Izanami Katsuki

Age: 14. Clan: Katsuki. XP: 2,500. Rank: D-5. Village: Tsukigakure.   Chakra nature: Wind. Combat style: Mid-range. Background: Orphan. Saving throws: Dex, pow, genjutsu. Proficiencies: Animal handling, *Chakra control, *Investigation, Sensory, Sleight of hand, Stealth, Tracking. Ryo: 275.   Hit die: 6d8. Chakra capacity: 78. Jinchurikki energy: 39. Chakra die: 6d10. Max HP: 72.   AC: 22. Speed: 60ft. Proficiency bonus: +3.   Initiative: +5. Inspiration: 1. Factions: SU team 2.   Death Save DC: 11.   Equipment: ???. Head: (D) Ninja headband, +3 AC, +1 wis. Body: (D) Force armor, +3 AC, resistance to force damage. Left arm: ??? Right arm: ???.   Accessory 1: (D) Hair clips, +2 wis. Accessory 2: (D) Sunglasses, advantage on saves vs blindness. Accessory 3: (D) Healer's charm, user regains one hit die at the start of each of their rounds.   Backpack: ???   Stats & Skills:   Power: 19, +5, +8 saves.   Grapple: +5.   Willpower: +5.   Dexterity: 15, +3, +6.   Sleight of hand: +6.   Stealth: +6.   Wisdom: 11, +1.   Animal handling: +4.   Chakra Control: +7.   Insight: +1.   Perception: +1.   Sensory: +4.   Survival: +1.   Intelligence: 13, +2.   Crafting: +1.   History: +1.   Investigation: +7.   Medicine: +1.   Religion: +1.   Tracking: +1.   Charisma: 8, -1.   Deception: -1.   Diplomacy: -1.   Intimidation: -1.   Persuasion: -1.   Seduction: -1.   Combat abilities: 18.   Animal combat: 4. Fuinjutsu: 0. Genjutsu: 0. Insect use: 0. Jinchurikki: 9. Kenjutsu: 0. Medical: 0. Ninjutsu: 4. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Taijutsu: 0.   Feats: 2.   Durable: Increase your Constitution score by 1. When you would be knocked unconscious instead make a constitution saving throw (DC equivalent to damage left after reaching 0 HP) to remain conscious.   Keen Mind: Increase your Intelligence score by 1. You always know which way is north. You always know the number of hours left before the next sunrise or sunset. You can accurately recall anything you have seen or heard within the past month.   3 pet bats, These pets gets their own turn in combat but acts on your initiative. Larry, Moe, Curly. AC: 13. HP: 32. CC: 15.   +4, 1d4+4 piercing.   If your animal companion is within 5ft of you or an enemy you wish to attack gain +2 to your attack roll.   Through your animal companion you have learned how to speak with animals.   Gain proficiency in unarmed strikes, genjutsu saves and the tracking skill.   Unarmed attacks are 1d6+power+proficiency bonus mods.   When using Jinchurikki chakra for techniques, you ignore resistance to any damage you inflict.   The user can enter a form, knowns as cloak form, where the user is flooded with the energy of their great beast. This form is named after the way the energy of the beasts is cloaked around the user. While in this form all chakra is converted to Jinchurikki chakra, AC is boosted by +2 and the user can treat their Jinchurikki chakra as extra HP.   Once per day, when you drop to 0hp you can enter your cloak form and have all your jinchurikki chakra converted to HP.   If you successfully make a melee attack against a target, you can attempt to grapple them as a minor action.   Ninjutsu can add chakra control skill modifiers to total damage.   When hit with a ninjutsu you can add your chakra control modifier to any save you may make.       Techniques known: 14.   E: 13.   Animal adoration genjutsu: Your animal companion feigns extreme cuteness to distract a target or force the target to pet it uncontrollably until the genjutsu is dispelled or they are attacked. Rank: E Style: Animal combat. Chakra cost: 10. Range: 15ft radius centered on pet. Save: 4, charisma. vs charmed. action.   Beast fury strikes: The user makes a series of powerful attacks against the target in a beast like fashion. Rank: E. Style: animal. Chakra cost: 10. Range: 50ft line. Save: 4, con vs being knocked prone. Damage: 3d6 bludgeoning. Action   Binding beast jutsu: Large snakes, or other animals, protrude from your body to wrap around or otherwise restrain targets. Rank: E. Style: Animal. Chakra cost: 10. Range: 50ft line. Save: 4, grapple. Minor Action   Blade of Wind: Wind gathers around your hand turning it into a sharp blade. This blade deals 2d6 piercing damage and is a melee weapon. Rank: E. Style: Taijutsu. Chakra cost: 5 per turn. Range: Self. Damage: 2d6 piercing. Minor Action   Chakra Lock On: By getting a lock on a target's chakra signature, they can be tracked through even large crowds. Gain advantage on all sensory checks against the target. Rank: E. Style: Ninjutsu. Chakra cost: 10. Range: 100ft line. minor Action   Claw enhancement: Your animal companion infuses their claws with chakra making their melee attacks deal an extra damage die until this technique ends. Rank: E. Style: Animal. Chakra cost: 5 per round. Range: Self. Minor Action   Fan Dance Air Slice: The user conjures a fierce wind that slices through opponents. Rank: E. Style: Ninjutsu. Chakra cost: 5. Range: 15ft cone. Save: 4, con vs bleeding. Damage: 3d6 slashing. Action   Gale Fist Technique: The user covers their fist in wind style chakra which allows them to strike faster and stronger. While this technique is active the user deals an extra die of bludgeoning damage. Rank: E. Style: Taijutsu. Chakra cost: 5 per round. Range: Self. Damage: +1 die of bludgeoning. minor Action   Hair Binding Technique: The user wraps their hair, which can be extended at will, around a target, grappling them. Rank: E. Style: Ninjutsu. Chakra cost: 10. Range: 15ft line. Save: 4, grapple. minor Action   Hurricane Uprising: The user strikes the foe to send them flying into air with hurricane-like winds. Rank: E. Style: Taijutsu. Chakra cost: 10. Range: Touch. Save: 4, str vs being knocked 30ft in the air. Damage: 3d6 bludgeoning. Action   Man beast clone: The user and any animal companion of their choice are able to become identical to one another. Rank: E. Style: Animal. Chakra cost: 10. Range: Self. Minor Action   Substitution Jutsu: When hit by a melee or touch based technique, the user disappears and replaces their body with a log or other object of choice. User takes half damage from the next melee attack they take. Rank: E. Style: Ninjutsu. Chakra cost: 10. Range: Self. Reaction   Ventriloquism Technique: The user distorts sound so that their voice is perceived from a different direction. Rank: E. Style: Ninjutsu. Chakra cost: 10. Range: Within earshot. minor Action   Wind Gust Jutsu: The user sends a gust of wind over the area in front of them, pushing foes backwards and dealing minor damage.Rank: E. Style: Ninjutsu. Chakra cost: 10. Range: 15ft cone. Save: 4, str vs being thrown an additional 25ft backwards. Damage: 3d6 force. Action   D: 0.   C:   B:   A:   S:   Techniques available: 4.


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