Ichika Koda

Age: 13. Clan: Koda. XP: ???. Rank: D-5. Village: The Land of Iron.   Chakra nature: Lightning. Combat style: Close combat. Background: Samurai apprentice. Saving throws: Dex, wis. Proficiencies: Chakra control, Crafting, Grapple, Sleight of hand, survival, Tracking, Willpower, Ryo: ???.   Hit die: 6d12. Chakra capacity: 78. Chakra die: 6d6. AC: 28. Max HP: 102. Speed: 100ft. Proficiency bonus: +3.   Initiative: +13. Inspiration: ???. Factions: ???. Death Save DC: 11.   Equipment: ???. Head: (D) Samurai recruit helmet, +5 AC, resistance to piercing damage, -30ft, -2 pow. Body: (D) Samurai Recruit armor, +5 AC, resistance to slashing damage, -30ft, -2 pow. Left arm: ??? Right arm: (D) Katana, +12, 2d8 +12 slashing. Accessory 1: ???. Accessory 2: ??? Accessory 3: ???   Backpack: ???   Stats & Skills:   Power: 16, +3.   Grapple: +6.   Endurance: 20, +5.   Willpower: +8.   Dexterity: 20, +5.   Sleight of hand: +8.   Stealth: +5.   Wisdom: 14, +2.   Animal handling: +2.   Chakra Control: +5.   Insight: +2.   Perception: +2.   Sensory: +2.   Survival: +5.   Intelligence: 13, +2.   Crafting: +5.   History: +2.   Investigation: +2   Medicine: +2.   Religion: +2.   Tracking: +5.   Charisma: 12, +1.   Deception: +1.   Diplomacy: +1.   Intimidation: +1.   Performance: +1.   Persuasion: +1.   Seduction: +1.   Combat abilities: 20.   Animal combat: 0. Fuinjutsu: 0. Genjutsu: 0. Insect use: 0. Jinchurikki: 0. Kenjutsu: 7. Kinjutsu: 0. Medical: 0. Ninjutsu: 6. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Space-time: 0. Taijutsu: 7.   Feats: 2.   Slasher: Increase your power or Dexterity by 1. Once per turn when you hit a creature with an attack that deals slashing damage, you can reduce the speed of the target by 10 feet until the start of your next turn. When you score a critical hit that deals slashing damage to a creature, you cause the bleeding condition.   Heavy armor expert: Increase your Power score by 1. You gain proficiency with heavy armor. While you are wearing heavy armor, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage that you take from weapons is reduced by 5. You can halve the movement penalty from heavy armor.   Once per day you can compel an enemy to duel you, those in compelled duels focus only on attacking you and vice versa. In a compelled duel each competitor makes only melee weapon attacks or other weapon based abilities/techniques. If someone from outside interferes in your compelled duel, the duel and all benefits from it disappear.   You can craft E rank weapons & equipment.   Extra attack   Add +2 to your rolls when attacking with a melee weapon.   You can dual wield two one-handed weapons of your choice.   You may add your chakra control skill modifier to total damage on any ninjutsu you use.   You may add your chakra control skill modifier to saves you make against enemy ninjutsu.   Gain advantage on chakra die rolls.   If you successfully make an unarmed attack against a target you can make another strike as a minor action.   Gain advantage on hit die rolls.   Your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 +pow/dex mod + proficiency bonus damage.   Techniques known: 21.   E: 13, 3 hit combo, Ball of light technique, Battojutsu, Body Flicker Technique, Dragon fang, Electric Shock Needles, Front Slice, Lightning Flash Jutsu, Reverse Slash, Substitution Jutsu, Surging Fire wild dance, Tearing Blade Drop, Thunder Trap Jutsu,   D: 8, 5 hit combo, Bare-Handed Blade block, Chakra Punch, Booby Trap Technique, Chakra Weapon Enhancement, Lightning Transfer Jutsu, Substitution Strike, Thunder Bullet Jutsu,   C:   B: A: S:   Techniques available: 2.   Mission Record:   E:   D:   C:   B:   A:   S:


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