Konoha spy

Mission: A spy has fled the land of fire and is being protected by a foreign land, capture the spy and bring them to justice. Rank: C-3. Reward: ???. Requested by: Konohagakure. Length: ???. Location: Otogakure or Kusagakure. Details:  
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The 4th hokage Kaito Hyuga has requested help with apprehending a fugitive, a spy who has stolen undisclosed information and fled to a foreign nation for asylum.   The spy is Haguro Monesi from the hidden stone village and is believed to have gone to either the hidden sound village or the hidden grass village, both nations regurlarly accept fugitives and protect them from the other nations. The party is to figure out which nation to go to, aprhend the criminal and bring them back to the hidden leaf village. The hidden grass village is the path on his way home but is led by criminals. Otogakure is out of the way but would take him in for a new life.   If the party investigates the hidden grass village they must find their way into the village, if they attempt to sneak through they must avoid the many traps. Most locals will trick, decieve or outright attack the party. So long as no serious damage is done, the party will suffer no serious consequences, but the more attention they bring the more likely extra enemies are to appear. There are 6 possible locations the spy could be in.   1. Kusa Prison. 2. Kusa General Hospital. 3. Three Leaves Restaurant. 4. Kusa Armory. 5. Kusa art Museum. 6. The Kusa Coliseum   Each of them are guarded by no less than 6 guards of at least C-Rank, many with B-rank leaders. The party must investigate each location until they find the spy and can extract them. Shinobi will likely follow if caught and attempt to capture or eliminate the party. If combat is started or enters public space 1d4 shinobi of various ranks will appear at the start of each round to pursue the party, most will stop pursuing once the party leaves the city.   If the party travels to Otogakure they will find that the spy has been taken into protective custody and is safely enjoying a short stay in a secure location guarded at every exit but entirely comfortable for the captive. Ryochi claims that he will be investigating the situation and if he deems that the criminal had ill intentions or improper reasoning than he will release them into alliance custody, but will not do so until he has spoken to the prisoner and concluded his investigation. This will take 2 days. If given the time Ryochi will determine that the information from the spy revealed great insight into hidden leaf politics but nothing beyond expectation, if pushed on this he will request to speak to the party the following morning before they depart the village.
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