Attack action and attack with a polearm you can use a minor action to make a melee attack with the opposite end of the weapon. While you are wielding a polearm weapon, other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they enter your reach.   Powerful Build: Gain +1 power. Increase your size by 1 level. Ignore difficult terrain and gain proficiency in athletics. When you can double your carrying capacity.   Power Throw: +2 power. Gain proficiency in grapple, improvised weapons and throwing weapons. Double your range on throwing weapons. You can throw large, heavy objects like crates, cannon balls and concrete slabs as easily as daggers.   Prodigal Asshole: +2 level up points.   Programed Minds: +2 wisdom or intelligence, or +1 to both. The user gains resistence to the confused condition and mental damage. User gains advantage on saves against genjutsu or being controlled.   Protective Fighter: When a target makes a melee attack against a target within 10ft of you, you may user your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll.   Psychotic: When the user makes a melee attack and miss they can make a second attack as a reaction, on a success this attack deals max damage.   Puppet Expert: +2 intelligence. Gain proficiency in Insight. Puppets you craft gain +2 AC and +5hp per hit die.   Purity of Body: The user becomes resistant to most diseases, toxic damage and the poisoned effect.   Purity Of Spirit: The user gains resistence to spiritual damage, hexed and the charmed effect.   Quick Dodge: When hit by a melee attack the user can immediatly roll away a distance equal to their movement speed. This ability can be activated a number of times equal to the user's proficiency bonus per day.   Quick Draw: When the user is attacked by a hidden foe they can make an attack with a ranged weapon in response.   Reactive Resistance: When hit by a technique that inflicts damage to the user, they can activate this feat as a reaction to gain temporary resistance to the damage they were taking. This feat can be activated a number of times per day equal to the user's proficiency bonus.   Reckless Attack: When the user makes a melee attack against a target they can activate this ability to gain advantage on their attack, the next attack against the user after activating this ability also has advantage and deals double damage, but also grants advantage on all attacks they take for the next round. This ability can be activated a number of times equal to their proficiency bonus.   Record Keeper: +1 intelligence. The user keeps record of all the days events for themselves and the rest of the party to the best of their knowledge. They can accurately recall anything the party has done within the last year, and gain advantage on history checks regarding topics the party has interacted with before.   Regenerating Body: The user recovers 1d8 + Power + Medicine HP at the end of each of their turns.   Relentless Rage: The first time the user reaches 0hp per day, they can activate this ability to instead fall to 1hp but suffers a level of exhaustion.   Remarkable athlete: +1 pow, +1 dex. The user gains proficiency in grapple and sleight of hand. After making a successful power or dexterity the user gains a +1 temporary AC bonus and +5 temp hp.   Resilient: When the user has been healed from the dying state or unconsciousness, they can recover up to 5 hit die and gain a temporary +2 AC boost. The user also gains proficieny in endurance and gains resistence against the bleeding effect.   Retaliation: When the user is hit with a melee attack by a target within reach, the user may make a melee attack against them as a reaction.   Ricochet Rounds: When you make an attack roll with a ranged or thrown weapon, you can choose to reroll the attack roll against a different target within 30 feet of the original target.   Robotic Resistance: By becoming partially, or entirely robotic the user has gained resistence to the poisoned effect and toxic damage. Their ac is increased by +2 and they ignore weather effects from being hot or cold.   Samurai training: +2 power or dexterity or +1 to each. Gain +1 kenjutsu and proficiency in swords, short-swords, bows and heavy armor. During your first round of combat you gain +2 AC.   Savage Attacker: Once per turn when you roll damage for a melee weapon attack, you can reroll the weapon’s damage dice and use either total. Your weapon attacks also inflict the Bleeding effect on your target on critical hits.   Saved by the Clouds: When the user is hit by a long range attack or technique, this feat can be activated and the user will travel their movement speed into the air, where they will be seen resting on a cloud and will ignore all damage from the attack. This ability can only be activated twice per day.   Second chance: When an ally or the user fails a dice roll, twice per day the user can allow them to make a second roll but the target must accept the second roll.   Second Save: when the user fails a check or save they can roll a 1d+2 and add it to their total to attempt to change the result, the user can activate this an equal amount of times per day as their proficiency bonus.   Second Wind: Once per day the user may restore themselves 5 hit die worth of Temp HP.   Sentinel: When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, the creature’s speed becomes 0 for the rest of the turn. Gain 10ft reach on all weapon attacks. When an enemy within reach targets an ally for an attack, you can make an opportunity attack against them as a reaction.   Shade walker: The user has learned how to walk with the shadows and move without sound. The user gains proficiency in stealth and makes no sound while moving, changing equipment or interacting with objects that have not been altered by magic, seals, or other forms of energy. When hidden you gain 50ft speed.   Shadow Stalker: The user gains 50ft of darkvision. Tracking and sensory checks made in darkness have no penalty towards the user. Attacks made against foes you are tracking gain a +5 to damage and attack rolls. If you are hidden and make a surprise attack against the creature you've been tracking, it is automattically a critical hit.   Shark-Skin: Gain proficiency in animal handling and +1 AC. You grow gills that allow you to breathe on air or in the water. Melee attacks you make deal +3 damage. Targets that make physical contact with you take 1d4+pow piercing damage.   Sharpshooter: Before you make an attack with a ranged weapon that you are proficient with, you can choose to take a - 5 penalty to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you add +10 to the attack’s damage. Ranged attacks gain an extra 25ft on their range.   Shield Master: If you take the Attack action on your turn, you can use a minor action to try to shove a creature within 5 feet of you with your shield. If you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you can use your reaction to take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw.   Shipwright: +2 intelligence. You gain proficiency in smiths tools, carpenter's tools and sea vehicles. When building a vehicle you can give it +1 AC and repair it twice as fast as normal.   Shocking Shield: The user stores a small amount of lightning chakra within their body, any who make a melee attack against the user takes a 1d6+proficiency bonus Thunder damage. Requirements: Lightning chakra nature.   Short Stature: The user gains +20ft movement speed, +1 dex and gains advantage on saves against the grapple effect if the target is one size larger than them.   Silent Assassin: You make no noise when moving. When you successfully attack a target that is not facing you, under the influence of Genjutsu, or unaware of your presence you may deal +10 extra damage from melee attacks.   Silent Shot: Gain proficiency in stealth. When hidden you do not reveal your location by attacking with ranged weapons. If the user attacks a target when they were hidden, that target takes a -3 penalty on perception checks to locate the user.   Skill Master: Increase one ability score of your choice by 1. You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice. Choose one skill in which you have proficiency. You gain expertise with that skill.   Skilled: Gain 5 available techniques, 3 proficiencies of your choice and 1 saving throw.   Slasher: Increase your power or Dexterity by 1. Once per turn when you hit a creature with an attack that deals slashing damage, you can reduce the speed of the target by 10 feet until the start of your next turn. When you score a critical hit that deals slashing damage to a creature, you cause the bleeding condition.   Slow fall: The user takes half damage from fall damage and gains proficiency in dex saves. The user can jump twice as far and gains proficiency in athletics and acrobatics.   Sneak Attack: When the user is hidden from a target they are attacking they deal 2 extra die of damage.   Sniper: Gain proficiency in perception. When making a ranged weapon attack you can double your range. You can select an extra target within range for each attack you make. If you score a critical hit against the target deal an extra +5 damage.   Soft Body Modification: The user undergoes a procedure in which their body is altered, skin and bone become incredibly flexible to a near cartoonish degree. This increases the user's Dexterity by +2 and gives them a +1 to their Power.   Soothing Pain: When an ally or creature within 50ft of you takes damage, you can reduce this damage by 1d6+medicine. This feat can be activated a number of times equal to the user's proficiency bonus per day.   Soul of storms: The user radiates lightning and electrical energy around their body dealing 1d4+wis+prof. bonus thunder damage per round. This radius is 30ft around the user and lasts for 1 hour upon each use. This ability can be activated twice per day.   Spider Climb: +1 dexterity. The user gains a climb speed equal to their movement speed and ignore difficult terrain. The user can also project a string of web that goes 100ft. The user can activate this an amount of times equal to their proficiency bonus per day.   Stench Burst: The user can release a toxic gas from their body, those within 30ft of the target must make a power save, DC 6+pow+proficiency bonus, or fall prone and vomit for the next round. The user can activate this twice per day.   Supreme Healer: When restoring HP to a target, always heal for the maximum amount you can currently heal with all relevant modifiers and hit die.   Stealth Magic: The user can learn pass without trace, silence, invisiblity and up to 2 more stealth based techniques, when using energy to cast stealth based techniques or abilities you may double the radius of the technique or select up to 2 extra targets per technique.   Stolen Eyes The user has taken the eyes of another, typically one with dojutsu such as the sharingan or byakugan. This eye is considered always active, unless covered or sealed. While active, the user feels a constant chakra loss of 15 per round, but gains proficiency in perception and insight as well as an extra reaction.   Stunning Strike: When the user makes a successful melee strike against a target they can activate this ability, the target must make a power save, DC 6+pow/dex mod + proficiency bonus, on a fail the target is stunned until the start of their next turn. This ability can be used up to twice per day.   Swift Fury: The user gains +3 initiative. If the user attacks a target that was behind them in initiative order, they deal an extra +5 points of damage. If the user gets a surprise round they can take 1 extra action that round.   Taijutsu Expert: If you would receive damage from using Taijutsu you can reduce that damage by half. pow saves targets make against your Taijutsu have disadvantage.   Tamed Elements: When the user performs a technique that utilizes a chakra nature they possess they can protect any allies in range from the damage. The user can activate this ability an amout of times equal to their proficiency bonus per day.   Telekinetic Retaliation: When the user fails a wisdom or intelligence check, they can activate this abilty to send out a pulse of telekinetic energy all around them in a 10ft radius (+10ft per proficiency bonus) around themselves dealing 2d10+wis/int+proficiency bonus mental damage. This can be activated twice per day.   Telepathic: +2 wisdom. The user can communicate with the target, or a number of people equal to their proficiency bonus at once, or attempt to read the minds, feelings, memories and intentions of a single target. The target must make a DC 6+wis+proficiency bonus wisdom save or you are able to peer into their mind. The target can make another saving throw to resist this if you continue to pry, hit a sensitive subject, they notice your telepathy or they feel the need to resist your efforts.   Thrill of the fight: When the user starts combat for the first time each day they gain +10 temp HP. When the user is hit by a targets melee attack, the user can spend their reaction to inflict 1d4+pow/dex+prof bonus damage against the target. When targeted by a ranged weapon attack the user can activate this ability to impose a -3 penalty on the attack roll against them. If the target fails to hit the user, the user gains +10 Temp HP. This feat can only be activated twice per day.   Throwing Expert: You have exceptional aim with your throwing weapons, when throwing a weapon you can double their range, additionally you may use throwing weapons as opportunity attacks for any in this range.   Thunderous Blow: You can make an unarmed strike with advantage and it deals an additional 1d8 thunder damage. You can only make this attack a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining uses on a long rest.   Thunderous Leap: The user gains proficiency in athletics. They can jump twice as far. The user becomes resistant to fall damage. When the user jump a pulse of energy is sent out 30ft centered around wherever the user lands. This pulse deal 1d4+pow+proficiency bonus force damage.   Thunderstruck: The user has resistance to thunder damage and lightning techniques that hit the user restore half the damage dealt to the user's chakra capacity. Requirements: Lightning chakra nature, chakra control proficiency.   Timeless Body: The user does not age, they suffer no ill effects of old age and can not die of old age. Effects that age the target may make them feel weak or frail but will not kill or age the target, rather making them feel their age despite their body remaining the same.   Tireless training: Gain +2 pow or dexterity, or +1 to each. The user can choose one combat class and begins learning techniques of those class twice as fast. The user can double their carrying capacity and gains proficieny in saving throw of the user's choice. Gain 20ft movement speed.   Trap Expert: You have advantage on Perception and Investigation checks made to detect the presence of secret doors and traps. You have advantage on saving throws made to avoid or resist traps and traps you make have doubled range.   Trap Master: Traps the user make impose a -3 score penalty on saving throws made against the trap and your traps deal an extra +5 damage. When you craft a trap, you can craft an extra for free.   Trick Shot: Gain profciency in sleight of hand and performance. When making an attack with a ranged weapon you can use your charisma modifier in place of your power or dexterity. You can activate this ability when you make an attack, you make the attack at disadvantage but your attack deals double damage.   Triclops: The user has a secret, or not secret, third eye they can use. Gain proficiency in perception and insight, along with resistence to being blinded.   Tough: Increase your pow by 2. You gain proficiency in pow saving throws. Get an extra +5 on your hit die rolls.   Twin Cast: When using a technique that targets a single foe or uses a line range the user can select a second target that is also hit.   Unarmored: +2 AC to the user while not wearing armor. Speed increases by 25ft when not wearing armor. User gains a +2 to Power or Dexterity of their choice while unarmored.   Unbending Resolve: The user gains +2 int or charisma, or +1 to each. The user becomes resistant to confused, charmed, and fear effects. When controlled by a target, once per day the user can activate this feat to break free of their control.   Uncanny dodge: The user can take the dodge action as a reaction rather than a minor action. When the user is hit with a technique or attack they can see and have used the dodge action you gain resistance to any damage you would have taken.   Unnatural Luck: Once per day when you roll a critical failure you can reroll the dice but must accept the next roll.   War caster: You gain advantage on saves made to maintain focus. You can cast techniques even if both hands are occupied by weapons or shields. If a you are allowed an opprotunity attack against a target, you can use a technique instead but must pay double chakra for it.   Weapon Master: Increase your Power or Dexterity score by 1. You gain proficiency with four weapon types of your choice. Gain 10ft reach with melee weapons you are proficient with.   Wing sprout: The user can sprout wings and gain a flight speed equal to their normal movement speed. Sprouting the wings this way imposes a power save, DC 6+POW+prof. bonus, or they are pushed 10ft backand considered stunned until the end of the round or the start of their next turn.   Withering hold: When the user is grappled, or is actively grappling another target that target will take 1d4+wis+proficiency bonus necrotic damage each round they hold or are held by the user.   Zenkai Boost: Everytime the user is reduced to 0hp and knocked unconscious they gain a +1 stat boost to any stat of their choosing.


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