
Kyokasuigetsu: The user puts targets under a genjutsu in which the user controls all of a target's senses, only allowing them to see what the user wants them to see, feeling only what the user wants them to feel. Appearances, perception of reality, even sensing abilities themselves are under control of the user. Target's can be made to look as one another and can even be convinced to fight each other while under the assumption that they are fighting the target. While this ability does not allow one to control one's actions, it can be made to target groups while personalizing each person's experience, manipulating all of reality around each person targetted to the user's desire. Rank: S. Style: Genjutsu. Chakra cost: 80 per round. Range: 500ft cube. Save: 18, int vs effect. Damage: None. Focus: Yes. Requirements: Kinjutsu. Enhancement: Targets make all saves at disadvantage and are convinced reality had been a dream or illusion, and that the user's fictional world is real. Action


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