
General Summary

In the first session of our campaign we see Kiyoko, Sabishi and Saiyuri graduate from the sound, leaf and rain villages and they are sent to Shinobi United Headquarters to be part of the prestigous Team 1.   In Saiyuri's test she was made to break out of a low level genjutsu.   Sabishi performed E rank ninjutsu to pass his gaduation exam.   Kiyoko, due to her personal training with her father figure, Ryochi Kazetana, The Otokage, was allowed to graduate solely on his reccomendation.

Character(s) interacted with

Kiyoko interacted with Ryochi.   Saiyuri was tested with Akebane Kiro, the Amekage, and her uncle Hibiki Shima.   Sabishi was approached by the 4th hokage and his neglectful father.
Report Date
11 Jul 2022


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