Kirigakure Hero

Name: ???. Known Aliases: ???. Rank: S-1. Bounty: 200,000. XP: 250,000.   Wanted by: ???. Crime: ???. Specialty: Close Combat. Nationality: Kirigakure.   Last seen: ???.   Description: A heroic level shinobi of Kirigakure, though they are typically viewed as far from heroic outside of the village.   Companions: ???.   Known Allies: ???.   Known Enemies: ???.   Weapons: (S) Katana, Melee, +18, 4d8+18, Slashing. Armor: (S) Medium, +8 AC, -50ft movement. Equipment: ???.   Known Abilities: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu. Chakra nature: Water. AC: 40 (32).   Max HP: 1,024. (1,204.) Hit die: 36d10+520. Chakra die: 36d8+520. Max chakra capacity: 988. (1,136.) Speed: 50ft. Initiative: +14.   Actions: 7 Major, 6 minor, 7 reaction, 7 attack.   4 stat points at E-5, +2 for every level after. 62.   Power: 28 (+9). Dexterity: 28 (+9). Charisma: 24 (+7). Wisdom: 20 (+5). Intelligence: 14 (+2).   Fighting style: Close Combat. Save DC: 15+modifier.   Optional stats, apply if present or needed. Resists: Slashing dmg, Piercing dmg, Cold, fire, bludgeoning. Immunities: ???. Weaknesses: ???. Special abilities: 5.   Critical Targeting: You may lower the die requirement for critical hits by 1. (if it was 20, 19's on the die now count as crits) Those who are struck by one of your critical hits lose 10ft of movement.   Call for Backup: Once every 1d6 rounds the user can call 1d4 allies from their village.   Savage Attacker: Once per turn when you roll damage for a melee weapon attack, you can reroll the weapon’s damage dice and use either total. Your weapon attacks also inflict the Bleeding effect on your target on critical hits.   Great Weapon Fighter: When rolling a 1 or 2 on damage while using a melee weapon attack, the user can reroll the damage die but must accept the new result.   Durable: When you would be knocked unconscious instead make a power saving throw (DC equivalent to damage left after reaching 0 HP) to remain conscious.   Techniques known: 83/142.   E: 15. 3 hit combo, Battojutsu, Body Flicker Technique, Covert Cut, Drizzle Technique, False Swipe, Front Slice, Hair Binding Technique, Hidden Mist Jutsu, Low Cut, Substitution Jutsu, Wake Up Slap, Water Gun Jutsu, Water Pillar Thrust, Water Whip Jutsu,   D: 21. 5 hit combo, Bare-Handed Blade block, Blade Glint, chakra hair trap, Chakra Weapon Enhancement, Chain Pull Technique, Deception Slice, Flash Slash, Hilt Strike, Kunai barrage, Mad Stomp, Mega Punch, Shattering Palm, Senbon Shot, Surface Walking Technique , Triple Kick, Vital Throw, Water Bullet Jutsu, Water Pillar Formation, Water Prison Jutsu, Water Stream Jutsu,   C: 17. 10 hit combo, Afterglow Technique, Air Bubble Technique, Blinding Bubbles Technique, Bloody Smash, Crazy Hair Technique, Eye Gouge, Gatling Mad Stomps, Grudge Rain, Klavier, Kunai storm, Low blow, Mega Kick, Needle Jizo, Shuriken storm, Substitution Flurry, Water Walking Technique,   B: 14. 20 hit combo, Beheading prison chop, Blade Manipulation Jutsu, Breakneck Blitz, Buto, Chakra Weapon Infusion, Comet Punch, Destructive barrage, Focus Punch, Mass Shuriken Storm, Nutbreaker, Silent Killing Technique, Sokotsu, Suikawari,   A: 16. 1000 Foot Strike, 50 hit combo, Assassination Technique, Cold Attack of The Blade, Chunk Slash, Dragon Tail Kick, Drowning Bubble Technique, Hair Needle Senbon, Exploding Water Shockwave Jutsu, Kazaguruma, Moonlight, Oni Dekopin, Sharp Hair Spear, Lai Beheading, Shark Rain Shower, Water Trumpet Jutsu,   S: 13. 100 hit combo, Buto Renjin, Chained Prison Explosion, Final Gambit, Giant Water Vortex Technique, Great Barrage Strike, Kagamibiraki, Onibi, Paralysis strike, Severing Wave Jutsu, Spinning Top, Super Exploding Shockwave Jutsu, Water Dragon Triple Step,


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