Fight Night

General Summary

The party awakens in a smaller, open room, decorated with many weapons on the wall but no clear doors or windows. As each of them begins to take in their surroundings they each take notice of each other. Raiden would immediatly begin grabbing spears off the wall, Khepri would assist him out of curiousity as Hasashi inspected the weapons on the wall. Hika would point out the large table full of food. "We're going to have to work together to get out of here, we should go over everyones abilities." Shirohebei spoke aloud.   "Ah yes, because we should listen to the girl who sat in the suicide chair." Raiden replied causing Khepri and Hasashi to chuckle.   "I wish it had been a suicide chair, unfortunately I'm still stuck here with you idiots." Shirohebei retorted.   "This isn't getting us anywhere!" Hika yelled.   "No don't stop this, it was just getting fun." Khepri snapped.   "All of you shut the hell up!" Declared a new voice.   Within the room there now stood a man in his early 20's with a lean body and dark hair. "My name is Madnaps, don't ask any questions because your not getting an answer. Long story short, I bought you guys as slaves, you guys now belong to me and you don't want to find out what happens when you don't listen. Understood?" He spoke quickly.   "I don't follow." Khepri spoke.   He was immediatly slapped. "I bought you little fuckers, and unsurprisingly cheap, too." Madnaps said, condescendingly. "Now, you work for me. At least, once you prove yourselves to actually be worth a damn, anyways!" The man snapped again, glaring daggers across the room at each individual. "But.." Hika's voice trailed off as tears welled up in her eyes. As she began to cry softly out of fear, Madnaps expression became more annoyed.   "No. I am not dealing with your pathetic feelings." Suddenly, there was a tag placed onto the back of Hika's neck which upon contact caused her whole demeanor to change almost instantaneously. As her tears came to a stop, the girl's face became entirely blank and it almost seemed like the light had left her eyes for that instant. "Tch! Like hell I'd listen to a weakling like you!" Shirohebei exclaimed arrogantly, grimacing at the man that stood over the table they sat at. Madnaps smiled sinisterly and moved toward shirohebei, drawing his fist quickly.   Blood began trickling from the kunoichi's nose as she was struck firmly, but her expression remained unchanged. She thought of lashing out at the man, of tearing him apart then and there. But it would have probably only alerted any other people who may be outside of the room and with this, she bit her tongue.   "Now, if you're all done whining like children, I have some things you'll be taking care of starting in the next hour." Madnaps brushed his hair back in a half hearted attempt to clean up his looks. "What things?" Hasashi asked, demandingly.   "You hopeless bastards are gonna go and earn me some money by fighting a few weaklings like yourselves." The man retorted quickly. "Together?" Raiden said, speaking up after being silent for some time.   "Together, alone-- what does it matter? You're job is to earn me money. The terms of your fights don't apply to me and they sure as shit do not matter." After a few moments, Madnaps turned away from the group, talking to them as he left the room. "Be ready. You'll be called any time, now." A silence fell unto the room as he finished speaking and took his leave.   Hika approached the mist kunoichi, Shirohebei, after some time had passed. The white haired woman turned her attention swiftly to Hika, a grimace set permanently upon her otherwise beautiful face. "Hey." She started nervously, avoiding direct eye contact. "What is it?" Shirohebei asked, already seeming like she was ready to end the conversation. "I just wanted to say that, I don't really think you're all that dumb."   Shirohebei's expression became that of anger which pressed Hika to continue speaking in hopes of avoiding something unfortunate. "Everybody messes up, yknow? Besides, I don't think that those boys over there are thinking of much of a plan."   The two women looked at one another intensely for a few seconds, each contemplating the other's thoughts and motives. Two of the men, Khepri and Raiden had moved to the opposite side of the room and were now messing with the previously collected Spears as they rambled amongst themselves regarding their own plans.   "If you want to get out of this, we need to work with each other. Learn each other's names and capabilities." Shirohebei turned as she heard Hasashi speak up, realizing he had been near herself and Hika this entire time. The Kaguya woman pierced daggers into the man's pale blue eyes, scratching the surface like a blade against ice.   "You mean exactly what I said less than an hour ago!?" She snapped angrily, her annoyance and frustration becoming further evident as the conversation progressed. "Exactly, like that." His voice was filled with sarcasm as he responded to Shirohebei.   "Well, my name's Hika.. and the man with the dark hair is named Raiden, if I recall." The snow shinobi spoke up sheepishly, attempting to ease the tension in the group by introducing herself first. Shirohebei and Hasashi turned their attention towards her simultaneously as she finished speaking. "And what can you do?" The mist shinobi asked.   "I can control ice with the kekkei genkai descended from my clan." Hika spoke proudly of this ability, despite feeling otherwise anxious. She then noticed a small smile play at the corner of Shirohebei's mouth as she said those words. "Interesting." She replied in a cool tone. "With our abilities combined, I could kill the opponents with little to no effort. This way you have something to do, too."   Hika gritted her teeth at the insult, but remained composed. "Sure! So, what are your abilities?" She asked innocently, smiling sweetly as she spoke.   "I can manipulate the bones in my body, and yours if you aren't careful enough." Shirohebei's words were soft spoken, but the intent behind them was evident. As a look of fear and realization crossed Hika's face, the mist kunoichi smirked, her eyes narrowing as they locked with hers in acknowledgement. "I see.. I will do my best to work with you- uhm," Hika paused, trying to think of the other woman's name.   "What was your name?" Hasashi asked suddenly, making it seem almost as though he read Hika's thoughts. His demeanor was more stern compared to the small kunoichi from the hidden snow.   "Shirohebei.. and what of you, runt?" She said, clearly seeing him as an inferior being.   "My clan is none of your business. My name, however, is Hasashi." As he looked down on the white haired woman with pale eyes, she looked at him with amusement.   "Nobody asked about your useless clan." She barked agressively. Just before the two could say another word a voice boomed from beyond the door. It sounded like someone was speaking into some kind of microphonic device. "Here we have a 5 v 5 match between Manager Madnaps and Torture Toki's group of prisoners! This is a high stakes, winner take all bout to the death!" The voice declared.   Shirohebei and Hasashi groaned in annoyance. She began heading for the stage without taking much notice of the crowd. A deathmatch, me and these idiots in a series of fights so some asshole can make some cash?! Ridiculous! She thought angrily as she stared towards her enemies. 2 women, 3 men, an even playing field.   The bell sounded and near immediatly Khepri and Hasashi began digging small holes in the ground and plating spears in them. Shirohebei watch as suddenly a portal appeared above one of the spears, and below one of the male enemies, near immediatly he went from one to the other, he would have been impaled if he hadn't been quick enough to dodge. Two others charged the party heading for Hika and Khepri, though her comerades seemed to dodge the blows.   Shirohebei grinned and charged for the largest target, leaping into the air to hit her Dynamic Action technique and strike him with a combo of powerful attacks. The man began rocking back but swung a blade at Shirohebei, she ducked backwards before launching herself at the target with two firm kicks to their stomach at once from underneath. He fell backwards as Shirohebei took the oppotunity to correct her stance. "That was for cutting my hair with such a rusty blade." She spoke as she brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes.   As she turned back from her fight Shirohebei would notice Khepri using insects, locusts to consume the flesh of the woman attacking him. Hika looked to be locked in combat with the other woman from th enemy team as Raiden and Hasashi fought the remaining men. Raiden would finish his fight quickly by launching a Zone of Death that caused his opponent's body to regin rotting away. Hika would finish her fight by swinging the weight of her Kusari-gama at her target's skull, knocking them out. Shirohebei took notice of Hasashi struggling in a battle of blades and launched a bone bullet that struck the target in the back, giving Hasashi a split second to slash his foe across the chest.   She smirked as he claimed his victory. He's slow. She thought to herself as she began leaving the arena. She assumed that the others were following behind her, but regardless she didn't care much. When she returned to the room she took a moment to relax. "You seem calm." Raiden spoke up.   "With foes that weak there's no need to worry." She responded.   "You're a fighter, aren't you?" He asked as the others began listening.   "Of course I'm a fighter, did you think I was some fragile little snowflake?" She asked with a pointed attitude.   "Not at all, I saw your fight, I can tell your experienced." He told her.   Shirohebei scoffed in response. "I think if any of us weren't experienced we would have been killed back there. Save your words for someone who wants to hear them." She barked back in annoyance.   After their conversation Raiden went to speak to Hika and Hasashi before separating again when a buzzer sounded and a voice was heard over the intercom again. "Now entering the arena: Shirohebei and Khepri!" As the two names were announced, a set of guards came into the room and began escorting Shirohebei and the mysterious blonde haired boy out, together.         -------------------------   Their foot steps echoed and overlapped each other's as they made their way out into an open arena. Beams of light shone down directly onto the pair as they shielded their vision and scanned the surrounding crowds who were cheering with audible excitement. Just as they began to wrap their minds around the situation, the voice once again rose from somewhere in the crowded room.   "These two will be working as a team to defeat Aoi and Joroturo!"   With this, another set of people emerged out from across the room and stepped into the arena with Shirohebei and Khepri, their eyes locked onto one another's at the realization of what was happening. After a few more words were spoken from the disembodied voice, the sound of a large bell rang throughout the crowds.   With this, one of the two opposing shinobi leapt forward, reaching out towards Shirohebei as if to strike when suddenly a barrier formed between the two, surrounding her opponent. Puzzled, she stepped back and turned to look at Khepri who had just finished weaving the signs for a barrier. He grinned maliciously, his narrow eyes staring past the kunoichi seemingly unnoticed as his gaze fixed onto the person he trapped. "This is gonna be fun!" He said in an discomforting voice.   Shirohebei turned her attention towards the fight once more, barely dodging an incoming attack from the second opponent in the arena. "Don't forget, your fight's with me, too!" They yelled angrily. As they started to pass by her, Shirohebei grabbed her target by the collar of their shirt and pulled them toward herself. As they turned to face her, she unleashed a series of swift blows to the man's face and torso. As she violently pummelled them, Khepri would drop the barrier enough to send a wave of locusts inside before raising it once more. The crowd watched from afar as the bugs made quick work of their target, devouring their flesh whilst screams echoed in the building.                     Shirohebei's team in the fight pit.   Round 1   As Shirohebei and Khepri made their way to the fight they could hear the cheers and jeers from the crowd, apparently their opponents were the favorites to win thus far. This annoyed Shirohebei as she glared at the crowd, their clothing coming from many nations. Stone, cloud, waterfall, sand ninja, seems everyone's gathered here. She thought to herself, though Khepri seemed amused at the crowd.   The foes standing across the arena looked to be capable, from their clothing it was hard to distinguish where they were from or what their abilities could be. "Don't think I'll take it easy on you just because your a woman." Spoke one of the foes, a short, muscular man who appeared to be in his early 30's.   "I could say the same to you, but really, you aren't worth the words." Khepri responded quickly, Shirohebei couldn't help but smirk at her teammates response.   "Leave muscle boy to me, Khepri." Shirohebei spoke.   At this a bell sounded and almost immediatly a kunai was thrown at Khepri by the other target, a tall, thin man with several tattoos. This kunai would miss its target but served to distract Khepri long enough for the attacker to close in on him and attempt a hard punch to the gut, only for it to be blocked by a thin sheet of light, a barrier shield. "Not bad for a half dead brat." The man spoke cockily, Khepri remained silent as the man stepped back.   Shirohebei similarly charged down her opponent, as he threw a punch towards her she quickly dodged and hit him in the ribs with a quick elbow. He held his side for a moment before Shirohebei threw a high kick that caught him in the chin, knocking him on his ass. "You bit-" He was cut off by Shirohebei slamming her heel on the top of his head. "Pathetic men don't get to speak to me." She says, spitting on the man's unconscious body.   Khepri seemed to be toying with his opponent, as they repeatedly slashed at him with a kunai, unable to get past the barriers Khepri put in his way. "You scratched that one, thats the best you've done yet!" He mocked his foe.   "I'll carve out your eyes!" The man yelled angrily before he felt a great deal of force slam into their back, forcing him face first into Khepri's barrier that was swiftly coated in blood.   "Victory to Shirohebei and Khepri of Team Madnaps in a crushing defeat, these rookies may have failed the mental test but are clearly skilled in combat." An announcer yelled.   Shirohebei and Khepri simply stared at one another for a moment. "You got blood on my barrier." Khepri spoke simply.   "What about it? It's gone now." She replied as they began heading back to their designated area, escorted by two guards.   When they returned to their room they saw the rest of their group sitting seperately. Hika and Raiden were chatting idly, he seemed to have a plan for his spears that he was bragging about, though Hika was glad just to avoid the silence. Hasashi spoke up upon seeing the two return. "Not bad out there." He spoke simply.   Having suffered no damage Khepri and Shirohebei took a seat. "That fight was too easy to be a one off, keep your strength up." Shirohebei said to the room.   "I think I can handle that, I mean I one shot like two of you earlier." Raiden said confidently.   "I think we can all handle a fight." Hasashi spoke before looking at the board as the next series of names were pulled. Hika and Hasashi would be fighting 3 targets from 'Koga's team'.   "Two against 3 isnt fair." Hika declared.   "We'll just have to be careful." Hasashi told her as they left the room.   When they reached the stage the two looked at their enemies. a young woman in her early 20's with short brown hair and pale skin, a younger woman that appeared to be in her teens with dark hair, brown eyes and dark skin, and a large obese man in his 30's. I'll have to take down the big guy, he'd crush Hika. Hasashi thought while looking over at his teammate, she didn't seem confident but was getting her weapon ready.   As the bell sounded both women charged Hasashi, he dodged a barrage of punches from the older woman with ease until the younger woman swept his legs from underneath him, knocking him off balance just before the older woman jumped in the air, landing on Hasashi's stomach with great force. Hika looked surprised as her foe approached her slowly. "I don' like ta hurt ladies so I'mma make dis one quick." He spoke with a slur.   Hika shook her head. Why am I here, how did this even happen? Why should I have to fight like this? She kept her thoughts to herself as a large kick was thrown at her, Hika dodged this strike and wrapped the chain of her Kusari-gama around his other leg, yanking it backwards and causing the large man to split his legs and let out a squeal. "I don't want to hurt you, please stay down." Hika begged.   Hasashi meanwhile, clutching his stomach from the fierce stomp as he stood up looked at his targets as they began to mock him, much to the cheers of the crowd. "Did you get hurt? We can always take a slower pace, if you need it." The younger woman spoke.   "Oh come now Maki you don't think he's that dull do you? I'm sure he can play a little more." The older woman spoke as she glaced over at him.   "I hate both of you." Was Hasashi's only response.   "Hate's a very strong word, you shouldn't say something so hurtful to people you hardly know." Maki teased before throwing a knife at Hasashi with a flick of her wrist.   Just before the knife could reach its target Hasashi was able to block it with his sword. "It's not my fault if you get hurt." He warned them.   As he did Hika dodged a strike from her opponent, though it was clear to force behind it would have been dangerous. She threw the blade of her weapon towards his arm while clenching the chain but he was able to dodge the strike. Hika smirked as she pulled the chain and the blade came back to her, slashing her foe across the back as it done so. "AHHHHH! That stings!" He yelled before grabbing the chain and pulling back on it himself.   Hika was flung forward but released her weapon allowing the weight to fly from her hand and smash her target square in the nose. Though it didn't seem to do much more than stun him it gave Hika enough time to launch her Blasting Ice Crystal technique to push him out of the arena. The two women looked over just as Hasashi moved in with a quick flurry of strikes against the two, pushing both of them backwards. "Keep your eyes on your enemy." He says before using his Lorentz Gun technique to create a gate of lightning in front of himself.   In a swift movement he threw his sword hilt first at the younger woman while charging forward for a 3 hit combo on the younger woman. Both successful attacks left the targets unconscious as one was struck in the center of their chest with the electrified sword and the other took 3 quick strikes, a punch to the face, knee to the gut and a downwards punch to the face that dropped them to the floor. "I don't like hitting women but that doesn't mean I'll take it easy on you." He remarks as he began walking back to the waiting area.   Hika also began walking back quietly, thankful her fight was over as the next names were called.   Raiden, Hasashi and Khepri vs Tito, Moka and Gozen.   "This should be easy guys, just don't get hit." Khepri spoke as he approached the stage.   "Easy for you to say, you don't have to pull a double." Hasashi snapped.   "Relax, I'll take care of these guys." Raiden spoke confidently.   The three foes stared them down. The moment the bell rang both sides charged, though Khepri's charge was in the form of sending a wave of insects. Raiden swung his scythe at a large man, assumed to be Tito, but the man dodged the attack and swung a tanto blade at Raiden who also dodged. Hasashi struck at Gozen and hit them in the chest with a powerful punch as Moka used a wind wave to cleave through a swarm of locusts. Raiden would swing his scythe a second time and slash his target along the stomach. "AAAGH! You bastard!" Tito yelled out before slashing at Raiden twice.   Hasashi would strike Gozen with a 3 hit combo to deliver incredible damage, nearly knocking his target out. Moka would use this opprotunity to launch a Wind Gust at Hasashi to keep him pushed back. Khepri would respond by sending a swarm of locusts that began feasting on her fingers.     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 2   Hika and Hasashi vs 3 enemies.   Round 3   Raiden, Hasashi and Khepri vs 3 enemies.   Round 4   Hika and Shirohebei vs 2 enemies.   Round 5   Shirohebei, Raiden, & Hika vs 5 enemies.   Round 6   5 VS 5.
Report Date
15 May 2023


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