Kaien Mori

Age: 14. Clan: Mori. XP: 10,000. Rank: D-1. Village: Ame.   Chakra nature: Fire, earth +1. Combat style: Close combat. Background: Branch clan. Saving throws: Str, con. Proficiencies: Chakra control, History, Sleight of hand. Ryo: 315.   Hit die: 10d8. Chakra capacity: 100. Chakra die: 13d10 AC: 17. Max HP: 70. Factions: Team 5. Speed: 60ft. Proficiency bonus: +3. Equipment: ???.   Strength: 15, +3. Constitution: 15, +3. Dexterity: 14, +2. Wisdom: 12, +1. Intelligence: 8, -1. Charisma: 10, 0.   Animal combat: 0. Fuinjutsu: 0. Genjutsu: 0. Insect use: 0. Kenjutsu: 0. Medical: 0. Ninjutsu: 11. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Taijutsu: 15.   Feats: 2. Fire, bludgeoning resistance Extra action, x2 Extra attack. Unarmed strikes 1d4 +5 initiative. Melee crits inflict bleeding damage. 19's and 20's now count for crits.   Techniques known: 25.   E: 6, 3 hit combo, Burning embers jutsu, Leaf drop, Minetrap jutsu, Mud wall jutsu, substituion jutsu, D: 7, 5 hit combo, Bare handed blade block, flame pillar jutsu, Minefield jutsu, Multi-mud wall jutsu, stone fist jutsu, weighted boulder jutsu, C: 7, 100ft punch, Cherry blossom impact, Crushing knee, Dragon flame bomb, Flame Attack, Intersection Method, Slobber Knocker, B: 5, Falcon drop, Fissure jutsu, Flaming Meteors jutsu, Lariat, Rockfall Technique, A: S:   Techniques available: 5.


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