
Religion: Jashinism. Basic beliefs: Sacrificng others to prolong your life. Primary Location: Kusagakure.   Practices: Inflicting pain and suffering on themselves and others inducing great pleasure in themselves, sacrificing lives. Rites: Once every 30 days Jashinists must make an offering to Lord Jashin using the Sacrificial Ceremony or they will lose their favor with Jashin as well as their immortality. Tabboos: There are few tabboos in Jashinism, but above all is death, for immortal warriors death is a great insult and proof that Jashin held no favor with them.   Known artifacts: (S) Hidan's Great Scythe, (A) Claws of Jashin, (A) Demon's Flail, (B) Devil's Club, (B) Hell Axe.   Known Ceremonies: The Sacrificial Ceremony: To offer a life to Lord Jashin one must draw his symbol, an upside down triangle inside a circle, in blood on the floor while ingesting the blood of the target, only a single drop is needed. By this ceremony the user and target are bound to Jashin, if one of those bound to Jashin fail their death saving throws while the user is standing over the drawn symbol Jashin will harvest their soul and they will be slain.   The Wedding ceremony:   The Church Blessing:   Known Followers: 3, Juro Kadeshi, Atem, Takuma Takahashi, the 6 devils,   Known Enemies: All.   Detailed Beliefs: Jashinism is a vicious religion that believes by performing blood sacrifices one can be blessed with immortality by the great Lord Jashin. Though there is little information available as the cultists who follow them are fiercely loyal and difficult to defeat, the common held belief is that Jashin is some type of Shinigami or god of death.   Jashinists are usually found to be sadists and Masochists with a deep attachment to pain, pleasure and death. Within this religion the most notable symbol is the upside down triangle inside a circle. This is the Symbol of Jashin, who is an otherworldly diety considered a god of pain, pleasure and death who relishes in the suffering of all living things. To gain his favor targets must read of the book of Jashin and sacrifice 100 lives to the Lord, who will entrap their souls and torture them eternally to fuel his own power. Unbeknownst to any but those at the top of the church Jashin was once the Shinigami King but was cast aside and sealed within a separate dimension well over 1,000 years ago.   History: ???.


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