Fjord Ragnason

Age: 14. Clan: Ragna. XP: 5,500. Rank: D-3. Village: Nordic Isles.   Chakra nature: Earth, fire. Combat style: Mid-range. Background: Branch clan. Saving throws: Dex, con. Proficiencies: Athletics, Chakra control, crafting, history, persuasion, Sleight of hand, survival. Ryo: 350.   Hit die: 7d10. Chakra capacity: 65. Chakra die: 7d8. AC: 14. Max HP: 75. Factions: Nordic Isles Team 2. Speed: 100ft Proficiency bonus: +3.   Equipment: 2 +9 obsidian hand axes. 2d6 +7 slashing damage. 5/100ft throwing range.   Strength: 18, +4. Constitution: 14, +2. Dexterity: 17, +4. Wisdom: 11, +1. Intelligence: 9, -1. Charisma: 11, +1.   Combat abilities: 26   Animal combat: 0. Fuinjutsu: 0. Genjutsu: 0. Insect use: 0. Kenjutsu: 10. Medical: 0. Ninjutsu: 8. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Taijutsu: 8.   Feats: 2.   Compelled duel x2   Can craft D-rank equipment   Extra attack x3   Resistance to cold   Advantage on chakra die rolls.   Advantage on hit die rolls   Unarmed damage is 1d4+mods   When making an unarmed melee attack you can make another attack as a bonus action   When taking a melee attack, as a reaction, you can block 1d6+con+proficiency damage.   +5 initiative.   Techniques known: 35.   E: 22, Agonizing thorn, Battojutsu, Blazing axe dance, Burning embers, Covert Cut, Dance performance first step, Dragon fang, Dynamic action, Ensnaring explosive trap, Exploding flame formation, False surroundings, Fists of flaming fury, Front slice, Hidden mole, Mud shot technique, Reverse slash, Sealing jutsu, Shadow axe technique, Shoulder charge, Stone spear, Substituion jutsu, summoning jutsu,   D: 11, Air lightning strike, Bare-handed blade block, Chakra weapon enhancement, Crescent moon slice, earth dome, earthquake slam, Explosive clone, Flame pillar, Rock shelter jutsu, Stone bullet, Stone fist,   C: 2, Bullet punch, Mud clone,   B:   A:   S:   Techniques available: 5


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